
A parachute jump, a hang-glider flight, a descent from a steep mountain or a river, all these actions are combined with extreme, which means high speed. Under such conditions it is simply impossible to photograph what is happening with a conventional camera. Here come to the aid of special action cameras. They are lightweight, compact, durable and can be attached to any surface. At the same time, such devices are universal, they are also easy to use for shooting a normal walk or celebration. The choice of models is wide and varied. Neither a novice nor an experienced user will be able to find an action camera for every taste and budget in the store. However, it is important to decide before buying, in what conditions and for what it is planned to use the gadget. The set of those or other parameters will depend on this. We have prepared many recommendations for choosing the best action camera.



How to choose an action camera

The best manufacturers of action cameras - which company to choose

On the market there are many manufacturers involved in the release of action cameras. Leading companies in this segment have been operating for several decades.

To remain competitive, firms quickly try to develop innovative technologies, incorporating them into their products. Some brands are so good at it that their devices become iconic, serving as models for others.

We offer you to get acquainted with some of these brands:

  • GoPro;
  • Olympus;
  • Sony;
  • Nikon;
  • Samsung.

Try not to be guided solely by the popularity of the company, although this is an important moment. Each manufacturer has its own characteristics and chips that emit goods from the masses. Think about what you need.

For example, if you plan to fix the device on the helmet, it is better to choose the form factor "bullet", and for more reliable fixation on the chest - rectangular. Anyone who is already looking for a specific model, we recommend to go to our rated best action cameras.

The principle of operation and the device action camera

The principle of operation and the device action camera

An action camera is a special type of digital video camera used for shooting outdoor activities and sports. She can capture the brightest moments of stunts so that thousands of people can see them later.

Differs in small weight, compactness, protection against moisture, dust, dirt, blows and other mechanical damages. Attached to equipment, sports equipment and other surfaces, thanks to which the video is recorded from incredible angles.

Only highly qualified specialists are able to understand the complex device of action cameras. For ordinary consumers, the device is a rectangular compact box with a lens, sometimes a screen and a mount. Externally, the device strongly resembles an inexpensive camera, which is commonly referred to in the common people as a “soap box”.

Video quality is in the resolution of 720, 1080, 2K, 2.5K, 4K, where, respectively, the frame rate will be 30, 60, 120 and 240. Of this characteristic, the brand often pushes away, setting a price. But all experts agree that this parameter is not so important and is not the main thing when choosing a device.

This is explained by the fact that almost all models on the modern market are shot at a resolution of about 1920 x 1080, and this corresponds to Full HD quality. Of course, there are samples with a higher value available on the market, although in most cases Full HD resolution is enough for users.

With the frame rate is not so simple. Extreme shooting is almost always carried out with fast moving, so the usual 30 frames may not be enough.The best option would be 60 or 120 frames per second. If you know for sure that there will be no high speeds, then a gadget with a standard frequency will be quite acceptable for purchase.

Types of action cameras



Light, small, shock-resistant devices of a rectangular shape. They perfectly shoot video with active movement. The viewing angle of these gadgets is usually from 120 to 170 degrees. Devices on equipment, clothes or on sports equipment (bicycle frame, bobsleigh sleigh, etc.) are fastened.

Such action cameras are necessarily equipped with an image stabilizer that allows you to get a clear image even when you are shaken, for example, when recording, which is conducted on a cycle track or when skiers perform tricks.


  • compactness;
  • low weight;
  • shock protection;
  • image stabilization.


  • not a wide viewing angle.

360 degree action cameras

360 degree action cameras

The operator, as well as when shooting with a standard action camera, remains behind the scenes, as if watching what is happening from the side. The presence of the widest angle of 360 degrees creates the effect of presence, from which you understand that the video was written in the epicenter of events.

Such devices will be very relevant if you plan to shoot a panoramic video, for example, high in the mountains, or when jumping with a parachute. This effect can be achieved by wide-angle lenses directed back and forth.

Views of such clips through virtual reality helmets are very popular, where a person can look around in space, feeling like a hero of what is happening. Large sites also support uploading video shot at a 360 degree viewing angle.


  • small dimensions;
  • ease;
  • strength;
  • maximum wide viewing angle;
  • presence effect.


  • higher cost compared to standard device.

Glasses with built-in action camera

Glasses with built-in action camera

A very stylish accessory will be glasses with an action camera. This technique will free up the hands of the operator and will not need any attachment. Usually such a camera is chosen by those who need eye protection during video recording, for example, cyclists, skiers, deep-sea swimmers, etc.

The action camera is most often located in the bridge on the bridge of the nose, which creates an unusual effect for the viewer, as if he is looking through the eyes of the extreme.


  • weightlessness,
  • strength,
  • eye protection
  • inconspicuous.


  • not suitable for any shooting;
  • modest technical specifications.

Action camera selection options

Action camera selection options

Strength of materials

The camera body should have additional protection, since the videos are written in special conditions of extreme.

Most often for the manufacture of the following materials are used:

1. Aluminum alloys;

2. High impact plastic;

3. Polyurethane with metal inserts.

Also, the degree of protection is enhanced by the use of special covers, which are supplied with an action camera or purchased separately.

Frame frequency

According to experts, this parameter is much more important than resolution. It depends on the smoothness and smoothness of the resulting image. However, when choosing, do not forget that the more frames per second the device takes, the faster the battery is consumed.

Try to keep the optimum ratio, without chasing the highest rates without need. For those who just need to have a gadget with a maximum frame rate, we advise you to immediately purchase a spare battery.

Screen presence

Small dimensions of action cameras often do not allow to equip it with a screen. Therefore, the most compact models are configured by connecting to a mobile device.

Copies are slightly larger equipped with a screen, but it is usually monochrome, which serves only for the minimum setting of shooting modes.

Liquid crystal and color, having in addition to the settings the ability to choose the angle, view the footage, etc., exist in action cameras with medium dimensions.

When choosing, you should decide whether you need a screen at all, given that its presence will lead to an increase in the dimensions of the gadget.

Battery life

Before buying, you should also familiarize yourself with the amount of time that a battery can withstand without recharging. Action cameras have lithium batteries capable of continuous operation for at least two hours. This indicator is average, but we recommend it to be equal to it.

Before you buy, consider whether it will be possible to charge between shots. If you know in advance that there will be no such opportunity, and the work time may be more than two hours, then do not take the money and buy a spare battery.


The larger the amount of memory, the more footage fit on the device. Standard memory cards boast a capacity of 32 GB, which is enough to record about three hours of video in Full HD quality.

In addition to the main card, each action camera has the ability to work with removable media. That is why we do not recommend overpaying, buying devices with a large number of GB on board, it is better to purchase if necessary a card with the amount of memory you need.

additional characteristics

1. Built-in GPS-sensor - detects and remembers geolocation.

2. G-sensor - activates the action-camera at the same time as the movement of the object. Very convenient for automatic recording.

3. Connector for HDMI - allows you to connect directly from the camera to a large TV to watch all the footage.

4. Remote control - made using a special miniature remote control. If the device has this option, do not forget to purchase it, since the consoles are not always included.

What action camera to choose

What action camera to choose

1. Standard action camera is suitable for most adventurers and outdoor enthusiasts.

2. For skiers, cyclists, climbers and scuba divers we recommend to pay attention to the glasses, where there is a built-in action camera.

3. Models with a wide viewing angle of 360 degrees are perfect for recording panoramic videos that can later be demonstrated with virtual reality glasses.

4. Do not overpay for action cameras with high quality resolution. For most shootings, 1920 x 1080 is enough.

5. Choose a model where the number of frames per second is 60, this is the best option.

6. The screen is not a necessity for an action camera. Buy devices equipped with it only if it is really necessary.

7. Pay attention to the materials of the case, preferring the metal.

8. Purchase devices that can work continuously for at least 2 hours.

How much is an action camera

How much is an action camera

1. The simplest budget action cameras cost from 2 to 5 thousand rubles.

2. Gadgets of an average price segment possess quite good functionality. The cost of them ranges from 10 to 70 thousand rubles.

3. The models of the premium class, differing in the best characteristics, will cost a tidy sum, from about 100 to 150 thousand rubles.

4. The more additional options for an action camera and the wider its equipment, the more expensive the device. Equipped with a G-sensor and a GPS-sensor sold for 20-30 thousand rubles.

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