
Sons grow up in the house, preferring short haircuts, and her husband, having lost his old hair, is now mowing hard under Statham. As a result, family trips to the hairdresser become frighteningly-regular and monthly shake a rather big amount out of your budget. Save time and money will help a good hair clipper. A couple of months of hard training (on a husband, of course) - and you will excel in the skill of any local hairdresser.



How to choose a clipper

The best manufacturers of hair clippers - which company to choose

Any professional hairdresser will tell you that you only need to take a hair clipper from a famous brand, even if you use it only once a month.

Cheap equipment of dubious origin is money thrown to the wind. Two or three haircuts on hard hair - and the engine just burns out, so that the machine does not even have time to recapture its value. Moreover, the budget apparatus will tear and painfully pull the hair, and the blades on it will become dull already on the approaches to the crown of your experimental households.

If you really want to save on the services of a hairdresser, and not lose your money, look for hair clippers from well-known companies:

  • BaBuliss;
  • Moser;
  • Panasonic;
  • Philips;
  • Polaris;
  • Rowenta

Even in the assortment of leading manufacturers, you can find devices for cutting at a reasonable price. After all, large firms produce not only professional equipment, but also whole lines oriented to the needs of average people.

Read more about the most successful models in our market in ranking of the best hair clippers. But before buying, let's decide on what characteristics you need to pay attention to, so that the new device and its tasks coped well, and it was not too expensive.

The principle of operation and the device clippers

The principle of operation and the device clippers

All clippers are externally similar to each other - these are compact electrical devices, in the case of which a small motor or electromagnetic coil is hidden. They also set in motion the nozzle with toothed blades, moving it along the fixed row of the same knives. Sharpened combs quickly close and open, cutting off hair like a dozen small scissors.

On sale you can find units of two types:

1. Rotary - a maneuverable knife is driven by a lever, which is affected by a coil with a winding - it creates an electromagnetic field that causes the drive to vibrate;

2. Vibration - equipped with a full-fledged motor, powered from the mains or from the battery. And the rotational movement of its rotor in the forward movement of the knives turns the eccentric installed inside.

Types of clippers



The vast majority of salon hairdressers use this type of devices. A rather powerful 20-45 W motor is installed here, plus a cooling system. This allows the machines to work continuously for at least an hour and not to overheat.

Rotary models easily cope with hair of any type and stiffness, and still have a convenient folding design that allows you to easily clean and lubricate them.


  • High power;
  • Do not vibrate in the hands;
  • Even very tough hair is easily and quickly cut;
  • Most models can be washed under running water;
  • Differ in a rich complete set;
  • Durable and reliable.


  • The cost of a tall, and repair in which case it will be expensive;
  • Heavy.



These are always low-power models of low power (9-15 W), incapable of continuous operation. After 10-20 minutes, the machine begins to literally "sdyhat" or even turns off, taking a break.


  • Low weight;
  • More than affordable price;
  • Not the richest, but still enough equipment;
  • Some models still have replaceable knives.


  • Noise and unpleasant vibrate in the hands;
  • Low-powered, with thick hair may not cope;
  • Short time work.

Battery powered cars


Battery models operate on a built-in non-removable battery, which in turn is charged from the network. However, many of them are hybrids and are completed with an additional cord.

These machines are suitable for short work:

1. Edging;

2. Shaving off the hair on the neck;

3. Haircuts short soft curls (as in children).

Their power is small - up to 12 watts. The average time of action in the autonomous mode depends on the type of drive: vibration models are able to hold out all the same 10-20 minutes, rotary 3-9 hours.


  • Relatively light weight (150-300 grams);
  • Good vibration and noise insulation case;
  • Autonomy;
  • Convenient change of cutting tips.


  • Low power;
  • Weakly work at a low charge.

Options for choosing a clipper

Options for choosing a clipper

Engine power

Any low-power machine that consumes up to 10 watts is hardly torn through thick and thick hair. And although at the very least she copes with a haircut, the knives will get stuck in her hair every now and then, eating whole strands.

It makes sense to take such models if you need to put a soft down on a children's head in order or to cut off the sparse hair of an elderly relative. They can also be used to trim the hair and shave their temples or neck.

For tough and curly hair, as well as beard cuts, more powerful machines are needed - at least 20-25 watts.

Types of cutting nozzles

Nozzles, knives for clippers are of three types:

1. Removable;

2. Stationary;

3. Adjustable.

Virtually all vibration models are equipped with stationary lower and movable upper blades that can be pushed forward with a simple lever on the case. This is quite convenient, but there is no “null” on the vibration technique, that is, it will not be possible to get a good haircut with such a device.

Rotary and rechargeable machines often come with a whole set of removable nozzles from 0.1 to 4.2 cm, but knives 1.5 and 2 cm long are considered the most "chassis." and even bikini headbands.

In any case, the abundance of additional knives seriously increases the cost of the device, while for home use an adjustable blade and several restrictor combs of different lengths will be quite enough. A rich arsenal of knives is best left to professional hairdressers and masters who provide paid services for cutting hair at home.

Knife material

From the blades of the machine depends on the quality of the haircut and how long it will remain acceptable.

1. In budget units knives come from inexpensive steel alloy without spraying. As a rule, they are difficult to sharpen, but regularly get blunt and each time they pull out more hair.

2. Ceramic blades are durable, do not heat during operation and have hypoallergenic properties.

3. Titanium coated tips are ideal for children and allergy sufferers with sensitive skin.

4. Diamond plating works well with even the toughest hair.

In addition to the material of manufacture, the service life of cutting tips depends on the characteristics of their sharpening. For example, blades with a modified geometry for a long time do not stupid, and self-sharpening knives and completely allow you to forget the road to the grinder.

Material and ergonomic case

The body of the machine can be made of the following materials:

1. Plastic - have a small weight of the device, but pay for it will have less durability.

2. lightweight metal alloy - strong and are considered virtually indestructible.

Equally important is the ergonomics of the device:

1. The handle of the machine should have rubberized lining that does not allow it to slip out of the hand.

2. Pay attention to the location of the speed switch - ideal if it is right under the thumb of the working hand.

Additional functions

Many well-known manufacturers equip their cars with various pleasant options that make using the device more comfortable:

1. "Wet cleaning" allows you to wash the working nozzle directly under the stream of water, without removing it. The waterproof case reliably protects the interior of the apparatus, so if it is not drowned in a bucket, there will be no harm from flushing.

2. Machines with the ability to collect hair are complemented by a kind of built-in vacuum cleaner: sheared curls are immediately sucked into a special container, and do not fall on the face and shoulders. The only disadvantage of this solution is an increase in the weight and size of the device.

3. "Autocleaning" is a useful feature for the haste and those who are lazy to clean the nozzle after the haircut.

4. The battery status indicator will notify with a light signal that it is time to put the rechargeable machine on charge.

What kind of hair clipper to choose

What kind of clipper to choose

1. Professional hairdressers who have no end of customers simply need a rotary model with maximum power and high frequency of movement of diamond or ceramic knives. The body is better to choose a metal with rubber non-slip pads and a gear selector button. Wet cleaning will be useful. It is also desirable that the base kit includes several interchangeable blades.

2. Beginner masters and for home use more suitable good vibration model with a capacity of 12-15 W with steel knives and nozzles, combs of different lengths. No additional options are required here.

3. If your home has hard and very thick hair, you will have to fork out for a decent rotary machine. You can save at the expense of a slightly lower motor power (enough 20-25 W) and the most simple design of the cutting part, limiting retractable blades.

4. For periodic trimming and edging male hairstyle suitable battery unit with a capacity of 7-12 W with stainless steel blades. Those who spend a lot of time on business trips, it is better to stay on the rotor model - it has more battery life than any vibration. Ideally, the battery charge indicator will be displayed on the case.

5. An expensive accumulator-network rotary device with a power of 20-40 W is an excellent choice for a small salon where several masters work. One machine is enough for everyone, and the presence of a built-in battery will not drive customers to the outlet. The main thing is that the device should have high-quality blades with diamond, ceramic or titanium coating. Of the additional features in this case, useful charge indicator and self-cleaning.

How much does the hair clipper cost?

How much does the hair clipper cost?

1. A machine with a rotary engine that works only from the network can be purchased at prices ranging from 5,000 to 22,000 rubles.

2. Vibration home devices are much cheaper - from 400 to 1300 rubles.

3. Standalone devices are sold at prices ranging from 600 to 18,500 rubles, depending on the design of the drive and the material of the blades.

4. A universal unit with a combined type of power can be bought from 7 thousand rubles.

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