
Today, there are many metal detectors from different manufacturers on the domestic market, which, to some extent, complicates the selection process. However, if you clearly understand which characteristics are needed, it is much easier to choose the right device. In this article we tell about the types of metal detectors, describe their principle of operation, highlight the main criteria for which the selection is carried out, and also give a few major brands represented in this industry.




The best manufacturers of metal detectors - which company to choose

Today, five brands can be whitened, which are really the best in the field of manufacturing this type of devices:

1. Fisher

2. Garrett

3. Minelab

4. Whites

5. Aka

All the manufacturers listed above offer a wide range of devices characterized by high build quality and reliability. Naturally, they do an excellent job with all the tasks assigned to them. Choose a metal detector of a manufacturer is by some criteria, among which the most important is the appointment of the device.

The principle of operation of metal detectors

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Devices of this type have a different principle of operation depending on the final purpose of operation.

Before we proceed directly to the description of each of them, we single out the main types of metal detectors based on their design features:

1. Magnetometers

The operation of magnetometers is based on the detection of small anomalies of the earth’s magnetic field. These devices have virtually no value for those who are looking for treasure, as they are not able to detect metal objects under the ground.

2. Device based on detuning and metal detectors with dependent generator

As for metal detectors with a dependent generator, as well as devices working on the basis of detuning, they are characterized by low sensitivity. Their principle of operation is the effect of iron objects on the search coil, which is determined by inductance fluctuations.

3. Devices that function on the basis of induction

They are designed for a large audience and are in high demand. Devices of this type are equipped with two coils. One of them creates an alternating magnetic field. As for the second coil, there is no electrical signal at the output. As a result, when approaching the metal, the configuration of the magnetic field in the coils changes and a signal appears. In modern equipment of this type there are additional options that allow you to transfer information to the operator about how deep the find lies, what is the relative conductivity of the metal, and so on.

4. Pulsed induction devices

Instruments operating on the impulsive principle have a number of significant advantages. In particular, they have the highest sensitivity among all devices of this type. Also, these metal detectors have a rather simple construction and they are practically insensitive to the earth’s magnetic field. However, such devices have their disadvantages. These include, for example, the need for a high-power battery. They, in turn, are very sensitive to small metal objects. Therefore, in the 90s of the last century discriminators began to be used.

Types of metal detectors

In order to choose the right equipment, it is necessary, first of all, to determine what types of metal detectors are in terms of their purpose.

The following classes of metal detectors are distinguished:

1. Ground

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This group of devices is widely used by specialists and amateurs to carry out work in the field of archeology. Such metal detectors are used to detect small metal objects such as coins, household items, artifacts, and so on. A feature of such equipment is that it is able to determine the type of metal.

2. Underwater

podvodniii metalloiskatel

Underwater detectors are used to search for coins and artifacts at depths. Such devices are usually used by treasure hunters.

3. Deep

glubinniii metalloiskatel

Unlike the previous ones, deep ones are able to recognize quite large objects. They consist of large rectangular frames (sometimes such metal detectors are also called frame detectors). They differ from underwater and groundwater not only in appearance, but also in their working principle.

Such equipment is capable of detecting metals at greater depths than other devices. But they have one important drawback - they are not able to determine the type of material.

4. Special

specialnie metalloiskatel

Used to detect precious metals. On the one hand, reconnaissance is possible with the help of a conventional low-cost device. But only if this occupation is nothing more than a hobby. For professionals, developed special equipment that allows you to explore at maximum depth and find even small pieces of precious metal.

5. Industrial

promishlennii metalloiskatel

Industrial metal detectors are used in various industries. Such devices are often installed on conveyors. Their main task is to determine the presence of metal, for example, in a wooden board. Such a need may be due to the presence of equipment that can fail when hit by solid objects.

6. Military


voennii metalloiskatel

There are also military metal detectors, which are used by engineers to detect and deactivate mines. Medium soil devices are excellent for this purpose. The main characteristics when choosing such equipment is ease of operation, battery life, and reliability.

7. Security


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Such equipment can often be found in public places. Stationary are installed in the form of frames or turnstiles. Such metal detectors can be found, for example, at the airport or at the entrance to public events.


ohrannie metalloiskatel

As for the portable - it is a small device with low weight, allowing the operator to easily scan a person for the presence of metal objects. The main goal is to protect crowded places from possible terrorist attacks and other crimes.

Metal detector selection options

princip raboti metalloetektorov

Features of the design and operation of search coils

All coils can be divided into those that have a wide and narrow grip. The advantage of the first is that they allow for a relatively short period of time to conduct exploration of a larger territory. In addition, such coils have a wider coverage, which virtually eliminates the possibility of error.

However, such devices have their disadvantages. For example, they are not able (or practically incapable) to discriminate targets (that is, to allocate garbage, for example). In contrast, devices with a narrow grip here have clear advantages. If you deal with search questions professionally, you can use both types of equipment.

The equipment with a narrow coverage, is able to carry out more point exploration of the area.

By the way, the vast majority of modern metal detectors are equipped with so-called discriminators. These devices are able to distinguish between targets, which greatly increases search efficiency.

To solve the problem of the influence of the electromagnetic field of the earth on the work of the metal detector, Faraday screens are used, which can be made of iron oxide.It should be noted that it is almost impossible to completely eliminate the influence of the electromagnetic field of the earth and in modern devices this task has not been completely solved.

What you should pay attention to when choosing a metal detector

1. One of the first indicators that amateurs pay attention to is the depth of the search. Each user of such equipment wants his device to be able to “see” metals equally well at different depths. But, unfortunately, from a technical point of view it is today impossible.

Therefore, before purchasing such equipment, it is necessary to decide on what depths will be searched and purchase devices based on these considerations. It is also important to understand that practically no manufacturer specifies exact figures of the depth of detection, since this parameter is directly dependent on many factors, including the size of the target.

In addition, the parameter such as the depth of detection can also be affected by the degree of salinity of the earth. It is logical that the higher this indicator, the smaller the depth of detection.

2. An important parameter of the metal detector is the possibility of discriminating targets, that is, the ability of the device to distinguish different targets by type of material. This indicator affects the cost. The higher the discrimination ability of the device, the more it will cost.

3. Choosing a device, you should pay attention to the pinpoint function, which allows you to identify the exact location of the object in the ground. Not available only in the most budget models.

4. It is worth paying attention to the choice of how functional the device is, what options are offered by the manufacturer and how easy it is to work with it. For lovers, usually just a few settings. In addition, it is desirable that the device was as easy to use as possible.

5. The weight of the equipment also matters when choosing. After all, any search is limited only by the physical capabilities of the operator. The higher the mass of the device, the less time the operator will be able to work with him without interruption.

6. It is worth paying attention to such an indicator as the tightness of the device. Works can be carried out in different weather conditions. It is not always possible to choose a warm sunny day. Accordingly, not only the operator, but also the equipment must be ready for operation in extreme conditions. To date, most universal metal detectors have a sealed enclosure that protects the device from the effects of precipitation.

How much do metal detectors cost?

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In order to at least approximately answer this question, it is necessary to determine the purpose for which it will be used:

1. Lovers can save money by buying a metal detector at a price of up to 16,000 Russian rubles.

2. Experienced treasure hunters can count on decent equipment in the price range from 16,000 to 25,000 rubles.

3. Devices for professionals will cost an average of 26,000 to 34,000 rubles.

4. Finally, if you need maximum functionality, you can pay attention to the equipment, which costs from 35 000 rubles.

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