
If your carpet looks worn, pale, has lost an attractive look, do not rush to send it to the garbage. Modern tools are able to return the former look to the carpet, remove stains, refresh color, eliminate odor. Our rating invites you to get acquainted with the best products that have proven themselves in the market. Among the list of favorites, you will undoubtedly find a suitable option.



clean carpet

Means for cleaning carpets which company choose

Reckitt benckiser

Reckitt benckiser

Manufacturer of products for the home, personal care products. The company came to light in the 1840s. Jeremy Coleman began to produce flour and mustard powder in one of the small towns of England. This fact stimulated Isaac Rekitt to rent a mill and grind starch. During this period, the company begins to operate Reckitt & Sons. Over time, the founder produces the first means for washing and cleaning. After the death of Issak, his offspring goes to the sons, who led the company to this success.

Greenfield Rus


Specializes in the production of household chemicals. The company has been operating since 1996. The product is focused on a wide range of customers, it has a reasonable price / quality ratio. Most of the products are sold in Russia, exports to Latvia, Belarus, Moldova are active. A private laboratory at the company's disposal makes it possible to manufacture environmentally friendly and health-friendly products.



Manufacturer of a series of safe household chemicals NORDLAND. The company has been operating on the market for more than 18 years, making European quality products. Production facilities of the company are located in Spain, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Finland, etc. The product undergoes rigorous testing according to all standards and standards of quality and environmental friendliness.

The best liquid carpet cleaner

Most of the means for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture is made in liquid form. Among the primary advantages of such products: operational dissolution, convenient use, ease of flushing.

The best price / quality ratio - Shampoo 5+ Carpets

shampun 5

The undisputed leader of its category. Domestic product at a reasonable price - for only 120 rubles (500 ml). Shampoo is used in diluted or not diluted form. The product copes with a large number of stains and pollution, is in demand in the market.

Consumers identify the following positive characteristics of the tool:

  • efficiency;
  • neutral smell;
  • possibility of use during cleaning with a washing vacuum cleaner;
  • elimination of static electricity.

Cons consumers have not found. The product is definitely like the hostess. In the product reviews there are no complaints and discontent with the shampoo or the manufacturer.

Help for cleaning carpets - the best in the fight against difficult pollution


A great option that will not only get rid of serious stains, but also save you money. Capacity in 500 ml will cost only 75 rubles. The product is used as a stain remover: it is sprayed onto the contaminated area and simply washed off with a sponge. Recommended for intended use only. In the process of work it is necessary to use rubber gloves, vacuum the carpet well after cleaning and ventilate the room.

Among the obvious advantages of products:

  • convenient form of release - spray;
  • odor elimination;
  • efficiency;
  • relatively low cost.

A number of buyers noted the following drawbacks:

  • limited range of actions - does not cope with all stains;
  • the inability to use for general carpet cleaning, only as a stain remover;
    acrid smell.

Opinion of hostesses about the product is positive. Cost effective and fairly high efficiency means bribe.

The best choice for routine cleaning of carpets, upholstery and upholstered furniture - Vanish hand cleaning shampoo


One of the most popular tools that helps to quickly give the carpet a former attractive look. Classic shampoo designed to be dissolved in water. The resulting foam should be applied to a sponge or brush and clean the carpet. Long-term pollution Vanisha can not afford, but fresh stains and dust will remove easily. In addition, the tool will give the product a pleasant smell, refresh the paint.

The list of advantages of Vanisha can be easily attributed:

  • effectiveness in the case of simple stains;
  • giving the carpet a pleasant smell;
  • upon completion of the cleaning, dirt residues are easily removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Several flaws did not allow the product to be in first position. Among them:

  • quite high cost - 240 rubles per 450 ml;
  • the presence of stains after cleaning;
  • harsh smell;
  • can not cope with stubborn dirt.

The majority of consumers are satisfied with the purchase. The tool is regularly used by housewives and does not lose its quality.

The best means of an alternative form of release - powder, soap, foam

As an alternative form of production of carpet cleaner are powder, soap, foam. Each of them has a number of advantages and disadvantages in comparison with the products of the previous category - for more details on the examples of specific products.

Udalix Ultra - the most economical option

 udalix ultra

The composition of the tool provides removal of dirt, dust, grease stains, pet waste products, etc. To remove a mixed stain, you will have to resort to cleaning more than once. The powder is dissolved in water, turning into a foam, which is used to clean the carpet. The hostesses learned how to deal with complex stains by applying a paste from Udalix Ultra (add some water to the powder, knead the composition and apply it on the contaminated area).

It is worth paying attention to the following positive characteristics of the product:

  • low cost - 70 rubles per 250 g.
  • profitability;
  • pleasant aroma.

Of the minuses:

  • lack of efficiency compared to more expensive competitors;
  • poorly soluble in water.

Almost all buyers consider the purchase justified. In this case, the optimal price / quality ratio is obvious.

The most effective carpet cleaner - Antipyatin


Soap for cleaning carpets can not be called a modern solution, however, in the case of this tool, its use is more than justified. Antipyatin will cope with even the most persistent contaminants and will "give odds" to the most fashionable powders and gels. With this tool the stains from food, greens, iodine, pencils, cosmetics, etc. are not terrible. They use soap in the traditional way: they rub the stains and leave them on for some time.

Highlight the main advantages of the tool:

  • low cost - 40 rubles for 90 g.
  • economical consumption;
  • compactness;
  • ease of use;
  • efficiency.

But on the other hand:

  • the smell of soap;
  • the complexity of the process of flushing.

Antipyatin was to the taste of many housewives, especially those who are for practicality. High efficiency for little money - what else is needed for happiness?

The best choice for allergic housewives - Nordland Active Foam


Foam for cleaning carpets are not particularly revered by housewives because of their rather big cost and impracticality. However, Nordland foam is simply an indispensable thing for allergy sufferers who have decided to give their carpet an attractive look. The tool is environmentally friendly, is used to combat weak and medium pollution. The foam can even penetrate the high pile of the coating. The remains can be eliminated with a vacuum cleaner. A significant drawback is a large consumption of funds with low efficiency in the case of deep pollution.

The active Nordland foam was included in the rating due to its following characteristics:

  • carries out almost dry cleaning;
  • easy to use;
  • removes dirt, removes unpleasant odor.

In contrast to the listed advantages:

  • high cost - 300 rubles for 600 g .;
  • high consumption;
  • effective only in case of light and medium pollution;
  • the inability to use with thin floor coverings or gaskets for furniture - there are divorces.

The general opinion of buyers about the product is positive. Consumers are quite satisfied with the quality of the goods.

What carpet cleaner to buy

The given rating includes not at all advertised, expensive products, but quite affordable domestic means for cleaning carpets, which deservedly turned out to be the best in terms of price and quality. Below are a few recommendations regarding product selection.

1. If you are a supporter of public opinion, trust customer reviews and do not want to experiment on new products, stop your choice on the traditional version - Shampoo 5+ Carpets.

2. In the case of the need to deal with really difficult dirt you can get help only for cleaning carpets.

3. If you are a conscientious housewife who periodically makes a general cleaning, putting in order not only carpeting, but also furniture upholstery, you should definitely get Vanish shampoo for manual cleaning.

4. Practical and economical housewives will be the way Udalix Ultra powder or Antipyatin soap.

5. Allergy sufferers will traditionally opt for the European standard - the active Nordland foam.

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