
One of the most important components of a modern smartphone is the front camera. Gone are the days when it was used only for video. Now it is used not so much to communicate in Skype or Viber, as for photographing yourself beloved against the background of attractions. And many people take a selfie at all every day, for absolutely any reason. If you are also such a person, then you need to get a smartphone with a very good front camera. And it is desirable that its other characteristics also pleased. Let's get acquainted with the devices that best cope with taking selfies.




Smartphone for selfie which company to choose

Almost all manufacturers in one way or another try to improve the front camera. And if this fails, the module is purchased on the side. In particular, excellent cameras for smartphones are made by Sony and Samsung - a huge number of companies use their products.

Keep in mind that high resolution front camera still does not mean anything. It is possible that the device increases this parameter programmatically, tritely stretching the image. There is nothing good to expect from such an action. Therefore, when choosing a smartphone for selfie, be sure to look at exactly how it takes. Test photos can be seen in reviews, reviews and on various image storage services. Or simply choose yourself one of those devices that are mentioned in our selection.

The most popular smartphones for selfie from the following companies:


2. Sony

3. Apple

4. Samsung

5. Huawei

But this does not mean that devices from other manufacturers will not be able to accurately capture a high-quality frame on the front camera. Just the products of other companies are in less demand, that's all.

Best Smartphones for Selfie Shooting

Sony Xperia XZ Dual

Sony Xperia XZ Dual

The Japanese company Sony is considered an innovator in the world of mobile cameras. She sells a lot of modules on the side, but the best of them go to their own smartphones. A good example of this is the Xperia XZ Dual. At the disposal of this device - a 13-megapixel front camera. Ideal images are obtained in virtually any lighting conditions.

The remaining characteristics of the device are also impressive. The resolution of the main camera increased to 23 megapixels! More recently, even a SLR camera could only dream of such a parameter! And the rear camera is equipped with an optical image stabilizer, which is never superfluous.

The device is able to instantly transfer the resulting photos to the network, for which one should thank the LTE-Advanced network. As for the display, it has a 5.2-inch diagonal and Full HD resolution. The operation of the device is provided by the Snapdragon 820 processor, which until recently was considered a flagship product.


  • Powerful components;
  • The resolution of the front-end is up to 13 megapixels;
  • Excellent rear camera;
  • High-quality LCD display;
  • Dimensions and weight do not strain;
  • A decent amount of memory;
  • Not afraid of water;
  • Fast data transfer.


  • Excessively high price tag;
  • To many customers, the sound seems quiet;
  • Software sometimes tupit;
  • Not very long battery life.



The flagship smartphone LG G6 was introduced in late February 2017. Almost its entire front panel occupies a 5.7-inch display with a resolution of 1440 x 2880 pixels. The side frames are present, but they can hardly be distinguished. As a result, the device is convenient to use with one hand, despite such a large screen. But the main feature of the device lies in the front camera. Its 5 megapixel resolution may seem ridiculous.But everything changes after you see the first frame. This module has at its disposal a wide-angle optics. The frame fits a lot of space. At the same time, there are no distortions characteristic of the “fish eye” here, which is good news.

As befits the flagship, the LG G6 has the support of a large number of wireless technologies. The device provides work even last year, but very powerful Snapdragon processor 821. Also under the case are 4 GB of RAM. As for the main camera, it is double. Under both lenses hides a 13-megapixel matrix size of 1/3 inch. This design allows the smartphone to very nicely blur the background, and the sharpness is at its best.


  • Excellent dual camera on the back;
  • "Frontalka" is equipped with a wide-angle optics;
  • There is support for Wi-Fi 802.11ac and other wireless technologies;
  • Ultra-high resolution display;
  • Dimensions do not scare;
  • Sound quality;
  • There is a USB Type-C 3.1 connector.


  • Low resolution front camera;
  • Unbearable price tag for many people.

HTC Desire Eye

HTC Desire Eye
HTC's best smartphones

A rare producer thinks when designing a smartphone only about taking selfies. HTC Desire Eye is an exception to the rule, the device is really aimed at photographing with the help of a camera on the front panel. The Taiwanese company has built a high-quality front-end here, the resolution of which is 13 megapixels. The angle of view of this module can not be called wide, but it is not narrow at the same time - a sort of golden mean. In short, most buyers have no complaints about the work of the front camera. You should also not forget about the two-ton flash located next to the lens - this allows you to use the camera even in the dark.

The price tag of the device is not the most humane. Therefore, it is easy to guess that the device has received decent performance. There is also support for LTE networks (even voice is transmitted over them, for which VoLTE technology is responsible), and water protection, and a 5.2-inch screen with Full HD resolution. This smartphone is provided with 2 GB of RAM and a Snadragon 801 processor. The back camera also has a 13 megapixel sensor.


  • Both cameras have the same high resolution;
  • There is a flash on the front panel;
  • Excellent thin-frame LCD display;
  • High-speed data transfer;
  • IPX7 waterproof;
  • Sane sizes.


  • The cost may seem too high;
  • The amount of RAM could be more;
  • I would like a more recent version of the operating system.

Sony xperia x

Sony xperia x

Slightly above, we already mentioned one smartphone from Sony. But it was an incredibly expensive copy. Fortunately, the Japanese are building a very good front-end not only in such devices. The Xperia X is also endowed with a 13 megapixel module. This smartphone is no longer so expensive, although it cannot be attributed to the budget segment. Like the older brother, the device takes off very well. But for the sake of cost reduction, the Japanese had to deprive the front camera autofocus. Because of this, during the shooting you will have some difficulties, the perfect shots will never be.

As for the other components, they do not cause serious complaints. Especially the rear camera, because she came here straight from the flagship! Its 23 megapixel resolution is breathtaking! The picture when cropping is displayed on a 5-inch Full HD screen. Protection of personal information is provided through the use of a fingerprint scanner. We should also mention LTE-Advanced support - in a large city, files are downloaded from the world wide web almost instantly.


  • Powerful components are used;
  • There are no complaints about the rear camera;
  • The screen can boast a high pixel density;
  • The resolution of the front camera pleasantly pleases the eye;
  • There is a fingerprint scanner.


  • The price is still not particularly low;
  • "Frontalka" devoid of autofocus;
  • The speakers are not very loud.

ASUS ZenFone Selfie ZD551KL

ASUS ZenFone Selfie ZD551KL

Not every person wants for the sake of shooting in the selfie genre to buy some kind of too advanced and expensive device. Sometimes it's easier to purchase ASUS ZenFone Selfie ZD551KL. For relatively little money, this device offers a 13-megapixel front camera. The creators have not forgotten about autofocus, so there is no doubt that the zone of sharpness will always be in the right place. Also located above the display is a double flash, which helps shooting in minimum light conditions. In short, for a selfie device is suitable no worse than the flagships.

What did the manufacturer save on? First, he used the Snapdragon 615 processor, which belongs to the average price segment. Secondly, he deprived the rear camera (the same 13 megapixels) of the image stabilization optical system. Thirdly, he installed a simple speaker, which can not boast of a loud sound. Otherwise, the component devices do not cause serious complaints. The screen installed here has Full HD resolution, and data transmission is carried out via LTE. A rare person needs something more.


  • The main camera has received laser autofocus;
  • "Frontalka" has a high resolution;
  • Built a good processor;
  • Supports fourth generation networks;
  • Cost does not cause horror attacks;
  • Capacious battery.


  • The rear camera would not hurt the optical stabilizer;
  • Sometimes there are slowdowns;
  • There are instances that have a strong heat.

Leagoo Elite 1

Leagoo Elite 1

One of the cheapest smartphones with a 13 megapixel front-facing. At the same time, it cannot be said that it was somehow simplified. No, this is a regular module with autofocus. He can not boast only an optical stabilizer or wide-angle optics. It is noticeable only that the creators did not really work on the software. Image processing algorithms are not brought to mind here, which is why the pictures are not the best. But for so little money it is quite possible to forgive. You can also note the presence on the front panel of the flash. She is single, but in many cases it is enough.

Despite the relatively low cost, the device is able to transmit data via LTE-networks. He is also able to boast a 5-inch screen with a resolution of Full HD, while many other smartphones from this price segment are limited to normal HD. Some surprise is caused by the 3 GB of RAM, with which applications are forcibly closed extremely rarely. Finally, the latest serious advantage of the device is a fingerprint scanner.


  • Good "frontalka", supplemented by flash;
  • Low cost;
  • there is 4G network support;
  • Display with high pixel density;
  • You can use the fingerprint sensor;
  • The rear camera has a resolution of 16 megapixels.


  • Not the best image processing algorithms;
  • Firmware sin advertising applications;
  • Heats up strongly;
  • The charge sets very quickly.

What smartphone for selfie to buy

1. Sony Xperia XZ Dual can be recommended to anyone who loves Japanese equipment. The device has a specific design, and its metal case does not let water through. There are absolutely no complaints about the cameras here - they produce bright and clear pictures.

2. If you need to fit more people into the frame, but you don’t want to use a monopod, then pay attention to the LG G6. With the help of his front camera a very wide frame is obtained. However, the resolution of the image will be small, as the South Korean manufacturer has limited itself to a five-megapixel matrix. The rest of the specifications of the device is truly good. But nothing else from the flagship and not waiting.

3. HTC Desire Eye is a kind of golden mean. The smartphone and is quite inexpensive, and has very good cameras. The trouble is that there is no support for some amazing technologies.With the exception of the two-tone flash, which is available both on the rear and on the front panel.

4. Sony Xperia X turned out to be an excellent smartphone. Although it seems that the creators had to make compromises in order to reduce the price tag. The front camera here received a high resolution, but lost its autofocus. And this leads to the fact that the perfect picture with the help of the front-end is not obtained under any condition.

5. If you want to save should consider buying option ASUS ZenFone Selfie ZD551KL. For this device do not ask for an astronomical amount. At the same time, it can boast of 13-megapixel cameras in front and behind, as well as support for modern wireless technologies. The only disappointment is that there are specimens on sale that have extremely high heat under load.

6. Leagoo Elite 1 will allow to save even more. But after buying this smartphone you will encounter some inconveniences. For example, during the games he will seriously heat up. Also, sometimes you have to watch ads, unless you decide to flashing. Against this background, the sensations from the 13-megapixel camera on the front panel are completely lost.

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