

It is not easy to choose an acrylic bath: a modern device is created in various shapes and sizes, equipped with a headrest, armrests, hydromassage and chromotherapy. In addition, expensive models use a thick layer of PMMA and polyurethane, and in the cheap ones, mainly ABS and fiberglass.

None of the parents takes the children's bicycle seriously, grabbing the first model in the toy store - if only the colors were beautiful. But we are talking about a full-fledged transport for the baby, which must be chosen no less carefully than an adult bike. True, there will have to take into account other parameters: the child's age, his experience of riding a bicycle, as well as safety issues.

Modern gas water heater is selected based on a variety of parameters. First, the number of water points is determined, the performance and power are selected. Then attention is paid to the following types: burner, combustion chamber, ignition, heat exchanger material.

Bodybuilders and amateur athletes take protein powders, high-protein dietary supplements, for rapid muscle growth. Protein can be extracted from whey, meat, and even some plant species, but its amino acid profile will not be the same in all these cases. What is the difference between proteins of different origin, and which of them will give the expected effect faster? - Let's figure it out.

It is necessary to acquire a decoder with an eye to the future, because in the coming years all television programs will be broadcast in DVB-T2 format. And the prefix Smart-TV will make a “window to the Internet” out of the usual home TV, greatly expanding its capabilities.

A computer power supply is a device that converts 220V mains and reduces the voltage to the desired values ​​for each node in your PC. The motherboard, hard drive, video card - everything in the car is powered by current, which distributes the power supply. However, when choosing it, you will have to take into account not only power, but also other equally important characteristics, such as efficiency, cooling fan size, number of connectors, etc. Only an integrated approach will allow you to choose a reliable and durable power supply unit that will protect your computer and make his "fly".

Although smartphones and tablets have the function of a navigator, only special navigation devices take into account the specific needs of the driver or tourist. They are designed for specific operating conditions, so they are more convenient, reliable and effective. Recommendations will help make the right decision before buying.

Mountain bikes are different - it all depends on the sports discipline for which they are acquired. Downhill from the mountains require the use of heavy dvuhpodvesov, driving over rough terrain - maneuverable and lightweight hardteyl. There are other criteria that you need to pay attention to when buying a mountain bike. But in almost every case it is necessary to find a compromise between the efficiency of individual units and the cost of the bike as a whole. How not to make a mistake with the choice and at the same time not to overpay for the extra bells and whistles?

Circuit breakers operate only at high currents and short circuits. They do not react to leakage currents, which are ten times less, but represent a danger to humans and are fraught with fires.Here the RCD will come to the rescue. It only remains to make the right choice ...

The laser level helps to save time on beating accurate lines horizontally and vertically. The device operates on light-emitting diodes and projects rays to the surface. Self-leveling automatically adjusts the correct position and within 4 seconds after switching on, you can start working on the surface.


