
How nice to break out into nature on a day off: ride a bike, get some fresh air. And in the middle of the week it would be nice to visit the gym a couple of times to maintain tone. Alas, for most of us, all this remains well-intentioned - family and work leave little time for themselves. But even in such a situation, you can carve out 20-30 minutes and practice, without leaving home. It is enough to choose a comfortable exercise bike and find a place for him in the apartment. You will have to figure out where to better organize your sports area by yourself - for our part, we will help you choose the right simulator that will make your short classes truly effective.




The best manufacturers of exercise bikes - which company to choose

Of course, brand awareness is one of the most important criteria when choosing an exercise bike. This is a kind of guarantee of quality and durability, because popular companies communicate more with clients and take into account all their requirements for sports equipment when developing.

The segment leaders include the following firms:

1. Kettler

2. Torneo

3. Body sculpture

4. Housefit

5. Oxygen fitness

ABOUT top exercise bikes We already told these and other famous manufacturers in our rating. But before you run to the store for your favorite model, you need to determine whether it will suit you.

The principle of operation and the device exercise bike

ystroistvo velotrenazhera

The exercise bike consists of several main parts:

  • Stable frame on non-slip feet-supports;
  • Steering wheel and seat, which can be adjusted in height;
  • Resistance unit with pedals;
  • External flywheel (in mechanical models);
  • A microcontroller, and in more advanced devices - a cycle computer and heart rate sensors.

There may be other elements that do not affect the course of training, but simply make it more convenient to use the simulator. These include various holders, shipping wheels, foot loops on pedals, and other small items.

The principle of operation of such projectiles completely repeats riding a regular bike, only without moving forward.

You also hold the steering wheel and twist the preloaded resistance pedals. The latter is determined by the type of your simulator:

1. If this is a mechanical model, the resistance that forces you to apply is provided by a special flywheel. The more it will be in size and weight, the stronger you will have to push the pedals to crank it.

2. Electric exercise bikes, stuffed with electronics, create resistance using a powerful magnet. For his work you will need to connect the unit to the network, but you will get a greater variety of load levels.

Types of exercise bikes


vertikalnii velotrenazher

The most common class of sports equipment. Such models look more like a regular bicycle than others and provide a traditional vertical fit. They cost less, but this does not affect the quality of training. Quite the contrary - you can vary the load, while standing on the pedals. The maximum dimensions of such bicycle chains are 130x150x60 cm, weight reaches 80 kg.

The most advanced models include the presence of controlling electronics: a heart rate monitor, a bicycle computer, temperature sensors in the room, etc. Vertical trainers can provide up to 25 different load levels and can easily withstand the weight of an athlete up to 180 kg. Presented in the sale of electromagnetic models can operate both from the network and autonomously (up to 3 hours), thanks to the built-in battery.


  • The habitual “bicycle” position of arms and legs;
  • High muscle load;
  • Compact size;
  • Affordable price;
  • Suitable for both amateurs and pros.


  • Give a serious load on the spine and knee joints;
  • Not resistant enough.


gorizontalnii velotrenazher

Such models are intended for people who prefer a comfortable workout. They still have a lot in common with traditional bikes, only the legs of an athlete do not work in a vertical, but in a horizontal plane. There is no narrow seat here - a comfortable seat with a low seating position takes its place, and the pedals have to be turned in front of you, working only with your feet.

Horizontal exercise bikes withstand the weight of the rider up to 200 kg and can have up to 26 loading levels. Alas, the design features make them very dimensional: the weight of such models reaches a centner with a maximum size of 200x150x70 cm. In most cases, such equipment is equipped with a computer and various sensors. A built-in battery of electronic models allows them to work up to 2 hours without connecting to the network.


  • Maximum stability;
  • Smooth flywheel;
  • Wide range of loading levels;
  • Training takes place in more comfortable conditions;
  • Reduces the load on the spine;
  • As a rule, these are rehabilitation models that closely monitor the athlete’s condition.


  • High price;
  • Big sizes and weight;
  • No load on other muscle groups - only the legs and part of the press work.

Horizontal models are considered less effective for losing weight, but they are ideal for busy people and those who have back problems.


portativnii velotrenazher

These crumbs are a separate pedal unit - without steering. Enough to sit in a chair or on the sofa and just pedal, as in horizontal models. If desired, you can use such a projectile to train the muscles of the hands, putting it in front of you on the table.

The size of portable exercise bikes usually does not exceed 50x50 cm, the maximum weight is 30 kg, but because of the trimmed configuration they provide only 8-10 basic load levels.


  • Very compact;
  • Relatively mobile - you can take with you on a trip;
  • A large variety of models on sale;
  • Simple design;
  • Low cost.


  • Do not give enough load on the muscles;
  • Do not maintain weight more than 100 kg.


gibridnii velotrenazher

The tandem of the elliptical trainer and cycle bench on a common base will allow you to save free space and practice on two shells alternately.

The seat position is usually regulated in several levels, so the unit can be used both as a vertical and as a horizontal model. Hybrid devices withstand weight up to 175 kg, have up to 25 levels of resistance (not counting the wide possibilities of redistributing the load) and can reach sizes 175x150x75 cm with weight up to 80 kg.


  • A 2-in-1 simulator with all the consequences - it takes up less space and is cheaper than two separate units;
  • Variability of loads up to the use of all muscle groups;
  • You can engage in comfort, if you set the "horizontal" position;
  • Almost all models come with a rich e-filling.


  • Costing more than one device;
  • Requires sufficient space in the classroom;
  • Hard to find on sale.

Options for selection of exercise bikes

parametri vibora velotrenazhera

Dimensions of the simulator

First of all, it is necessary to consider the dimensions of the room in which the exercise bike will be located. If the area of ​​your housing allows you to organize a personal gym, at this point you can not stop. Well, if not, then it is better to choose a vertical or portable model - they will occupy a minimum of space.

Resistance block

By the type of load created exercise bikes are divided into 2 types: mechanical and electrical. The first ones do not require connection to the network and cost less, but their functionality is not rich.

In turn, the mechanics are also different:

1. Belt-driven transmissions are the cheapest and simplest trainers.They load muscles well, but they work with sharp jerks and at the same time are quite noisy. Levels of adjustable load here are also at a minimum.

2. The kolodochnye simulators completely repeat the work of an ordinary bicycle (there is even a kind of wheel - a flywheel). The loading levels are slightly higher than those of the belt, although such machines, of course, are far from electric. Resistance to movement is provided by the brake pads pressed tightly to the wheel, and they are the weak link in the whole structure, since they are quickly erased and require replacement.

The electromagnetic unit is the most convenient and versatile in its own way. Such simulators have a wide range of load adjustments and work almost silently.

Computer availability

On the bikes installed the most simple minicomputers that allow you to monitor the progress of the workout.

Their presence is not mandatory, but it helps to control all the basic parameters:

  • Exercise time;
  • How many meters / kilometers you drove;
  • The current speed of "movement" - in the form of a graph or numbers;
  • Pulse (some models indicate that its permissible frequency is exceeded);
  • Estimated calorie consumption.

Thanks to the minicomputer, you can accurately calculate the load in the process of training, switch modes and just keep track of the effectiveness of your workouts. But for a healthy person, its presence is only a matter of convenience and price. But for people who have heart problems (angina, tachycardia, etc.), the presence of an electronic controller is mandatory.

Do not interfere, and heart rate monitors - sensors that monitor the pulse in the process of training. They can be wired and wireless: the first are mounted on the body and give more accurate readings, the second is more convenient, since they are located on the handles of the unit itself.

Training programs

Built-in training programs will help you achieve specific goals.

The exercise bike can have 1-2 dozens of settings based on the main modes:

  • Weight loss;
  • Interval training;
  • Muscle pumping;
  • Endurance development;
  • Training for speed.

You can individually choose the load according to your capabilities or entrust this to the built-in computer. It is important here that the cyclic simulator itself can provide the desired level of resistance. For example, magnetic models will not give enough effort to build muscle and strength training, but the mechanics are quite capable of it.

Flywheel weight

This parameter should be paid attention to those who are looking for mechanical models. It is with the flywheel that you have to fight, pedaling, so that the more and heavier it will be, the more effective your workouts will become.

The minimum allowable weight of the projectile is 3-4 kg. If you just want to keep yourself in good shape or have insufficient physical training, look for models with an average flywheel of about 8 kg. For strength training fit big "wheels" weighing 12 kg and above.

Which exercise bike to choose

kakoi velotrenazher vibrat

1. If you are healthy, physically well developed and ready for serious loads, buy a vertical simulator with mechanical resistance - better shoe type. The optimum weight of the flywheel from 8-12 kg and above, the presence of a computer is welcome, but not required.

2. For those who want to lose weight with a bicycle or just keep fit, an electromagnetic model is suitable - horizontal or vertical (depending on the free area in your house). Flywheel can take an average of about 8 kg. The presence of a minicomputer is welcome - with it you will be able to maintain the desired training regime and at the same time control the number of calories burned.

3. People with diseases of the spine, knee and hip joints, with serious overweight and other health problems need a horizontal exercise bike with a magnetic flywheel. The built-in computer and heart rate monitor will allow you to monitor your condition, so as not to overload the body.

4. For those who travel a lot, but do not want to interrupt training for one day, a portable mini-simulator will do.It is also useful for older people and those who have problems with blood circulation or lymph outflow, since such a projectile can be used to warm up both arms and legs. In this case, it makes sense to look for a model with its own electric motor.

5. For family use, the ideal option would be a hybrid with an electromagnetic load system. On this simulator, everyone will be able to choose the training mode suitable for themselves.

Cost of exercise bikes

stoimost velotrenazhera

Mechanical models:

1. Vertical bicycle machine will cost you from 4,000 to 659,000 rubles.

2. Horizontal on the market are not very widely represented, and therefore the run-up of prices here is small 87-214 thousand rubles.

3. Portable mechanics can be purchased at prices ranging from 1,700 to 40-50 thousand rubles.

Electromagnetic models:

1. For a vertical landing design, be prepared to pay from 5 to 888 thousand rubles.

2. Horizontal will be even more expensive - 6-915 thousand.

3. Magnetic mini-simulators are the most affordable - only 2000-5000 rubles, but they are few in the market.

4. The cost of a hybrid exercise bike starts from 180 thousand and comes to 315.

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