
The history of the emergence of wedding rings as a symbol of marriage and fidelity dates back thousands of years. Archeologists found similar ornaments on the mummies of the ancient Egyptians, buried almost 5,000 years ago. For them, the vicious circle was a sign of endless love. At the time of Antiquity, the wedding ring symbolized the "belonging" of a woman to her husband. And the Middle Ages introduced products made of precious metals into fashion - such an offering meant that the groom is ready to entrust the most precious thing to the bride. In our country, the tradition of exchanging rings appeared only in the 18th century, but since then not a single wedding can do without them, be it a registration in a registry office, a wedding or extreme underwater marriage.




The best manufacturers of wedding rings - which company to choose

In the Russian jewelry market, the products of both well-known foreign brands and domestic manufacturers are widely represented. World famous brands attract buyers not only by their exquisite design and unsurpassed quality of their jewelry, but also by their flexible pricing policy. The rings of their production decorate the ringless fingers of women with any wealth: from royals to ordinary nurses and secretaries.

Domestic jewelry factories are also not lagging behind, offering beautiful handcuffs for every taste and budget. The main thing when buying rings of Russian companies is to choose products that have the stamp of TsGIPN (Central State Inspection of Assay Supervision). That it guarantees high quality jewelry.

The best and most popular manufacturers of rings are:

1. Jewelry House Cartier

2. Tiffany Brand

3. Sokolov company

4. Bronnitsky Jewelry Factory

5. Jewelry factory "Estet"

Let's see what kind of wedding rings are and what you should pay attention to when buying.

Types of wedding rings

Before buying a ring, first of all, you should decide on the design (style) of the jewelry. Not only its appearance, but also the price will depend on it, since the cost of a jeweler’s work often ranges from 50 to 100% of the cost of precious raw materials.


klassicheskoe obrychalnoe kolco

More recently, without exception, all wedding rings had the traditional shape of smooth rims from 2 to 7 mm wide. The classic is still very popular among newlyweds. A simple and concise design is suitable for both men and women, and in addition, the modest and elegant traditional handcuffs look exactly “wedding”, clearly emphasizing the marital status of their respective owners.

If you want to give the ring individuality, without overloading it with decorative elements, you can order an internal engraving with the date of the wedding, the names of lovers or a tender phrase.


  • Thanks to its smooth shape, it is easy to clean and polish;
  • Suitable for any outfit and style of clothing;
  • No problem can be increased or decreased in size;
  • Never go out of fashion;
  • Comfortable to wear and practical;
  • Cost less than others.


  • Some believe that simple hoops look trite and not rich;
  • Scratches are clearly visible on the glossy surface.

With inlay

s inkrystaciei obrychalnoe kolco

Wedding rings, inlaid with one large or scattering of precious stones smaller, are very popular with women. Such a decoration always looks luxurious and causes envious sighs of friends. The traditional sleek bezel with one diamond is an example of Western classics, found even in male models.

By the way, in Europe today at the peak of popularity are the so-called trilogy rings, decorated with 3 stones and symbolizing the infinity of love. Often, newlyweds opt for transparent or light stones, less often - for colored or dark stones.

However, it should be remembered that minerals can affect a person’s energy, introducing something new or completely changing the life of their owner:

  • Brilliant - symbolizes the inviolability and purity of marriage;
  • Sapphire - protects mutual affection and gives financial well-being;
  • Ruby - adds to the relationship of fire and passion;
  • Cornelian - guarantees peace in the family;
  • Semi-precious garnet and topaz - help the spouses to remain faithful;
  • Emerald - gives wisdom and gives happiness in marriage.

But amethyst ring as a handcuff will not work - it is a loneliness mineral, so it is better to give it up.

However, you can always order designer jewelry inlaid with stones suitable for each spouse according to the sign of the Zodiac. Such rings will become not only the custodians of marriage, but also personal charms.


  • A product with a precious stone always looks very rich and unusual;
  • Copyright rings with stones are now at the peak of fashion;
  • A wedding ring with inlaid is no longer just a symbol of marriage, but also a completely independent piece of jewelry.


  • A protruding clip clings to clothes and hair;
  • Improper care of the product can lead to loss of stone;
  • For an ignorant person, there is a very high risk of running into a fake;
  • Some stones may darken over time or be fragile (such as emerald).


kombinirovannoe obrychalnoe kolco

Wedding rings look very original, combining several types of metal: red and white gold, gold with silver or platinum and other combinations. Three-piece jewelry, symbolizing loyalty, love and friendship, are very popular in the West. Such jewelry will be appreciated by admirers of diversity and mixed style in clothing.


  • Original appearance;
  • Adding silver to a gold or platinum product reduces its final cost;
  • The combination of metals increases the strength of the straps;
  • It is easy to find models that will suit both men and women.


  • Rings of several metals is not easy to roll out or reduce in volume;
  • Such handcuffs are quite large, heavy and therefore expensive.

Relief and fishnet

reliefnoe obrychalnoe kolco

Rings with carved textured patterns look extraordinarily beautiful. Notches in the shape of diamond edges give the products a bright shimmer, close to that which comes from precious stones. Very popular rings with embossed ornament in the style of ethno or modern. And the intricate weaving of flowers, geometric shapes and smooth lines turn the decoration into a real work of art, personifying the unity of the male and female elements.


  • They look very beautiful and spectacular - even without stones;
  • "Diamond engraving" shines dazzlingly, refracting the rays of sunlight;
  • There are almost no scratches on the grooved surface.


  • Soap or dirt is often clogged between the patterns or weaving;
  • They require more thorough and frequent cleaning;
  • The bulging pattern can rub the skin between your fingers.


dizainerskoe obrychalnoe kolco

If you just can not find a ready-made ring for yourself, you can always order an original jewelry made individually. The jeweler will take into account all your wishes and make the jewel according to a separate sketch. Often so do couples who want to have a ring with the same or complementary decorative elements.


  • Hand-made bracelet is an exclusive, one-of-a-kind decoration;
  • The jewel will emphasize your individuality;
  • You can independently come up with a design;
  • Ideal if you want to buy a pair of identical rings.


  • Designer product is always more expensive.

Wedding band selection options

stoimost obrychalnogo kolca

Once you have decided on the style of decoration, you should take into account other equally important parameters of the product, which will depend on its quality and ease of wearing.

Rim width

The width of the straps are divided into three types:

  • narrow - from 2 to 4 mm;
  • medium (4-6 mm);
  • wide - from 6 mm.

Medium and wide products are more suitable for men, narrow decorations look more elegant on women. Although much depends on the shape of the fingers. For slender and long fingers it is better to choose a refined thin or elegant ring of medium width. Holders of chubby short fingers should look at the jewels with a medium or wide rim, decorated with a vertical notch or engraving.

Size and fit

Choosing the right size of the band is not easy, because during the day our fingers may swell from the heat or physical exertion or become thinner from the cold. Sellers-consultants of jeweler salons advise to pick up rings in the late afternoon, and not try to drink a lot of liquid before fitting. It is even better to put on your favorite product several times during the day or a couple of days in a row.

In the domestic jewelry market, the size of the rings varies from 15 to 23 (the numbers correspond to the diameter of the phalanx in millimeters). It is rarely possible to find 14 or 24 magnitude, but for such non-standard fingers it is better to make jewelry to order. There are also so-called "half" values ​​(16.5 or 21.5).

Be sure to keep in mind that in different models the same specified size may in fact differ by up to half a millimeter. Surprisingly, the price plays an important role here: the higher it is, the more precisely the manufacturer adheres to the standards. Products of famous brands, as a rule, always correspond to the established parameters.

The fingers with wide joints will have to buy a ring of slightly larger diameter - just such that you can put it on. The same rule applies to jewelry with a rim width of more than 5 mm: take the product with a small margin, since it is heavier to put on (but it sits tighter). The thin one should be matched exactly in size, otherwise you risk losing it.

In order for the ring to sit comfortably on a finger, it is important to consider the accessory fit. Products with a flat inner surface fit snugly to the phalanx, but on the swollen hand they sometimes begin to press and cut into the skin. A more comfortable fit has a concave barrel-shaped band, they are also considered the most comfortable to wear. In addition, when you need to roll out the decoration to increase its size, it will be enough just to cut the edges from the inside. The only disadvantage of such a decision is that the jewel can slip off the finger imperceptibly.

Metal and product testing

If you are going to wear a wedding ring without removing all your life, make sure that the metal from which it is made is durable and of high quality.

Traditionally, for the production of hoops gold is used - quite soft in its original form. The strength of it is given by various alloying additives that also affect the quality, scratch resistance and color of the product.

1. The most common breakdown of wedding rings is considered to be 585 - 58.5% pure gold in an alloy with copper, silver, nickel and palladium.

2. Jewelry 500, and even more so 375 samples look too faded, although they are inexpensive.

3. 750 sample products (75% pure aurum in the alloy) are much less common. And although they look yellower and more reliable, their strength is not the same.

4. 900 th breakdown boasts expensive pure gold. But rings made of this metal are completely impractical and easily deformed.

In addition to pure red, there is also white, red, green and pink gold. The color of the metal is affected by impurities that make up the alloy. But for incrustation with diamonds, it is better to choose its white variety or give preference to platinum - the cut diamonds inserted into an ordinary gold frame get a yellowish tint.

By the way, it is platinum that is considered the most expensive metal for making jewelry.The decorations made of it are extremely resistant to wear, they are not afraid of the effects of aggressive cleaning products, they are fascinated by their elegance and noble mirror shine. However, the cost of the platinum ring will be at least 2 times more expensive than the gold equivalent, so not everyone can afford it. But if you have the money for such a purchase, look for products 950 or 900 samples.

Fans of silver can choose a wedding ring and from this metal. Quality products 925 and 960 samples in appearance differ little from platinum or white gold. They sparkle with the same beautiful luster, quite solid and elastic, resistant to oxidation. A slightly softer metal 960 samples for greater protection from scratches and damage often covered with jewelry enamel. The only minus of silver jewelery is the need for frequent cleaning, as the "moon metal" darkens with time.

Which wedding ring to choose

kakoe vibrat obrychalnoe kolco

You can not give specific recommendations about who choose which wedding ring. The decoration design depends on the personal preferences of future newlyweds, and the metals used - on their financial capabilities.

A few simple tips will help you decide on the directions of the search:

1. If you want to follow the tradition, purchase classic wedding rings. The smooth golden band on the ring finger will clearly make it clear to others that your heart is occupied.

2. At the betrothal, the future husband can please the bride with an unusual decoration, asking for her hands with a carved or inlaid ringlet, which she will then wear separately or paired with a wedding one.

3. Believers who want to hold a wedding ceremony in the church, it is better to buy silver rings without too much decoration, but with the words of prayer on the inside of the product.

4. For those who are bright and extravagant, who prefer the original style of dress, a designer jewel or a combination bracelet will be more suitable.

If you are offered to use family jewelery in the ceremony, accept it only if the previous spouses were happy in marriage. Otherwise, the fate of the former owners may repeat in your family.

The main rule that should be guided when choosing a wedding ring: the decoration should you like and ideally fit in size. After all, you do not buy a jewel for a few hours of a wedding celebration, but for a lifetime. Hold the band in your hand, feel whether it is “your”, think how comfortable such a ring will be in everyday wear. Then you just can not go wrong with the choice.

How much are wedding rings

parametri vibora obrychalnogo kolca

Buying a wedding ring, you should not save and buy cheap products in the nearest shop where they sell jeweler interspersed with jewelry. The jewelry that you buy for many years, first of all, should be of high quality and be marked with CGPIN. A jewelry from a well-known brand, bought in a company store, a priori cannot be cheap and must also come with a brand engraving.

Of course, everything is decided by the look and sample of the metal, the presence of inlay and decor:

1. The price of classic gold rings is in the range between 4,000 and 50,000 rubles.

2. A classic with a stone will cost you from 10 to 200 thousand rubles, or even more (depending on the selected mineral).

3. A high-grade silver bracelet costs between 500-20000 rubles.

4. For platinum get ready to give from 15 thousand to 5 million.

5. Elite jewelry from famous brands start from 60 thousand rubles. and have no specific price ceiling.

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