
The treadmill and orbitrek are considered the most popular and effective trainers in the fight against excess calories. Both simulators will help to lose weight, strengthen the cardiovascular system, relieve nervous tension and help maintain shape. Let's see what the advantages of each type, and which simulator contributes to fast and effective weight loss.



treadmill and orbitrek

Versatility Allow you to practice walking fast, running at different speeds and intensity. Gives you the opportunity to practice fast walking, in many models there is no adjustment of speed and intensity
Complex training Allows you to evenly lose weight, first of all - from the abdomen and thighs Gives you the ability to evenly lose weight and train the upper and lower body simultaneously
Training process Will require efforts to effectively lose weight - the more weight, the more you need to make an effort Training will be perceived easier due to the special design of the simulator
Load on joints Running increases the load on the spine, ankles and knees Due to the "smoothness" of movements, the load on the joints will be minimal
Availability of additional features May have several workout programs, speed and incline levels, as well as special training programs. The simulator is less dynamic, many models do not have the function to adjust the angle of inclination and change the speed

In order to evaluate the work and advantages of a particular model for weight loss, experts advise trying to hold several sessions on each simulator, and only then draw conclusions and buy the simulator you need.

For example, if you have never run and do not enjoy the joy of training - orbitrek will suit you. If you are trying to get rid of excess weight at once in several places - it is better to stay on the treadmill. But for those who are aiming to lose weight in the thighs, you can choose an orbitrek - this simulator has a “reverse step” function, which activates the muscles of the buttocks and focuses on the lower group of muscles. The treadmill will not be able to boast of such an opportunity.

Calories burned

Each “losing weight” person will be interested to learn about the capabilities of each simulator in the field of burning calories.

Kcal / hour 700-860 650-770

In fact, both the treadmill and the orbitrek burn the same amount of calories, however, American scientists concluded that the built-in calculators of burning calories on orbitrek tend to overestimate the real result, but the treadmills were not seen on the "deception". Choosing which is better - a treadmill or orbitrek, it is worth getting acquainted with the shortcomings of each simulator.

The size of the tape simulator can change the natural way for a person to run and walk, due to which there can be problems with posture There is no “weight effect” that is needed to strengthen muscles and bones, especially for people with osteoporosis
It is difficult to monitor your pulse, because the arms of the simulator are inconvenient. It will be very difficult to run and hold hands at the same time. Less dynamic and diverse in its capabilities and functions.
They have an impact on the joints, and people with spinal cord injuries or joints should not work out on the simulator  

To make the process of losing weight as natural and effective as possible, you can include both simulators in your classes and adjust the degree of load. If you want to stay on one version, proceed from contraindications, the degree of your readiness for classes and focus on a specific result.

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