
Each housewife wants to have a good saucepan in her “kitchen” arsenal, so that she can cook both soup, roast, and porridge. In the process of choosing such an ideal dish, the question poses - which pot is better - enamel or stainless steel? Let's look at the properties of each material and evaluate the advantages of each model.



stainless steel enameled pan

Enamel pan

Almost every housewife has such an assistant in the kitchen; she attracts with her appearance and affordable cost. The pot will be able not only to cook dinner, but also to please with a variety of colors - white, yellow, blue, with a floral ornament. What else will please such a saucepan?

  • It passes heat well and keeps the dish hot for a long time.
  • Does not emit harmful substances during cooking
  • The enamel coating retains all the vitamin properties of the products.
  • Easy to clean and clean.

This beauty has disadvantages:

  • Enamel is a fragile material and scratches may appear on the pan over time. It is not recommended to use dishes with scratches and cracks, as it can release harmful substances.
  • It is impossible to clean the dishes with chemical abrasives so as not to damage the enamel.
  • Meals in an enamel saucepan can burn, especially milk and milk cereals. So you will need to monitor the cooking and stir the dish.

When choosing a saucepan, give preference to models with a thick bottom, where the coating is at least 2 mm. In order not to be mistaken in the choice, know what the heavier the dishes seem, the better the material. If you want to prolong the life of your assistant, treat her carefully - do not drop, do not hit, do not knock on the edges with a spoon, do not rub with metal sponges and do not put an empty fire.

Stainless steel

Today, many housewives, choosing which pot is better - enamel or stainless steel, tend to the second option. Stainless steel models are gradually becoming leaders in the kitchen, and in Europe in almost every home you can see a whole set of such pots. Let's see why this dish is so attractive.

  • It is resistant to acidic and alkaline media, which means that all products can be cooked and stored in such dishes.
  • It does not require special and careful care.
  • You can cook dishes in such a pan on any kind of cooker.
  • The stainless steel long keeps heat

Now look at the cons

  • Its main disadvantage is the price, stainless steel models will cost “a pretty penny”
  • This model is difficult to use in the oven - you will always need to unscrew the knobs

Choosing a pot, pay attention to its quality. Many unscrupulous manufacturers save on material or use low-quality steel. For your dishes to serve you longer, pay attention to European manufacturers and remember - a good stainless steel pan can not be cheap.

What dishes will do well enamelled and stainless steel pan

EnamelledStainless steel
Soups Soups
Preservation Preservation
Cooking vegetables Cooking vegetables
Compote Kashi
  Second courses

When choosing which pot is best - enamel or stainless steel, base yourself on which dishes your family prefers. If you need to cook porridge daily, and you do not have time to stand over the stove and stir the dish every five minutes - choose stainless steel dishes.

Porridge in it will not burn, and the main dishes will be better - the bottom of the pan will not burn. If you need an inexpensive assistant who can easily cope with first courses, side dishes and vegetables - feel free to choose an enameled pan.

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