
Many motorists are not enthusiastic about the rules of the road, established in Russia. People do not like the speed limit, with the current development of engines seeming too low. And if in the city you can still accept this, then you can’t say so about the country tracks. And you cannot exceed the speed on them, because quite unexpectedly you can drive past a special camera installed by the traffic police, as a result of which you will be charged a fine or completely deprived of your driving license. The radar detector will help to avoid problems - it will warn about approaching the camera. But not everyone, some models lie shamelessly. In this article, we have selected for you only the best anti-radars that work on all types of cameras and have some additional functionality.



radar detector

Radar detector which company to choose



A variety of venomous snake is highly respected in the automotive world. Suffice it to recall the iconic roadster, which was named in honor of the cobra. And the brand Cobra uses a manufacturer of anti-radar. The full name of the company is Cobra Electronic Corporation, and it is based in the USA. Now it is the largest manufacturer of automotive electronics, regularly introducing completely new technologies into its creations.



The mention of the Inspector brand has already been met on the pages of our site - this company produces quite good DVRs. Popular among motorists and radar detectors Inspector. As a rule, they have a good build and at the same time their price tag is not too high. In short, these are excellent representatives of the budget segment. Although this does not mean that there are no flagship models in the company's range.



Automobile electronics under the brand Neoline has been produced since 2006. The company was one of the first to offer Russian motorists to buy anti-radars. Since then, the design of these devices has improved significantly. Also, devices have learned to recognize the camera speed measurement, created by a completely new technology. Some models are endowed with a GPS module, thanks to which they determine their location and are checked against a database containing all the cameras in your area.



Not to mention this brand when talking about automotive electronics is impossible. This manufacturer is trying to match the budget segment, and therefore he regularly goes to all sorts of simplifications and tricks. Although this does not prevent some radar detectors from appealing to their customers, especially those who expect only basic functionality from them.



SUPRA has entered the Russian electronics market for a very long time. Now this company sells such a mountain of goods that will not fit in any warehouse (even if we take only one copy of each device). There are in its range and radar detectors. In total, they released more than two dozen varieties. Some are representatives of the budget segment - you should not expect much from them. Others are endowed with auxiliary functionality, sometimes they even have an LCD display! But such monsters are much more expensive.


sho me

Under the brand of Sho-Me any car electronics seems to be produced. So far the manufacturer does not think only about car stereos, acoustics and some other technically-complex devices. But the Sho-Me anti-radar you can easily find in any store that sells such products. The range of the company is quite wide - there are even hybrid devices that have an LCD display, a GPS module and a camera base.

SilverStone F1


The creators of SilverStone F1 anti-radar play on the feelings of fans of motorsport.Well, which Formula 1 fan wouldn’t want to buy a gadget with such a name? Although in general, these products do not differ from those produced by competitors. Moreover, in the minus the manufacturer can be credited not a very wide range. Although there is no doubt that very soon the company will try to release several more models, as a result of which it will get rid of this shortcoming.

Street storm

Street storm

No other company can compare to Street Storm in the number of radar detectors produced. At the same time, Street Storm cares about the consumer even after he has made a purchase - for many models, a software update is regularly released that fixes bugs and adds new functionality. The brand belongs to the company "Russian game", which cooperates with many stores selling automotive electronics.



Whistler specializes only in the production of anti-radar - other types of electronics by this company are created on a significantly smaller scale. Many experts admit that Whistler radar detectors are better recognized by the new generation DPS cameras. However, this applies only to the flagship products, while the budget devices in their capabilities are quite comparable with the works of competitors.

Rating the best radar detectors

In this rating, based on user reviews, were taken into account:

  • Ability to detect radar "Arrow";
  • Cost of antiradar;
  • Complaints of damage;
  • The presence or absence of a database of cameras;
  • The number of supported ranges;
  • Convenience mounting;
  • The ability to add points of false positives.

The best anti-radar with voice alert

SilverStone F1 Monaco

SilverStone F1 Monaco

A very good copy, moreover, and not worth cosmic money. The manufacturer claims that the device consistently recognizes radar type "Arrow" and "Robot", aided by the support of five popular ranges - up to Ultra-K.


  • Availability of GPS-module and base of stationary cameras;
  • Supports five ranges (K, Ka, Ku, X, Ultra-K);
  • Able to detect "Robot" and "Arrow" radars;
  • Three operating modes;
  • Reliable fastening (sucker or adhesive tape);
  • The presence of voice alerts;
  • Excellent noise immunity;
  • The presence of a character display;
  • 360-degree viewing angle;
  • Affordable price.


  • The design of the keys is not very well implemented.

Reviews for SilverStone F1 Monaco prove that this brand does not include Chinese consumer goods, trying to lure fans of motor racing.

The device works out the money invested in it by 100%! If you rarely go out of town, then you will definitely have enough of its capabilities. But this does not mean that it is useless on country roads - at such moments, the modern-day Strelka and Robot detection system saves.

Whistler Pro-80ST RU

Whistler Pro 80ST RU

This device may seem too expensive. But then you get maximum protection - the device will warn of any radar that you will meet on your way. As the name implies, the anti-radar is intended for sales on the territory of Russia, so its “stuffing” is focused on those cameras that our traffic police have.


  • Supports five ranges (K, Ka, X, Ultra-K, Ultra-Ka);
  • Ability to detect radar type "Arrow";
  • The presence of two modes of operation;
  • The presence of antisna function;
  • 360-degree viewing angle;
  • Voice alert;
  • High-quality protection against interference;
  • The minimum number of false positives;
  • A good display that displays only the most important information.


  • Very high cost;
  • It is attached with a suction cup, which requires moisture from time to time.

Reviews on the Whistler Pro-80ST RU show that this is the best anti-radar with voice notification. Its main feature is the operation only in essence, the device will not be misled by thinking and will not think.The problem of the device is only in a very high price tag.



If you are looking for a budgetary anti-radar, then take a look at the STEALS CARDS 3. This device works in three bands, it is able to recognize the modern "Arrow". At the same time they ask for very little money.


  • Low price;
  • Tri-band support (K, Ka and X);
  • The presence of a character display;
  • Detection of radar types "Robot" and "Arrow";
  • Two working modes;
  • Having the ability to disable certain ranges;
  • 360-degree viewing angle;
  • Voice alert.


  • Mounted with a suction cup, regularly requiring moisture;
  • A large number of false positives;
  • There is no support for the Ultra-K range.

Reviews on Cartels Stealth 3 indicate that the vast majority of motorists are quite a purchase. A rare user will write a negative review. Everyone understands that for such money you should not expect anything more. You can only regret the absence of GPS, which, paired with a camera base, would provide additional reliability.

Best Radar Detectors with LCD Display

Stinger RX-95U STM

Stinger RX 95U STM

This is one of the most advanced to date radar. He not only got at his disposal a huge amount of technology, but also provides the user with a miniature remote control. In size, the latter is comparable to the key fob for car alarms - such a remote control does not take up much space in your pocket.


  • The presence of an LCD display;
  • The remote control allows you to turn off the device remotely;
  • Supports K, Ka, X, Ultra-Ka and Ultra-X;
  • Detection of radar type "Arrow";
  • Electronic compass;
  • Convenient mount, implemented in two ways;
  • 360-degree viewing angle;
  • The presence of voice alerts.


  • High price;
  • You can get lost in the menu;
  • Large enough.

If you read the reviews on the Stinger RX-95U STM, it becomes clear that the device must be taken! It has a high-quality assembly, bright and clear display, as well as recognition of any type of radar. In this case, the device sees an oncoming camera for a couple of kilometers before it, thanks to which you will definitely have time to slow down even if you accelerate to the first space one.

Playme twice

Playme twice

Many radar detectors screen has a rectangular and very narrow shape. It also uses a square LCD display, which many seem more convenient option. This model is expensive, but it offers almost the maximum set of functions.


  • The presence of an LCD display;
  • Supports K, Ka and X;
  • Detection of radar types "Robot" and "Arrow";
  • Electronic compass;
  • The presence of GPS and a database of fixed cameras;
  • Three operating modes;
  • 360-degree viewing angle;
  • The presence of voice alerts.


  • Only a suction cup is used as an attachment;
  • High price.

Reviews on Playme TWICE indicate that this anti-radar almost never works without special need. It stably defines almost all types of radar, thanks to which you will always be calm - DPS officers will not be able to fix the speed violation. But the main advantage of the device is the presence of a navigation chip and a base of stationary cameras measuring the speed. This increases reliability up to 100%.

Whistler 439ST +

Whistler 439ST

Perhaps this is one of the cheapest antiradar among those endowed with almost all modern technologies. It even has a GPS chip! What saved the creators of this device is completely incomprehensible.


  • The presence of an LCD display;
  • Supports K, Ka, X, Ultra-Ka and Ultra-K;
  • Detection of radar types "Arrow" and "Robot";
  • The presence of antisna function;
  • Availability of GPS-module and base of stationary cameras;
  • Not the highest cost;
  • 360-degree viewing angle.


  • Lack of voice alerts;
  • Attached only with a suction cup;
  • It is necessary to immediately reflash - the standard software is almost non-working.

Reviews on Whistler 439ST + show that the device is still not perfect. The creators obviously hurried and made a number of shortcomings in the development of the firmware.Fortunately, it is now updated, it remains only to download it to the anti-radar through the USB-cable. Otherwise, the device does not have any serious flaws that could not be forgiven.

The best anti-radar with the ability to selectively disable ranges

ParkCity RD-11

ParkCity RD 11

Among the budget devices ParkCity RD-11 stands out for its good functionality. Hardest of all to please the buyer should the function of disabling the response to certain ranges. This reduces the number of false positives.


  • Supports K, Ka and X;
  • Two working modes;
  • 360-degree viewing angle;
  • Very low price.


  • Light indicators will seem uncomfortable to someone;
  • Lack of support for the Ultra-K range;
  • Not the most convenient mount;
  • The device does not recognize Arrow type radars.

Reviews on ParkCity RD-11 show that the budget component of the device makes itself felt. However, in the city of antiradar capabilities is enough. It is equipped with a traditional laser detector having a 360-degree viewing angle. You can regret only about the method of attachment - in the summer the suckers dry up and need to be moistened.

Supra DRS-i60ST

Supra DRS i60ST

This is an advanced device, which, however, can not be called the manufacturer's flagship product. Antiradar has not only a function of switching off certain ranges, but also a bright LCD display, which displays the most important information.


  • The presence of an LCD display;
  • Supports K, Ka and X;
  • Detection of radar types "Robot" and "Arrow";
  • 360-degree viewing angle;
  • Two working modes;
  • Not the highest cost.


  • Lack of voice alerts;
  • Lack of support for the Ultra-K range;
  • Not the most convenient mount, which serves as a suction cup.

This is probably the best radar detector for unassuming users. This is what the reviews on Supra DRS-i60ST say. With not the highest cost, the device is quite suitable for use both in the city and on the country roads. Like the buyer and the minimum size of this device.

The best radar detectors with GPS-receiver

Street Storm STR-9000EX GP One BT kit

Street Storm STR 9000EX GP One BT kit

This device is endowed with the support of almost the maximum amount of technology. If you purchased the Street Storm STR-9000EX GP One BT kit, then you will be able to forget about unexpected radars - you will be warned about each camera.


  • The presence of a character display;
  • Supports K, Ka, X, Ultra-Ka, Ultra-K and Ultra-X;
  • Detection of radar types "Robot" and "Arrow";
  • Three operating modes;
  • Existence of the external GPS module containing base of stationary cameras;
  • 360-degree viewing angle;
  • The presence of voice alerts.


  • Simple suction cup, used as an attachment.

Reviews of the Street Storm STR-9000EX GP One BT kit show that this is one of the most thoughtful devices. It has the support of a huge number of ranges, while information is displayed on the character display. If you want even more reliability - you can connect an external GPS-module.

Supra DRS-iG67VST

Supra DRS iG67VST

At its cost, this anti-radar is close to the budget segment. In this regard, it has certain simplifications. It is all the more surprising to see GPS support here.


  • The presence of an LCD display;
  • Supports K, Ka, X;
  • Detection of radar types "Arrow" and "Robot";
  • The presence of a GPS module and a base of stationary radar;
  • Not the highest cost;
  • 360-degree viewing angle;
  • Three operating modes;
  • The presence of voice alerts.


  • Frequent false positives;
  • Not very convenient update of the database of fixed cameras.

If you read reviews on Supra DRS-iG67VST, then it becomes clear that this is not the best creation of the company. However, anti-radar still deserves a place in our selection. GPS support significantly increases reliability. Only high sensitivity spoils everything, which does not decrease even in the “City-3” mode.

As a result, the device is regularly triggered even in stores, gas stations and other K-band radiators.In short, the device justifies the investment in it, but if you want more functionality and fewer false positives, it is better to consider a more expensive model.

What antiradar buy

First of all, it should be noted that antiradar devices sold in our country are called only by long-standing habit. None of the devices emit radiation at high frequencies, introducing interference into the traffic police radar, since it is prohibited by law and threatens the owner with a huge fine.

Choose a radar detector should be based on their own needs. The ideal option would be to buy a device with a GPS module. Such devices have a base of stationary cameras and protect the driver from all kinds of "Odyssey" who are engaged not in measuring speed, but in the time between the two cameras of the same system.

You should also focus on the number of supported ranges. For example, the X range is already considered obsolete, now many Russian radars operate in the K range. It will not be out of place to make sure of the viewing angle of the laser detector used.

All other parameters are mere trifles. The ability to disable certain ranges will reduce the number of false positives in the city to a minimum. LCD display makes it easy to get information. Well, voice notification will allow you not to be distracted by the device while driving.

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