
Now in specialized stores you can easily find a variety of different welding electrodes. They differ from each other not only in their characteristics, but also in their reliability. Unfortunately, very often people purchase products that can last for an extremely short period of time. Our site seeks to prevent this. Stop wasting your money! Buy a quality product that will faithfully serve for a long time. Perhaps you overpay a little. But ultimately you will realize that in fact you managed to save. In a word, choose those welding electrodes that are mentioned in our today's article.




Welding electrode which company choose

Now welding electrodes have learned to produce in various countries. They are created in China, Russia, the USA and in many other states. Unfortunately, practice shows that domestic electrodes lose in terms of quality and other parameters to foreign products. Yet progress is noticeable.

If it goes on like this, in a few years the level of execution will become much higher. In the meantime, along with the electrodes of Russian companies, we will also recommend products that are distributed under foreign brands - it shows itself in work often with a more positive side.

Welding electrodes under the following trademarks are most popular in Russia:


2. Kobelco

3. Resanta


5. Lincoln electric

Some of these companies specialize in the production of electrodes with both rutile and basic coating. Others create electrodes of exactly the same type.

Top welding electrodes with basic coating

SSSI 13/55

YONI 13 55

Such an electrode should be used for DC welding. It is ideal for use in sensitive areas. It is noted that the welding bath will be reliably protected from oxygen exposure, for which one should thank the carbon dioxide emitted during the burning of the wash. One kilogram of this substance will cost a penny. But it is necessary to consider that most often the electrodes of the UONI 13/55 are sold in packs of 3 kg.

The presence of coating here at the same time plays a negative role. The fact is that the product is very difficult to ignite. Some novice welders spend a lot of time on this process. It is also difficult to re-ignition. The melt of the plaster hardens and insulates the metal, and therefore the cleaning of the end of the electrode is necessary. But it should be noted that it is with the help of the electrode with the main coating that the most durable and aesthetic seams are obtained.


  • The appearance of slag ulcers in the cooled joint is completely excluded;
  • The seam is aesthetic and very durable;
  • The minimum cost of the product;
  • The prevalence in specialized stores.


  • Hard to ignite;
  • Repeated ignition is possible only after stripping the end of the electrode;
  • It takes time to get used to the features of this type of electrodes.

Kobelco LB-52U

Kobelco LB 52U

This is a very expensive substance produced in Japan. Offset conveyor Kobe Steel, Ltd. The electrode is sold in our country at an inflated cost for 1 kg. In this case, one package usually consists of four to five kilograms of the substance. But this product perfectly copes with the welding of low-carbon steels, where there is no possibility of double-sided welding. In particular, it is such electrodes that pipelines boil. There are no complaints about the strength of the weld.In many cases, the strength reaches 588 N / mm2, and this is an incredibly high figure.

Of course, the main coating slightly complicates the use of the electrode. Before work, it is necessary to perform calcination at a temperature of about 300 ° C. This will remove moisture, resulting in significantly improved combustion, and at the same time the quality of the seam will increase. And the creators recommend cooking at constant current. However, the variable can also be used, but then the result of the work will be slightly worse.


  • The seam is durable and clean;
  • Perfectly copes with the welding of low carbon steels;
  • Easy creation of a seam in any directions.


  • Not everyone will like the price;
  • Calcination is necessary as the product is sensitive to dampness.


OZL 8.jpg2

These electrodes of domestic production are primarily intended for welding steel with a high content of nickel and chromium. That is, it is with such electrodes that stainless steel must be boiled. This product imposes one restriction. It is only suitable for welding machines that use direct current of reverse polarity. The arc should be short.

Subject to the above conditions, the welder will receive a strong seam, which does not have a tendency to pokale and corrosion. In short, the OZL-8 electrodes show themselves ideally when working with high-loaded nodes, including those used in alternating loads.

Unfortunately, after welding some slag appears. But it is easily separated, you will not spend much time on this. When cooling, the seam does not crack, but it is not worth sharply cooling it - so that crystallization does not occur, reducing strength. As well as other electrodes with the main coating, these products require calcination at high temperature. It is somewhat difficult, or rather, delaying the ignition.


  • Easy seam guide;
  • Ideal welds high load nodes;
  • When tearing off, it does not crack;
  • Best suited for working with stainless steel.


  • High price;
  • When wetted, the characteristics seriously deteriorate;
  • Usual limitations for such electrodes.

Top rutile-coated welding electrodes

Lincoln Electric Omnia 46

Lincoln Electric Omnia 46

The most respected company in the market of welding machines is Lincoln Electric. This American enterprise has existed for over a hundred years. The first electrode with a plaster was released by it back in 1927. Since then, the engineers of this company have accumulated a wealth of experience. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Omnia 46 electrodes, which have a rutile-cellulose plaster, immediately after release, earned the respect of many welders and specialized publications.

Despite their foreign origin, these electrodes are quite inexpensive. In stores you can find different packs, usually they hold from four to six kilograms of electrodes. In any case, you will spend less than a thousand rubles! Most of all these products like beginners. The fact is that the Omnia 46 electrodes easily ignite even on cheap welding machines. Not very sensitive to the length of the arc, which also can not but rejoice. Experts note a small number of sparks that occur during operation. This is important as it improves fire safety. Slag after work can be easily separated, which allows welding of dirty or rusty steel. No customer claims and the strength of the seam. Often, even pipelines are boiled with such electrodes, although they were not originally intended for this.


  • The seam is very durable and resistant to stress;
  • Does not require a short arc;
  • Very easy ignition on any inverter;
  • Even a beginner can handle the arc;
  • Sane value.


  • Electrodes can quickly dampen (then calcining will be required).



These electrodes are both Russian and foreign. This is explained by the fact that they are produced by us, but strictly under the control of the Swedish company ESAB. The product is sold at a relatively low price. In this price category this product has no equal. Even with partial damping, the electrodes are stable.

Ignition takes seconds at any welding inverter. It is possible to work with electrodes both at direct and alternating current. Experts note that the product works in any direction of the weld, and the minimum current threshold for these electrodes is lower than that of competitors. All this allows the use of the Swedish-Russian product for welding thin-walled parts.

The main advantage of rutile-coated electrodes is that the surface of the steel being treated does not need to be brushed. The product is not afraid of pollution or corrosion. All slag after work can be easily removed. The cooled seam turns out strong and viscous. For calcining a strongly cooled electrode, it is sufficient to heat the welding machine to only 80-90 degrees.


  • It is possible to work with dirty and rusty steel;
  • Price tag can hardly be called high;
  • Work at the minimum current is possible;
  • Very easy ignition.


  • Not suitable for pipelines, as the strength of the seam is still not the maximum.

Resanta MR-3

Resanta MP 3

It is possible that Resant MP-3 electrodes are the most common in our country. The Resanta brand unexpectedly became very popular, not least because of the fact that there are often no special complaints about products under this brand.

The above electrodes have an average price tag. The product was successful, its main disadvantage is that it works much worse when it is damp. If you need a strong seam, then a damp product will require calcination. At a temperature of 150-170 degrees, this process will last about an hour.

Like other rutile electrodes, Resanta MR-3 can be ignited almost as a normal match. Also, this product allows you to arc in any direction. It is not afraid of rust or dirt - the slag is then easily removed. There are no special defects in the product.

If many competitors when working with steel with a high carbon content sin recrystallization, then this product is completely insensitive to the quality of the welded steel. And yet, Resanta MR-3 is not necessary to be used for welding high-carbon steel - there are electrodes with the main coating for these purposes.


  • The optimal price tag;
  • There is no tendency to form pores;
  • Slag is easily separated;
  • Minimum arc length requirements;
  • Easy to ignite;
  • Use at an alternating and direct current is possible.


  • When dampened, the quality of the seam drops markedly.

What welding electrode to buy

1. If you have previously worked with electrodes having the main coating, then you can purchase the SSSI 13/55. This product is also inexpensive and provides a very strong seam. Also to its advantages include the fact that these electrodes can be found in very many stores.

2. Kobelco LB-52U also has a base coat. In this regard, ignition is possible here only after calcination, which removes all moisture. This electrode should be bought in the event that a pipeline or some other serious object is welded and does not allow two-side welding.

3. If you have stainless steel welding on your nose, then you need to buy OZL-8. This is an expensive substance, but it perfectly copes with the welding of steel containing nickel and chromium. The disadvantages of the product are typical for the electrode with the main coating.

4. If you need fast lightening electrodes, then you should consider buying a Lincoln Electric Omnia 46. Also, this product will not greatly affect your budget. Electrodes create a strong seam, otherwise they would not fall into our rating.

5. Another good copy with a rutile covering is ESAB-SVEL OK 46.00.This electrode also does not require serious calcination, while it is less afraid of damping than the others. To work with such an electrode will require a minimum current, which allows welding of thin-walled steel.

6. Resant MP-3 electrodes show a little worse. If they are damp, then long calcining will be required at medium temperature. Otherwise, the seam is not the best quality.

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