
The first mobile phones did not have a camera at all. About its introduction, we started talking only after the engineers managed to "paint" the LCD display. And then the megapixel race began. It made sense, because in those days the quality of the final photo really depended only on the resolution. But in the last two or three years, everything has changed - the creators of smartphones realized that quality now depends on the size of each pixel, sensitivity and many other characteristics. That is why in our selection of the best smartphones with a good camera there are not only models with an 18-megapixel sensor.



smartphone with a good camera

Smartphone with a good camera which company to choose



Now it’s hard to believe that initially Lenovo earned the most money from designing and selling computer components. Now, many of us know this brand on various smartphones. Including the company owns the Motorola trademark. The best cameras are built in smartphones with a big letter "M" on the back wall. You can find them in the flagship models of Lenovo.



LG smartphones are fine with integrated cameras for a long time. For example, you can recall the Nexus 4 three years ago, which already then surprised atypical for this price category shooting capabilities. And modern flagships hit even harder. Their cameras work quickly - a little more than half a second passes from the moment you press the shutter button to create a frame! They also provide high-quality picture even in low light conditions.



The mobile division of Microsoft, which previously belonged to Nokia, is going through hard times. People stubbornly do not take the Windows Phone operating system seriously. However, it should be noted that some Microsoft smartphones have an excellent camera. Of course, one cannot say that they are ahead of the rest of the planet in terms of the quality of shooting. But the buyer will not be exactly disappointed with the result. It is a pity, as far as only flagships are concerned, low-end models have a standard sensor that does not catch stars from the sky.



Samsung smartphones from the middle price category are able to arrange in terms of the quality of photography of almost any person. And if you buy a flagship, then you will experience wild delight from the capabilities of the built-in camera! Such devices offer a manual shooting mode, are able to create high-quality HDR-frames, and are also able to stabilize the picture. In short, no wonder Samsung devices have become so popular.



This is unfortunate, but Sony’s mobile division brings only losses to the company. People do not like manufactured smartphones. But Sony cameras for mobile devices are very popular. They have long been built not only in their own gadgets. In particular, Sony sensors are in many Samsung flagships. As far as the Japanese company’s smartphones are concerned, there are practically no complaints about the quality of shooting (with the exception of budget products).

Ranking of the best smartphones with a good camera

This rating, based on user reviews, includes:

  • Camera resolution;
  • Used diaphragm;
  • Number of shooting modes;
  • The quality of the final photos;
  • The possibility of shooting in low light conditions;
  • The amount of noise;
  • The correctness of the auto white balance;
  • The shutter time with autofocus;
  • The cost of a smartphone;
  • Other characteristics of the device.

The best smartphones with a good camera

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge

The undisputed leader of our collection. The device is capable of boasting an excellent screen, a superbly implemented power saving mode and, of course, a very good camera.Of course, it’s still far from the capabilities of SLR cameras, but do many consumers need them?


  • Good shots even at night;
  • Using Dual Pixel technology for instant focusing;
  • Large pixel size;
  • The presence of an optical image stabilization system;
  • Aperture expands to f / 1.9;
  • The lens protrudes only 0.46 mm;
  • The rich features of the application "Camera";
  • Video shooting in 4K resolution.


  • Some 12-megapixel resolutions are few;
  • Regular LED flash instead of double.

Reviews on the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge are purely positive, if you leave out the brackets for the cost of a smartphone with curved edges of the screen. Note that similar characteristics and has a camera, embedded in the usual Samsung Galaxy S7, so it will not be in our selection. You can see the full list of advantages above. You can also mention that the device offers to shoot not only automatically, but also in manual mode. In this case, the frames will be saved in the RAW format, making their post-processing noticeably simpler.



Two rear cameras are built into the LG G5 smartphone at once. Each of them has its own lens and sensor. The first has a 16-megapixel resolution, and its aperture is capable of expanding to a value of f / 1.8. Viewing angle - standard, 78 degrees. But the second camera is wide-angle, its viewing angle is increased to 135 degrees. The aperture value is reduced to f / 2.4, and the resolution dropped to 8 megapixels.


  • The presence of two main cameras;
  • The presence of laser autofocus;
  • The presence of an optical image stabilization system;
  • Many features in the application "Camera";
  • 4K-resolution video;
  • Competently working HDR-shooting;
  • Good quality shooting in low light conditions;
  • Aperture is expanded to f / 1.8;
  • Support for additional module LG Cam Plus.


  • Plain LED flash instead of double;
  • The wide-angle camera has strong geometric distortions.

Reviews on the LG G5 indicate that the South Korean company has a very unusual smartphone. It is partially implemented in a modular architecture, which imposes some difficulties on the consumer. Well, how not to fork out for the module LG Cam Plus, when you know that your smartphone supports it? This accessory improves grip while shooting, and also provides a set of additional controls. As for the built-in cameras themselves, they are described in detail above.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge +

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge

This device is not the current flagship, in connection with which its value gradually decreases. This allows you to purchase it to an ever larger circle of people The main difference between the device and its competitors is the curved edges of the display. And, of course, we must not forget about the excellent camera.


  • High resolution (15.9 MP);
  • The presence of an optical image stabilization system;
  • 4K-resolution video;
  • The aperture is expanded to f / 1.9;
  • The minimum amount of noise;
  • The shutter release time from AF is only 0.7 s.


  • No memory card slot.

Reviews on the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge + show that this device is quite good, but has certain disadvantages. Virtually none of them are associated with the built-in camera - most people don’t like the body material covered in scratches. Even more sorry you can only about the lack of ability to use the memory card. If you become seriously addicted to 4K video, you will quickly run into a shortage of free space.

Microsoft Lumia 950 XL

Microsoft Lumia 950 XL

This smartphone is equipped with Zeiss optics, which are still considered the best. Under the body of the device is a sensor measuring 1 / 2.4 inches, having a resolution of 20 megapixels. The size of each pixel is 1.12 microns. The result of shooting with this camera is unlikely to disappoint the buyer Microsoft Lumia 950 XL.


  • Optics were created by Zeiss;
  • Wide range of exposure - from 1/6000 to 4 s;
  • Large physical dimensions of the sensor;
  • Very high resolution (20 Mp);
  • The presence of an optical image stabilization system;
  • The rich features of the application "Camera";
  • Competently working HDR-shooting;
  • Video shooting in 4K resolution.


  • The diaphragm opens only up to f / 2.4;
  • Not the best operating system.

Reviews for Microsoft Lumia 950 XL indicate that people do not like the cost of this device. Consumers believe that a device with an unpopular operating system should cost significantly less than its counterparts based on Android. As far as the camera is concerned, there are no complaints about it. Confused only diaphragm - the creators could achieve greater light transmission ability.

Blackberry priv

Blackberry priv

The most unexpected member of our collection. "Blackberry" company for the first time released a smartphone with the Android operating system on board, immediately hitting the target. Buyers have appreciated both the branded QWERTY-keyboard and the built-in camera.


  • High resolution (18 MP);
  • Optics created by a third-party company Schneider-Kreuznach;
  • The presence of an optical image stabilization system;
  • Video shooting in 4K resolution.


  • The diaphragm is open only to the value of f / 2.2;
  • The HDR mode is very poorly implemented;
  • Autofocus does not work perfectly.

Reviews on BlackBerry Priv show that it is not for nothing that a Canadian company decided to forget about its own operating system. With the transition to Android, her products unexpectedly learned to shoot well! And the creators of this smartphone did not stop there. In March 2016, a software update was released, thanks to which the device learned how to shoot videos at 120 frames per second. As for photography, there were no special problems with it immediately after the release. But in some respects, the BlackBerry Priv is still inferior to the flagships of other companies.

What kind of smartphone with a good camera to buy

When choosing a smartphone endowed with an excellent camera, you should first of all focus on your love for one or another operating system.

1. If you have already loved Windows Phone for a long time, then your choice should be Microsoft Lumia 950 XL. If you can not live without iOS, it is better to look towards the very expensive iPhone 6S Plus. Well, the rest of the people have a difficult choice between the four smartphones reviewed in our review.

2. BlackBerry Priv should please everyone who needs personal information protection. It is this smartphone that sends messages to other users in such a way that they cannot be intercepted. It is also one of the few devices that is not yet devoid of a mechanical QWERTY-keyboard. But the camera is not perfect here, it must be remembered. Although she wins the set of smartphones in the middle price segment.

3. The LG G5 is a unique device. There is an expansion slot here that allows you to connect one or another accessory developed by a South Korean company to your smartphone. One of them is designed to simplify the process of photo and video. If this interests you, then your choice is predetermined. But get ready for serious expenses!

4. Finally, the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge is the best Android-based smartphone. All its characteristics do not cause serious complaints, including camera parameters. As for the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge +, this device is less interesting. This was the so-called first attempt at writing. Soon after the release, it turned out that the device was not able to maintain a perfect appearance for at least some long time. Therefore, we will not recommend it to you to purchase.

Also be sure to read: How to choose a mobile phone

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