
A suffocating chemical smell in the apartment, dull stains on the windows, and with a fresh newspaper, unsuccessfully trying to wipe the stains off the glass after another miracle cure. Familiar? Stop experimenting and buy everything! Listen to the advice of housewives who have already tried different window cleaners and found the best ones. And we just made up a kind of rating based on their feedback, comparing all the pros and cons.




What company window cleaner to choose

In the Russian market, detergents are presented in three main categories.

Let's take a look at the best representatives in three categories:

1. The best household tools of the mass market category:

  • Homestar is the cheapest and most efficient;
  • Clin Windows & Glass - the most popular;
  • Help is the most economical.

2. Top concentrates:

  • Amway L.O.C. - a universal remedy "for all occasions";
  • HG is the safest;
  • Magos Mirror - the most affordable.

3. The best eco-products:

  • Ikeep! - the most natural;
  • House Faberlik - the best for cleaning windows and mirrors in the bathroom;
  • Zero BIO - the most inexpensive.

The best household tools

According to the buyers, the most reliable sprays for quick cleaning of glasses got into this rating. They are composed of alcohols and surfactants, which easily remove dirt and degrease the surface, performing the main work. Alas, it is impossible to call them harmless - such solutions contain chemical fragrances that interrupt the sharp alcohol smell. But with their task, they cope with the "five", and most importantly - do not leave stains on the glass.

Homestar - quality is higher than the price


The rare case when a little-known brand produces excellent products. There are simply no negative reviews on the glass cleaner. This is partly due to its low price, with which the hostesses and relate their expectations.

But Homestar has enough objective advantages too:

  • Economical consumption;
  • It evaporates quickly from the surface, leaving no streaks;
  • Really adds shine to glass and mirrors;
  • Easily cope with greasy traces;
  • The lowest price on the market;
  • 750 ml large bottle.

The minuses are purely subjective and are not perceived by buyers as insignificant:

  • A pronounced alcohol odor that quickly disappears;
  • In case of heavy dirt, the glass will have to be rubbed more intensively to get a good result.

Homestar Spray from Invent CJSC is mainly distributed through the network of FixPrice stores.

Clin Windows & Glass is the most popular brand on the market.

Clin Windows Glass

Henkel products pleased not only with efficiency, but also with a small amount of know-how - a hinged lid of a sprayer with a net. The latter gives a dense foam, albeit quickly creeping over the glass. Liquid consumption from this decreases, but the quality of cleaning, contrary to the idea of ​​the manufacturer, too. So you have to choose: either switch to the usual “spray” and get a quick effect, or use an economical foam, but spend more time and effort to wash windows. We recommend using the new spraying mode for local cleaning of stains.

Advantages of Henkel Clin:

  • Lack of stains on the glass;
  • Eco mode foam;
  • Copes well and quickly with dirt on the windows;
  • The chemical smell is mild;
  • There are replaceable bottles on sale;
  • Very durable spray bottle.


  • The price is high;
  • Does not always cope with a fat coating on the outside of the window and in the kitchen.

Clin Windows & Glass is available in three flavors: apple, lemon and orange. But, according to reviews, they heard chemical notes. If this does not suit you, buy an odorless liquid.

Help - an economical spray for frequent cleaning.


A good product of the Russian manufacturer Alfatehform at an affordable price. It copes with ordinary stains on windows and mirrors, but it can collapse in front of heavy pollution from the street. You will have to wash the windows first with soap and water, and only then bring beauty with Help so that there are no divorces.


  • Copes with "average" pollution and handprints;
  • Does not leave muddy bloom on the glass;
  • Economical consumption due to the small diameter of the nozzle, which gives a small cloud of spray;
  • Suitable for washing PVC windows;
  • Antistatic (dustproof) effect.


  • The smell, though not sharp, but clearly chemical and persistent;
  • Can not cope with the first time with heavy pollution;
  • Slowly evaporates from the surface, which makes you work with a rag.

When buying, pay attention to the volume of the bottle: Help is sold in bottles of 500 and 750 ml.

Top Concentrated Means

These steklomoi for the most part designed for professional use - and they are usually purchased by cleaning companies. However, this does not mean that special chemistry should not be used at home. Concentrated cleaners are effective, spent economically, and their high price should not scare you. The only problem - in the free market to find such products is not easy.

Amway L.O.C. - "Universal Soldier"

Amway L.O

Many are negatively opposed to grid companies, but among their products are really effective means. Amway L.O.C. - just that case. Concentrated liquid is diluted with water in a separate bottle with a spray (1: 3 ratio - to obtain a light blue tint). After that, it can be used as a common household spray.


  • There is no sharp smell;
  • Washes contaminants the first time;
  • Can also be used on other surfaces, such as stainless steel, tile or plastic;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Copes well with fat.


  • On large mirrors, a muddy rim sometimes remains, which means that it is impossible to do without careful polishing by hand;
  • The high price in the catalog for a bottle of 500 ml.

There are reviews on the Web that talk about the ineffectiveness of liquid L.O.C. But they are rare, which rather indicates the problems of the uncontrolled movement of goods on the principle of "from hand to hand."

HG for washing windows and frames (Netherlands) - effective and safe


This concentrate should be attributed to the Eco section, because its formula is non-toxic and safe for humans and the environment. To prepare the usual solution, dilute 15 ml of HG in 5 liters of water. The dosage is changed depending on the complexity of the pollution.


  • It works “equally well” both on mirrors and on window glass;
  • Copes with old stains and greasy bloom;
  • It has a neutral pH - does not dry the skin;
  • Economical consumption and at the same time long shelf life (7 years);
  • No smell;
  • Can be used in concentrated form;
  • Antistatic in the composition.


  • Price per bottle;
  • No spray gun included;
  • It is difficult to find in ordinary household chemical stores.

HG for washing windows and frames could take first place in our rating, if not for its “inaccessibility” for buyers. But the combination of efficiency, safety and efficiency of this concentrate is really unique.

Magos Mirror - for those who love everything brilliant


Designed for professional washing windows and shop windows. Suitable for automotive glass, plastic, chrome and stainless steel, for the care of monitors and cleaning floors with a mirror shine. Its use is also allowed at sub-zero temperatures (not lower than -10 ° C). Before using, Magos is diluted 1: 100.


  • High concentration and economical consumption;
  • Affordable price;
  • Non-toxic and usually does not irritate the skin of the hands;
  • Does not leave stains.


  • It is difficult to find in free sale, although in online stores it is;
  • Cannot be used to clean polycarbonate;
  • In rare cases, it causes allergic reactions.

On sale is the packaging of Magos 1 liter each and bottles with a spray bottle of 750 ml.

The best eco-products

This category includes non-toxic fluids based on plant and biodegradable components. They have no pronounced smell, are hypoallergenic and are considered the safest. True, not every company can find a natural and at the same time effective formula.

iKeep! - no negative feedback


Judging by the composition stated on the label, the product has the full right to be called non-toxic. Although this includes perfume, but it is not synthetic, like other components.


  • Pleasant unobtrusive smell;
  • Suitable for any shiny surfaces, including plastic and stainless steel;
  • Effectively removes greasy deposits and hands marks from glasses;
  • Large volume of the bottle (750 ml);
  • Contains antistatic, dust repellent.


  • Questions with fogging mirrors in the bathroom - someone has the effect is visible, someone does not.

Fans of "green chemistry" unanimously recommend using iKeep! as the most effective and safe means. At the same time, its price is rather average than high.

House Faberlik - ideal for washing glass and mirrors in the bathroom

Dom Faberlik

Another network product, more focused on use in the bathroom. The anti-fogging effect declared by the manufacturer has not been noticed by anybody who has unsubscribed, but our customers have already given nothing to believe everything they see on the labels. But Faberlic's glass liquid showed another advantage: after the first cleaning, soap and limescale drips are removed more easily from the surface of the mirrors and shower walls.

Other advantages:

  • Weak, unobtrusive smell;
  • Copes with lime traces of hard water;
  • Resistant antistatic and dirt-repellent effect;
  • Does not leave stains;
  • Suitable for washing plastic surfaces.


  • It is uneconomical - in order to achieve perfect cleanliness, it will have to be applied twice;
  • Despite the assurances of the manufacturer, the bathroom mirror still "sweats";
  • It can dry the skin of the hands, which the manufacturer forgot to mention.

Attempt to create a safe household chemicals for home customers Faberlik counted. From our side, we add that the manufacturer should be more honest with consumers when it comes to products for such a sum.

Eco-spray Zero BIO - maximum value

Zero BIO

Cleaner from the company "First Solution" is made on the basis of white vinegar and supposedly exudes mint flavor. To the third place of our rating, it crept “with difficulty”, because it contains alcohol and surfactants, albeit in smaller quantities. But just look at this impressive list of advantages!


  • Perfectly copes with cleaning mirrors;
  • Contains safe non-ionic surfactants;
  • Perfume replace essential oils;
  • Vinegar is used as a solvent;
  • Does not leave stains and gives surfaces a bright shine;
  • Contains antistatic;
  • Washes complex stains and old bloom.


  • The composition is not 100% natural, but the manufacturer has definitely taken security measures;
  • Unyielding, poorly adjustable dispenser;
  • Copes with greasy stains on the kitchen window worse than non-eco-friendly products, but removes finger marks.

The hostesses definitely liked the price of Zero Bio, as well as its natural composition. Some are afraid of the content of surfactants, but they are non-ionic substances that are recognized as non-toxic.

What window cleaner to buy

In this review, we considered only effective means for washing windows and mirrors that do well with their main task. For those who have higher requirements for household chemicals, we give a few tips at last:

1. If you want to save money, the best solution would be to buy Russian Homestar or Help brands. We'll have to work hard, but purity and shine without divorces are provided.

2. For difficult pollution and rare general cleaning suitable concentrated liquids. “HG” is good in this business, but if you cannot get it, you can buy Amway L.O.C.

3. When there are many mirrors in the house or there is a large wardrobe, you should choose Magos Mirror or Zero BIO.

4. If your kitchen has a lot of glass surfaces, you need good fat solvents: concentrates or safe iKeep! The latter is most liked by the fans of "green chemistry".

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