
This question is very relevant when to repair or replace the old bathroom. But not so long ago it was a great success to get any, if only a new bath. The modern range is so diverse that the buyer is often lost, not knowing what to stop the attention. Which material is more reliable and durable? What form will give not only the beauty of the room, but also comfort in use? We understand together.




The best bath manufacturers - which company to choose

Brand name is not the last criterion when choosing, because illiterate technologies can negate the positive properties of a particular bath. The buyer does not always have the opportunity to dive into the study of all the proposed manufacturers, and we have tried to reduce this information to the most popular representatives of the segment.

In the Russian market of sanitary equipment today leading European brands such as:

1. Cersanit

2. Ravak

3. Vagnerplast

4. Pool spa

5. Kolo

Acrylic baths of these manufacturers have proven to be the best. Although, domestic production is not lagging behind, offering alternative high-end products: the Russian company Aquanet, the trademark 1 MarKa and others.

Cast iron baths, which have always belonged to the premium class, are produced by few manufacturers. Among domestic ones, this is the Kirov Iron Workers Plant, an enterprise that guarantees its products a service life of more than 25 years. Fine products are offered by the Spanish brand Roca (they produce iron and steel baths).

Prefer German perfection? Then - steel accessories from Smavit Kaldewei. More and more products of Chinese factories appear on our market. To popular it is necessary to carry the company Goldman, offering budget goods of good quality.

Types of baths: material and shape

Special attention deserves such a moment as the shape of the bath. Variety can complicate the task, but you should not get lost.

Make a choice based on the dimensions of the room, interior solutions and, of course, considering your own taste:

1. Rectangular - ergonomic and very comfortable. Remains the most popular among buyers.

2. Corner - roomy and looks great in the room.

3. Oval - a real decoration of the bathroom. Can be installed anywhere.

4. Round - requires "space". Looks very good in the center of the room.

Modern production pleases with a variety of materials, but we will begin our excursion with the most bought.

Cast Iron Baths

Chugynnie vanni

Cast iron is considered a classic, and this is true. This bath is durable, remarkably retains heat. Heavy weight (ranges from 100 to 130 kg) is considered a big "minus" and a significant "plus" of the cast-iron bath. Inside the bath is covered with several layers of enamel, ensuring the safety of water temperature (cooling takes a very long time, water remains hot for more than an hour and a half). Therefore, buying a cast-iron bath, do not be lazy to inspect it for the presence of possible chips.


  • Durable coating resistant to temperature changes.
  • Resistance to chemicals.
  • Simple surface care.
  • Aesthetic appearance (smooth, shiny surface).
  • Durability (with careful handling - more than 50 years).


  • Great weight (difficulty in installation and delivery).
  • The risk of chipping the enamel when heavy objects are dropped.

Steel baths

stalnaay vanna

These baths are produced by stamping stainless steel. It has a small weight, which is very convenient in terms of delivery. But when installing, you need a reliable fixation, because the light weight gives it instability.Inside it is covered with enamel. The water in it cools quickly and when filling creates a lot of noise, as the sound insulation abilities of the steel bath are low. The last "minus" is easy to eliminate, filling the side parts of the bath with foam. For the same purpose, you can use noise absorbing pads of rubber.


  • Low weight and large size range.
  • Easy installation and easy transportation.
  • It warms up quickly.
  • The term of operation is from 15 to 30 years (depending on the enamel coating).


  • Requires a solid fix during installation, as it is unstable.
  • When filling produces a lot of noise.
  • The rapid cooling of the water.

Acrylic baths

Akrilovaay vanna

The demand for acrylic baths among modern buyers is growing rapidly. They combined all the best characteristics of cast-iron and steel models. They are made of special plastic reinforced with fiberglass or metal mesh. Acrylic allowed to make plumbing of various shapes and shades. This bath weighs a little, it is easy to install, and it retains heat perfectly. But the bath does not withstand temperatures over 160 degrees. Boiling water can lead to its deformation.


  • Low weight (15-35 kg).
  • Pleasant, non-slip surface.
  • Heats up very quickly and retains heat for a long time.
  • Operational period from 10 to 15 years.


  • It is not resistant to abrasive cleaning.
  • Does not withstand high temperatures.

Quarry baths

Kvarilovaay vanna

New name in the plumbing market - quartz bath. This is a kind of acrylic and cast-iron bath mix, if we talk about the benefits. Production material: acrylic and quartz. The latter gives the product high strength, and acrylic allows color variety and is responsible for elasticity.


  • Great external data.
  • Relatively light weight.
  • Resistant to heat and mechanical damage.
  • Elementary care and long service life.
  • The high soundproofing properties (the gathered water does not create noise).
  • Long cooling.


  • High price.
  • Small selection of forms.
  • Continuous operation at high temperatures can lead to deformation of the bath.

Marble baths

Mramornie vanni

This type of equipment is elite. Of course, the interior should be appropriate, and the room - spacious. They have the properties of natural stone, as they are made of marble chips with the addition of polyester resin.


  • High strength.
  • The ability to keep the water temperature for a very long time.
  • Absorbs noise.
  • Large selection of shades.


  • It has a high cost.
  • Heavy, which complicates transportation and installation.
  • Demands leaving (detergents leave marks).

Wooden baths

derevaynnie vanni

It is now many surprised to hear about the wooden bathroom. But our ancestors for bathing used this natural material always: troughs, tubs, barrels, etc.


  • Environmentally friendly and healing effects on the body.
  • Wood holds wonderfully heat and is not afraid of long exposure to water.


  • There is a risk that the tree may begin to crack. To avoid this, wet it frequently with water.
  • Unsuitable for long water treatments and washing.
  • Has a high price.

Glass baths

steklaynnie vanni

This beauty is often not met, because many are afraid of her fragility. This is a misconception, because glass baths are made of double-layer glass, which has such strength that it is impossible to break it.


  • High aesthetics.
  • Large selection of shapes, sizes and colors.
  • Ability to save space visually.
  • Keeps water temperature for a long time.
  • Long service life.


  • Difficult care (there may be stains).
  • High price.

Earthenware baths

faaynsovaay vanna

To say that this material for bathrooms is in incredible demand - it is impossible. Although faience baths were very relevant in the 18th century, with the advent of cast iron models, they receded into the background.Today, interest in beautiful faience products is noted again. The latest technology has allowed to minimize the disadvantages of faience baths.


  • Low thermal conductivity allows you to retain heat for a long time.
  • Comfort while taking a bath provides a smooth inner surface.
  • Long service life (subject to careful handling).
  • Highly aesthetic appearance.


  • High price.
  • The fragility of the material.

The faience model will perfectly fit into a spacious bathroom, becoming a real decoration of it. For small rooms, this option is unlikely.

Bath selection options

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Before buying such an important accessory as a bath, be sure to take measurements of the room where it will be installed. Be sure to appreciate the technical connectivity of communications. You need to think about the characteristics that are important for your bath: the ability to retain heat, the quality of materials, sound insulation, service life, cost.

Modern models can be equipped with additional devices for massage, headrests, handles, etc.

The main criteria that you need to look at first are: convenient size and shape, resistance to mechanical damage, safety.

We have tried to collect only useful tips to help you make a choice:

1. If the bath is not equipped with a siphon immediately, then buy it at the same time with the desired model to ensure their compatibility.

2. Choose a bath that has a non-slip bottom.

3. Carefully inspect the entire surface of the bath to eliminate cracks or chips. Enamel should be uniform, without smudges.

4. Buying an acrylic bath, remember that the thickness of acrylic can not exceed 5 mm. If advertising promises 6 mm, then it is rather a plastic bath with a millimeter layer of acrylic.

5. Choose a model according to the style of the bathroom. It is very reasonable to immediately buy mixers.

6. Prefer proven manufacturers who have proven themselves in the market.

Which bath to choose

kak vibrat vanny

We hope that with the choice of material you will not be difficult. But on the dimensions should stop the attention! If your bathroom can not boast dimensions, then you need to clearly define, using a simple formula:

Ideal bath length = distance between opposite walls (+/- 1-2 cm).

Consider and such a point as the growth of potential to use the bathroom. The length of a standard bath varies from 150 to 180 cm, width, as a rule, in the region of 70-85 cm. If a person can recline in it without bending his knees, then the product is right (the distance to the sides should be at least five centimeters). The normal depth is from 50 to 60 cm.

How much does a bath cost?

skolko stoit vanna

Briefly about the most popular:

1. Enameled cast iron bath will cost from 250 to 500 USD, if you are considering an option from the European brand. A bath from a Russian brand will be cheaper (the price range starts from 1500 rubles).

2. Steel will cost much less, because it has more "minuses" and its service life is half as much. You can buy a steel bath by spending from 60 to 250 dollars.

3. The average cost of an acrylic model is $ 250. But its price can reach $ 700, if the manufacturer has provided it with additional functionality.

In conclusion, recall that in trying to buy a “breathtaking” bath, do not forget about safety and your own comfort.

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