
This rating was created in order to make it easier for you, dear customers, the task of finding and choosing inexpensive but high-quality tonics. Especially for you, we not only examined the main companies engaged in the production of tonic, but also identified the basic principles in accordance with which you must make your choice. So let's get started.



best face toners

Facial toner which company to buy



For many customers, the name of this French brand is synonymous with quality and a positive effect on the skin of the face. Specialists from France carefully monitor the quality of products to ensure that it is suitable for both women with normal and too sensitive skin.

Belita Vitex


Yes, manufacturers from the post-Soviet space also receive considerable recognition from customers. The Belarusian company has proven itself with its inexpensive, but high-quality products, passing many stages of testing and verification.



German manufacturer, which has earned deserved popularity among customers. The company's products are especially valued by women for their gentle care, natural supplements, and the ability to use for various skin types.

Natura Siberica

natura siberica

Russian company offering inexpensive but high-quality cosmetics. The production uses natural ingredients. Natura Siberica tonics are especially recommended for oily skin.

Green mama

green mama

In the name of the company one can hear the naturalness of the ingredients that are part of its products. For this, as well as for the quality and for the large volume of packaging for cosmetics of this manufacturer, customers value it.

Top Tonics Rating

1st place: “Basic care” from Garnier

garnier tonnik

The volume of this tool is quite standard - 200 milliliters. The price for one bottle of such a volume is quite acceptable - in stores you will not find options more expensive than 150 rubles. The manufacturer claims that this tool relieves the skin from the effects of toxins, cleans it well, reduces irritation and disgusting itching, as well as soothes at the end of the working day.

This tool is designed for several skin types: normal, dry and sensitive. It should be noted that Garnier managed to create a good product with a unique formula that does not cause allergies and harmful effects on the skin. The composition of the tonic successfully included natural ingredients.


  • Cheapness;
  • Confirmed quality;
  • Versatility of use.


  • The tool does well only with short-term tasks of maintaining the overall skin tone, but in no way fights age-related problems.

It should be noted that this tool has more good than bad reviews. Even in critical sentences there is a place for positive things.

2nd place: Green Mama (“Sea Garden”, “Lingonberry and celandine”, “Strawberry and a series”).

green mama tonik

This manufacturer does not skimp on large bottles: it supplies tonics in containers of 300 milliliters. The cost of one bottle varies between 130 and 150 rubles, which is very acceptable.

The manufacturer skillfully created a series of products in which he was able to link the action of various components (strawberries, lingonberries, algae). Thus, tonics have a targeted and targeted effect on each of the skin types: the customer has the opportunity to choose the remedy she really needs.


  • Low price;
  • The generous volume of the bottle, designed in such a way that the tool is spent economically;
  • The naturalness of the components;
  • A point "hit" on skin problems.


  • A bottle of medicine does not always fit comfortably in a cosmetic bag or a handbag.

Many customers note that even the periodic use of tonics of this brand leads to a positive result. Some say that there is a lot of “chemistry” in the composition of substances, but they should look at other products on the market and understand that Green Mama does not skimp on natural supplements.

3rd place: Aqua Effect tonic from Nivea

nivea tonnik

This manufacturer pours tonics into standard bottles of 200 milliliters. The cost of one reaches 180 p. The company's products not only bring the skin “to life”, but also relieves it of dryness, and also cleanses of harmful elements. German is practical. Tonic has an innovative formula that intensively supplies the skin with moisture


  • Tender skin throughout the application of the tool;
  • The complete absence of alcohol is a very irritating component;
  • Pleasant and enveloping texture.


  • This tool is not suitable for different types of skin, the so-called effect of “duration of action” is absolutely absent.

Customers are generally satisfied with this tool: many prefer tonic for a long time. However, some ask themselves quite understandable question: "Why is there so much chemistry in its composition?"

4th place: tonic with matting effect from Natura Siberica

tonnik siberika

The bottle is standard: its volume is classic 200 milliliters. The price is very reasonable - 140 rubles for one tonic.
The manufacturer guarantees that his product not only mattes, but also relieves the skin of various types from all kinds of harmful substances. Of course, today not a single cosmetic product can be called completely natural. However, Natura Siberica is trying to get as close as possible to the ideal of naturalness. So, as part of the tonic no aggressive salts, harmful fragrances and parabens.


  • The smell of herbs fascinated many customers;
  • Very soft and pleasant to the touch texture of the substance;
  • Excellent and prompt solution to oily skin problems.


  • The effect does not last long: in order for it to last a whole day, you must apply the tool at least 3 times.

The customers note that this remedy perfectly fights various skin problems: removes points, tightens pores, and also gives a matte effect. However, some rightly note that before applying it is necessary to arrange a little testing, because the herbs contained in the tonic can cause an allergic effect.

5th place: Belita Vitex tonic (whitening effect)

belita tonnik

A small bottle (150 milliliters), but very convenient: you can shove it in your makeup bag and put it in your purse. Perhaps the most "budget of all budget" - the cost of only 60 rubles.

Despite the low price, the tool shock solves several problems. The tonic actively removes obsolete skin and enables the young epithelium to develop normally, stimulates the metabolism, and also tones up well.


  • Noticeable effect, which can be achieved from the first application;
  • Very economical in spending.


  • A noticeable amount of harmful chemicals in the composition (acid) that can harm the skin.

Customers say that the effect of tonic is simply amazing: it can replace the work of specialists. However, such bold statements have their own counter argument: there are a large number of harmful ingredients in the composition.

What face tonic to choose

As mentioned at the beginning of the review, you need to find a kind of middle ground between price and quality. We thought that the ideal tonic could be considered a product from Garnier “Basic care”. It has a pleasant price, good effect, and also contains a lot of natural substances. Tonic is really universal, which allows women to use it with skin of various types. It cannot be said that our choice is subjective: it is confirmed by a whole mass of positive feedback from numerous customers.

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