
Laptops (also called laptops) do not exist for the first decade. At first, these were real monsters - the enormous size and weight did not allow us to take such a device with me to work or study every day. Yes, and it cost those units of incredible money, which only a wealthy businessman or military organization could be generous with. But gradually the situation began to change. The development of technology has made laptops less and less. It got to the point that some modern laptops in thickness only slightly exceed the average tablet computer. Contributed to this and the competition - laptop manufacturers have become very much, each of them must somehow stand out among the competitors.



a laptop

Laptop which company to buy



The well-known manufacturer of computer components was founded in 1976. It happened in the territory of the Republic of China Taipei. The staff of a small company consisted of only 11 people. The history of this company began with 8-bit computers. Later, the products began to improve, and therefore the number of staff gradually increased. Partly helped by the fact that for several years the company had no competitors.

Now the Acer brand is familiar to us from tablets, monitors and, of course, laptops. This manufacturer by all means tries not to increase the price tag without special need. As for the product itself, it pleases with a good-quality assembly and very good components. About its popularity is the fact that now Acer is among the ten largest suppliers of laptops in the world.



Extremely unusual notebook manufacturer. The fact is that he specializes only in gaming products. As a result, all Alienware laptops have a large stock of RAM, a powerful processor and a mobile version of the gaming graphics card. Also, laptops get aggressive and memorable design. All this leads to two drawbacks. Firstly, the products often get very heavy, making it difficult to call it portable. Secondly, the purchase of such a laptop will have to spend a lot of money - often cheaper to buy a stationary gaming PC. However, the above issues do not prevent Alienware products from remaining very popular.



On the history of Apple, everyone knows one way or another connected with computer technology. The corporation had ups and downs. To gain popularity at the time she was able with the help of laptops. The MacBook series is still popular today. Experts and ordinary users point out that these laptops have the most convenient keyboard, a stable operating system and long battery life. Problems with laptops are observed only with games - their range for Mac OS X is very small.



This brand is owned by the Taiwanese company ASUSTeK Computer Inc. It was founded in 1989. Her story began with the production of individual computer components. It is interesting that she has not abandoned this business so far - on the counters of the respective stores you can easily find ASUS video cards and motherboards. Also, quite a long time ago the company started creating laptops. Moreover, they belong to the most different price segments. There are budget devices that are ideal for young people, and gaming - designed for fans of high power.



The American company, which was born in 1984. It was she who allowed Texas to become the most technologically advanced state. For a long time it was here that all the factories engaged in the production of personal computers, servers and laptops were located.Now the company feels not the best way, which is explained by the decline in the popularity of laptops. However, Americans do not even think about stopping their production.



It was once believed that the best electronics produced in Japan. That was the time when Fujitsu flourished. She began her story with the creation of electrical equipment - most often for other companies, so that they unload their production facilities. Later, the Japanese decided to establish a separate unit, which would be engaged in the creation of telephone equipment under its own brand. But the company gained complete independence only in 2008, when the German Siemens AG decided to leave the computer business and leave the joint venture. Now Fujitsu Technology Solutions makes laptops and various IT solutions by itself. The products are very successful - you can find it in stores around the world, including in Russia.



Hewlett-Packard Company laptops have long been the most popular in Russia. People like that this American giant does not make a very large premium for its products. At the same time laptops have a good build, it is difficult to express special claims to their components. However, the low cost of laptops did the company a disservice. In 2015, it had to be abolished, divided into two separate enterprises. The PC will now produce HP Inc. But it is possible that regular losses will force this company to concentrate only on servers, printers, scanners and network equipment.



In China, there are several manufacturers of computers and components for them. One of the oldest of them is Lenovo - this company was born in 1984. And she now feels the best. She managed to understand in time that the popularity of PCs and laptops is falling, switching at some point to the creation of tablets and smartphones. However, Lenovo laptops continue to go off the assembly line, even if they do not bring the company a special profit. After all, no one knows what will happen in the future. It is possible that laptops will again begin to interest a huge number of people.



Taiwan company MSI exists since 1986. Initially, she was engaged in the production of motherboards. These computer components came to the liking of office workers and ordinary users, in connection with which there has been an expansion of production. So optical devices and the MSI server began to appear. And even later, management realized that companies could create laptops. They are often based on their own motherboard and components from third-party suppliers. Such devices have not the highest price tag, and therefore they are in fairly decent demand. There are also specific MSI laptops. For example, some of them are encrusted with Swarovski crystals. And there are also game models that have an aggressive design and maximum power characteristics.

Packard bell

Packard bell

One of the oldest companies in our collection. The founding of Packard Bell took place in 1926. For a long time she was engaged in the production of radios, which were in great demand among Americans. Later, the company switched to the creation of all kinds of electronics, including computer. In particular, Packard Bell laptops began to appear. Unfortunately, the downturn in this market has not allowed the company to continue its operations. In 2008, it was swallowed by Acer. Interestingly, Packard Bell branded laptops are still available, but now in very minimal quantities - the current range barely has a dozen models.



It's hard to believe, but the Japanese company Toshiba has existed since 1875. Now it is a real conglomerate, as it includes many separate units. Perhaps the most famous of these is the one that manufactures LCD panels.

Toshiba displays are equipped with smartphones, tablets and televisions. No less popular unit is the one that assembles laptops. Most often, these devices use at least some of their own components, and therefore laptops do not receive the highest price tag.

In favor of which laptop manufacturer to make your choice

Gone are the days when, for the production of a laptop, it was first necessary to create its own motherboard, sound card and many other components. Now all this is purchased from third-party companies. However, there are exceptions. And it is precisely in their direction that it is necessary to look.

1. For example, ASUS laptops have motherboards and video cards created by the same Taiwanese company. As a result, this is reflected in the cost of the product - it is often lower than the price of a competitor with a similar characteristics.

2. Approximately the same words can be said about MSI and Toshiba.

3. But if you are an advanced gamer for whom price is not the determining factor, then it’s better to focus on Alienware products. But at the same time we must not forget that game models are present in the range of other companies.

But in fact, the choice of laptop should not be based on the orientation of the brand. This is a much more complex topic that deserves a separate article.

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