
The main function of roofing materials is to protect the building from excessive moisture. This means that the coating must first be waterproof. It also requires durability, a sufficiently long service life, and in the case of a garage it is also an affordable price.



Garage roof

The best manufacturers of roofing materials - which company to choose

Choose a manufacturer of building materials you need after you decide what exactly you will cover your garage. Most manufacturers specialize in the production of one particular type of roof, trying to maximize the products of the chosen direction.

The best roofing material and other bitumen materials for the build-up roof we produce:

  • TechnoNicol;
  • Ryazan CRH;
  • Isoflex.

You can choose a soft roof from the range of firms Tegola, Katepal or the same TechnoNicol if you are looking for a less expensive option.

Profiled sheets and folded roof of good quality produced by the company:

  • Ruukki;
  • Plannja
  • Grand Line;
  • Stynergy.

Of course, roofing materials of foreign firms are expensive, but their quality and service life fully justifies such costs.

Types of roofing materials that are suitable for the garage



The cheapest type of coating, which is a roll of cardboard with a density of 300-500 g / m2 or more modern fiberglass impregnated with bitumen.

The top layer of roofing material is sprinkled with mineral powder from quartz or mica. It provides flexible sheets with protection against mechanical damage and reflects the sun's rays so that the binding components do not melt in the heat.

For the top layer of the roofing material used is a ruberoid not less than 4.5 mm thick with a coarse-grained coating.


  • Absolute water tightness with proper installation;
  • Ease of self-assembly, especially if you use self-adhesive rolls;
  • Low weight and minimum load on the roof;
  • Low cost.


  • Combustibility;
  • Short service life and the need for regular repairs;
  • Low frost resistance.

Today on sale you can find several types of roofing material, produced with certain changes in technology. Accordingly, the "behavior" of these materials on the roof will also differ.

For example, easy and cheap roofing with coal asphalt substitute serves no longer than 3-5 years. And euroroofing material, where fiberglass is used as a basis, will not require replacement even after 15 years and will withstand temperatures down to -30 ° C without cracking.

Also on the market a large selection of soft tiles. According to its composition and characteristics, it is closest to the euroroofing material: it has the same glass fiber base, but is additionally decorated with colored mineral chips with the addition of dry pigments. It is produced in the form of individual figure sheets and is fastened not by soldering, but by nails or staples.

Sheet iron

Sheet iron

This category of roofing materials includes flat and profiled metal sheets with a thickness of up to 0.5 mm with a mandatory anti-corrosion coating. This may be galvanized, varnish or a layer of polymer paint.

However, a thin film of protection is easily damaged if not properly installed or if branches of a tree growing above it constantly knock on the roof of a garage. As a result, the steel base will remain uncoated and under the action of moisture begins to quickly rust.


  • Aesthetic appearance;
  • With a sufficient slope of the roof well drains water;
  • Frost resistance and preservation of all characteristics at low temperatures;
  • High installation speed;
  • Does not collapse under mechanical action;
  • Service life can reach 40-50 years.


  • Fold roofing requires the use of special equipment for laying and a rather big experience, the professional flooring has no such problems;
  • A high percentage of waste during installation;
  • In the rain, the sheets rumble loudly.

Fold roofing (from flat metal cards) in the purchase is cheaper than other sheet materials, but if the garage is built next to a residential house, it is desirable to choose the same coverage for both buildings. So from an aesthetic point of view, preference should be given to a prettier metal tile.

Asbestos cement sheets (slate)

Asbestos cement sheets (slate)

Another "middle-aged" roofing material, not lost its popularity. It is appreciated for its rare combination of low cost and durability, although you cannot call it particularly durable.

Slate is available in the form of flat and corrugated sheets with different profile pitch. It is made from a mixture of cement and asbestos - hence the name. For roofing work, only wave slate with a thickness of 5.8 to 7.5 mm is used.


  • Bad conducts heat;
  • It has good sound insulation properties;
  • Does not rot and does not burn;
  • Simple enough to install, although it requires caution;
  • Allows staining;
  • Service life reaches 30-40 years.


  • Heavy;
  • The porous surface accumulates moisture, which can cause moss to grow on the roof or mold to appear;
  • Slate sheets are easily crushed or cracked during installation or improper storage.

Ondulin (evroshifer)

Ondulin (evroshifer)

Externally similar to colored slate, but apart from the wavy shape of the profile, it has nothing in common with it.

Ondulin is made from cellulose fibers, and various resins and bitumen impregnation are used as a binder. It is rather a kind of roofing material, only in sheets - colored and quite aesthetic.


  • Almost does not absorb water;
  • It has a small weight;
  • Resistant to biological corrosion and most chemicals;
  • It has good flexibility;
  • Easy to install - unlike slate, it cuts easily and does not crack in any careless movement;
  • The service life of the roof reaches 20 years, however, it will lose its external attractiveness earlier;
  • Acceptable cost.


  • Fade quickly in the sun;
  • Detains snow and dust, it is difficult to be cleared of dirt;
  • In the cold it becomes brittle;
  • Flammable

Options for choosing a roofing material for the garage

Options for choosing a roofing material for the garage

Roofing materials can be selected based only on their appearance, cost and ease of installation. But there are several stringent requirements that any roof must meet, otherwise it will not serve for a long time and will not be able to provide sufficient protection from moisture.

Roof angle

This is the main parameter that will allow at the initial stage to outline the circle of suitable materials for the roof:

1. If the roof is flat or has a slope of no more than 5 °, water will constantly linger on it. To prevent this, absolutely impermeable deposited materials (roofing material, rubemast, linocrom) will be required.

2. Ondulin can be used already with a slope of 6-8 degrees.

3. Fold roof is mounted when falling from 7-14 ° - depending on the design of the batten.

4. The flexible tile is laid on the slopes having an angle of at least 11-18 degrees.

5. When the angles of incidence from 15-20 ° can already be viewed in the direction of the metal. But if the slopes are minimal, the estimate will have to lay the cost of sealant for the joints.

6. Pitched roofs with falling angles from 18 to 35 ° are covered with corrugated sheets or asbestos-cement. Slate is mounted even on 60-degree slopes.

Environmental conditions

The roof of the garage should not only protect the building, but also be sufficiently resistant to external factors.

1. In hot southern areas with a large number of sunny days, a light-resistant roofing material is needed that is least sensitive to heating (any metal sheets and slate will do)

2. Where winters are very snowy, it is necessary to do a preliminary calculation whether the roof will withstand the total load of precipitations and the coating itself. Often you have to use lighter materials, such as soft tile or evroshifer.

3. In coastal areas it is better to cover the buildings with metal tiles with a modified PU coating. It has sufficient chemical resistance and is insensitive to high humidity. It is also possible to use ondulin if it is of good quality.

The better roof cover garage

The better roof cover garage

1. If you put a simple block garage with a flat roof, cover it with roofing material. In the northern regions, where it is very cold in winter, it is better to use its more expensive euro variant with a fiberglass base. Otherwise, it is necessary to patch the roof almost every spring.

2. A gentle slope with a slope of up to 10-15 ° can be trimmed with ondulin. But if there is a familiar roofer master whose expensive services you are ready to pay for, it is safer to choose a folded roofing sheet.

3. Want to save as much as possible - buy the usual slate. Even with the preparatory and installation work, it will be cheaper than other materials. If you want to give the building a more aesthetic appearance, spend money on soft shingles.

4. We are ready to pay for aesthetics and a long service life without any “but” - feel free to buy metal roofing or powder coated flooring.

How much are the materials for the roof of the garage

How much are the materials for the roof of the garage

1. A roll of the simplest roofing material with an area of ​​15 m2 can be purchased for 180-380 rubles. The material based on fiberglass, on average, will cost more - from 300 to 1,800 rubles, and already for 10 squares.

2. Soft tile - the closest relative of roofing material - will be much more expensive (from 200 rubles per square).

3. The metal tile can cost from 270 to 1200 rubles / m2.

4. The price of corrugated flooring also strongly "floats" - from 250 to 2500 rubles per sheet.

5. The folded roof starts from 300 and reaches 1140 rubles / m2.

6. A sheet of colored ondulin can be bought for only 450-900 rubles.

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