
Both bamboo and eucalyptus are considered modern and environmentally friendly materials. But each material has its own characteristics and nuances. Let's see which pillow is better - bamboo or eucalyptus.



pillow for sleeping

Bamboo cushion

Ten years ago, bamboo was considered an unsuitable material for the manufacture of soft pillows - the technology did not allow to process its hard fibers qualitatively. But progress has taken its toll - today, technologists have learned to process the fibers and turn them into soft and pleasant material. What is so remarkable pillows from bamboo?

  • By their quality, such pillows resemble expensive cashmere and silk - bamboo fibers are saturated with natural shine, and to the touch - softer than the highest quality cotton.
  • Bamboo has a natural antimicrobial property. This is the main difference between such a pillow - the material does not need chemical treatment, but protects against germs with its “natural” forces.
  • The pillow will provide you a comfortable and healthy sleep due to one more property of bamboo - body temperature control.
  • This material is distinguished by its high strength - it is only necessary to recall that paper is made of bamboo in Asia.
  • Such a pillow will remain fresh for many years and will retain its original appearance. Scientists have found in the composition of bamboo a unique component - “bamboo kun”, which is responsible for the absence of microbes. Also, this component will not cause the product to rot, which means that the pad will remain fresh with long-term use.
  • The material is not afraid of machine wash and high temperature - the product can be washed at a temperature of 60 degrees.
  • High humidity is not dangerous for bamboo - its fibers have a porous structure that provides optimal ventilation.
  • Good antistatic properties prevent the accumulation of dust inside the pillow.

To make the cushion last for a long time, it is not recommended to use bleach in the wash and turn off the “drying” mode - then the fibers will retain their structure. It is best to dry the product on a hard and flat surface, and do not use batteries and heaters.

Eucalyptus pillow

You have familiarized with the amazing properties of bamboo, now let's see what another eco-friendly material - eucalyptus can offer and decide which is better - bamboo or eucalyptus. You don’t need to tell a lot about this plant - you know its positive properties for the organism very well. If a few years ago, eucalyptus was used in pharmacology, today this material will be able to take care of your healthy sleep. A pillow with this filling has several advantages:

  • This pillow is suitable for people prone to allergies - eucalyptus fibers are completely hypoallergenic.
  • Does not absorb dust and odors due to its deodorizing properties. Even prolonged use of a pillow without washing will eliminate odors.
  • Essential oils that are present in the composition of the material, can heal the skin of the face during sleep and restore energy balance.
  • The hollow fiber structure provides good air ventilation. In the hot season, such a pillow will perfectly absorb moisture, and you will not experience discomfort.
  • It feels like soft silk to the touch - it will be easy for you to relax.
  • Eucalyptus has antibacterial properties and does not allow bacteria to multiply. And, most importantly - the essential oils in the composition of the pillow can heal minor wounds and cracks.
  • The material has high quality and wear resistance - such a pillow will serve you for many years.

It is recommended to wash such a product at a temperature of 30 degrees, and you cannot dry-clean such a pillow.Drying in the washing machine and at high temperatures is also not recommended - it is better to turn off the "drying" and leave the products to dry in their natural form.

To conclude which cushion filler is better - bamboo or eucalyptus is quite difficult. Both materials are hypoallergenic, reliable, possess antibacterial properties and are able to provide you with a healthy sleep. The eucalyptus cushion is saturated with useful essential oils, which is not in the bamboo product. True, there is a cushion with eucalyptus is more expensive than with bamboo. The choice is worth making, based on what material, and what value you prefer.

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