
In the world there are a huge number of manufacturers of sportswear. After all, to establish its creation is not worth the high costs. However, only 10-15 companies were able to achieve popularity. Their products are present in the wardrobe of 99% of the world's inhabitants. The remaining firms can be called parochial, their products are distributed only within one country, and more often through the territory of several cities. In today's article we will talk only about the giants. And only about those whose products usually do not cause any complaints.




Top brands of sportswear and shoes



This brand of sportswear is loved by residents of very many countries. Some time ago, its popularity reached such a level that the money earned allowed the Germans to acquire Reebok and several other very well-known brands. But here we will not talk about the American trademark, concentrating only on the German one.

Adidas AG was founded in 1948 by Adolf Dassler. From the very first years of its existence, the company began to produce a huge amount of sporting goods. And this is not necessarily clothing. For example, every 4 years, the Germans create soccer balls specially prepared for the European Championship. But, of course, shoes and clothing find their customers much faster.

All products of the German company is divided into several areas. To distinguish from each other clothes of different styles can be on the logo. For example, the largest quantities are shoes and clothing with a triangle emblem created from three stripes. Also in the shops you can find products that depict a circle (Sport Style) and a flower (Sport Heritage or Originals).

The company rarely sews its products in China. Only production of the most budget items was transferred there. More often, you find on the tag mention of the creation in Indonesia or Vietnam. Usually such t-shirts, suits and sneakers are based on the Clima365 concept, which speaks of microventilation support and increased moisture absorption.

Adidas clothes are worn not only by professional athletes, but also ordinary people. Moreover, these t-shirts and t-shirts are bought even for children, since everyone knows that the German company does not allow the presence of substances harmful to the skin in their products. It is a pity that one has to pay for high quality ... With the onset of the financial crisis, quite a large number of Adidas outlets disappeared from Russia. The volumes of imported products have noticeably decreased, in connection with which its value has increased.


  • German brand with a decent story;
  • The existence of several areas of style;
  • The use of "smart" fabrics and unusual technologies;
  • Clothing for various sports;
  • Adidas sports accessories are on sale;
  • Clothes and shoes remain at its best after one or two seasons;
  • Availability of clothes for all ages.


  • Price list - most often not the most humane;
  • In the informal retail is easy to buy a fake.



The headquarters of this sportswear manufacturer is located in South Korea. The company tries to follow the fashion, in connection with which no new product lags behind it. Unlike Adidas, under the brand Fila not only outfits for football, jogging, tennis and golf, but also clothing for mountaineering are produced. Also popular are swimsuits and swimwear Fila. Do not forget the Koreans and the creation of shoes.

This company was founded over a hundred years ago. For such an impressive period, it opened branches in many countries of the world. However, the company still does not think about creating its representative office in Russia. In this regard, you will not find in our stores some of the most unusual and new creations of the South Korean enterprise.If you want to get acquainted with the best products Fila, then you have to go somewhere in Europe or use foreign online stores.

In general, Fila clothing and shoes do not have serious flaws. It is noted that T-shirts and T-shirts can withstand several seasons with numerous washing processes. Sneakers are also durable, especially their reinforced models designed for use in the mountains and for practicing certain sports.


  • Very wide range;
  • The presence of clothing for climbers;
  • The company follows fashion trends;
  • Durable clothing;
  • Not the highest price.


  • In Russia, finding Fila products is quite difficult.



The most famous manufacturer of sports shoes and clothing. Numerous studies show that it is Nike that sells the most goods. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that the American company owns not one, but a whole dozen of brands! But, of course, the biggest advertising budgets are spent on the promotion of products under the Nike brand. There is no doubt that you have seen advertisements of shoes or clothes with the participation of the most famous athletes more than once or twice.

In the United States, basketball is one of the most popular sports. Therefore, it is not surprising that the vast majority of professional basketball players make their choice in favor of Nike products. The company also produces footwear for footballers, runners, tennis players and other sports fans. And the number of all kinds of T-shirts and jackets can not be counted. There is an assortment of the company and underwear - swimming trunks, swimsuits and not only.

Americans have long enough reached an unattainable level for many competitors. Current earnings allow the company to abandon the production of things in China. Instead, the choice is made in favor of Indonesia and some other countries where quality control is noticeably higher. This makes clothes more durable - drawing on it easily goes through a lot of washing processes.


  • Very high quality of most products;
  • Clothes can be found in any store;
  • There are special weightless sneakers for long-distance running;
  • Support many sports.


  • There are a large number of fakes;
  • Decent cost of clothing and sneakers.



The American company Reebok was born in 1895. For a long time it was an independent enterprise. Everything changed only in 2006, when the giant Adidas swallowed the company. However, the Germans did not seriously intervene in the affairs and popularization of Reebok, acting only as a distributor, delivering clothes and shoes to outlets.

The first company specializes in clothing for fitness. T-shirts and T-shirts Reebok does not hamper movement and almost not felt on the skin. Also popular are running shoes Reebok. They also have a minimum weight, but at the same time their service life reaches impressive values.

Americans make the main bet on the design of their products. Most often, Reebok clothing and shoes stand out from some competitors. Due to this, these products are loved by children and teenagers.


  • Beautiful and original appearance;
  • High-quality running sneakers;
  • The ideal clothing for fitness;
  • Optimal cost;
  • Clothes undergo repeated washing.


  • Sometimes slips false advertising;
  • Clothing and shoes are not available for all sports.



Products Columbia Sportswear Company produced since 1938. Initially, the American company was engaged in the production of hats. Only later the company switched to the production of various sportswear. The main emphasis was placed on warm jackets for climbers and ordinary people. But along the way, the company also produces other sportswear - T-shirts, T-shirts, suits and much more.Interestingly, under the brand Columbia, the simplest clothing is almost not produced, which does not have in its composition smart fabrics. If you see a Columbia T-shirt in the store, then with a high degree of probability it has a special moisture function that allows the body to get rid of sweat in the best way possible.

The Russian market began to conquer the brand in 1998. Since then, the people of our country have loved both Columbia jackets and shoes. The first are distinguished by low weight and the ability to retain heat in the best way. As for shoes, winter sneakers dominate in its range. Summer sneakers Columbia also exist - they have a reinforced structure, so that they can easily climb mountains and other places where there is not even a mobile connection.

Even the American company sews jumpers, thermal underwear, shirts, hats, as well as backpacks and bags. All Columbia products are of high quality, which makes it possible to use its many seasons in a row.


  • A very large number of branded stores;
  • Maximum quality of clothes and shoes;
  • Good heat retention in the jacket;
  • T-shirts do a great job with sweat;
  • Jackets often weigh almost nothing;
  • Sneakers live several seasons even in the most severe conditions.


  • Products are very expensive, especially jackets.

Sportswear which company choose

1. If you are worried about the quality of clothes and shoes, then in this respect, the products of all the manufacturers considered today are about the same. Only Columbia products stand out - they are intended for practicing very active sports. If you are not going to climb into the mountains, move out of them on skis and perform other actions, then the clothes of the other companies mentioned in today's article will also suit you.

2. It should be remembered that Reebok and Adidas are now about the same thing. However, the assortment of the Germans is wider, since this company supports more sports. Approximately a similar list of products has Nike, in whose favor many sports teams make their choice. Well, Fila is a kind of outsider of today's collection. He produces very high-quality clothes and shoes, but it is extremely difficult to find her in Russia.

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