
Those who still perceive gas stoves as a relic of the Soviet past, it's time to get acquainted with the new products from modern manufacturers. They have worked hard on the design and functionality of household appliances, making a skillful kitchen assistant out of the ordinary stove. Now in the shops you can find excellent stoves with burners of different shapes and capacities, complemented by comfortable ovens (both gas and electric). The range has grown so much that it is difficult to choose a specific model without knowing all the nuances. And if you can not decide, the advice of our experts will help you to make the right purchase.



How to choose a gas stove

The best manufacturers of gas stoves - which company to choose

Since gas stoves are a common and popular technique, many companies are involved in its production. However, not all firms produce really interesting models that are not ashamed to be put into a new kitchen.

If you are looking for the perfect stove, pay attention to the products of well-established brands:

  • Gorenje;
  • Bosch;
  • Beko;
  • Electrolux;
  • Gefest

Full review best gas stoves from these manufacturers with all their pros and cons you will find in our ranking. Among them, for sure, there will be a couple of models that you will like - at least it will be a reliable, stylish and durable equipment.

In order not to be mistaken with the choice, first let's deal with the device, the classification of plates and their main characteristics that need to be paid attention to when buying.

The principle of operation and the device gas stove

The principle of operation and the device gas stove

The gas stove is a full-fledged hot shop in your kitchen: fries, cooks and bakes everything your heart desires. Here, in one case, both the cooking surface with the burners and the oven are combined, while the gas distribution device with the taps is hidden inside.

Natural gas supplied from cylinders or through the city network into the common pipe of the stove enters the distributor, from where it is fed through special pipes to the hob of the oven and / or the cooking surface. You just have to turn the knob to open the corresponding valve and ignite the blue fuel coming out through the dividers.

Types of gas stoves

With gas oven

With gas oven

These are the most common and simple models with a large gas burner in the oven, capable of accelerating the chamber up to +300 ° C in 30 minutes. Such plates are considered to be very economical, since the use of gas is cheaper than electricity, and the heating is faster here.

These stoves have a standard height of 85 cm, which allows them to be set flush with the worktop. The width can vary from 50 to 90 cm, and the depth is 50-60 cm. The volume of the oven can be any: from 30 to 119 liters, the number of rings from 2 to 8 pieces.


  • Rapid heating and cooking;
  • You can use almost any kind of cookware;
  • More economical than electric and combined plates;
  • Extremely easy to operate;
  • There are models with a grill built into the oven (usually electric).


  • Flammable;
  • Oxygen is burned out and oily paraffin soot is emitted into the air;
  • In a gas oven, combustion products may fall into the cooking dish.

With electric oven

With electric oven

Such models require an electrical connection (for the oven to work), but they have all the same gas burners. Due to the combination of two types of energy carrier, the functionality of the plates is significantly expanded through the use of various cooking programs.

In the oven, the temperature can reach +500 ° C, although this is not particularly important - this mode is used only for pyrolytic cleaning of the chamber. The main thing to remember is that in order to heat the built-in electric heaters, precious kilowatts of electricity are spent. Yes, and it takes a lot of time: the stove for about an hour will go to the mode of +300 ° C.

The height of gas ovens with electric ovens does not differ from the standard ones - the same 85 cm. But there are already more options for width and depth: from 40 cm to 1.2 m and 40-60 cm respectively.


  • All the same rapid heating of gas hobs;
  • Advanced functionality;
  • Large selection of sizes;
  • Meals in the oven are baked evenly.


  • The oven compartment heats up for a long time;
  • Increased power consumption;
  • The complexity of installation, as the plate must be connected to the gas and to the network.



High consumer demand for gas stoves and simultaneous dissatisfaction with their modest functionality pushed manufacturers to new experiments. So the combined models appeared, having both gas and electric burners. The oven can also be selected for a certain type of energy source - still the stove has to be connected to two networks.

Additional heating elements of the hob can be any: cast iron, halogen, Hi-Light or induction - in general, a variety of combinations are possible here. Otherwise, such "semi-gas" plates are not very different from other similar equipment, combining the same advantages and disadvantages.


  • A large variety of models (in size, types of combination and functionality);
  • Gas burners heat food faster, electric ones are safer;
  • The ability to use different types of dishes;
  • You can cook on gas, when there is no light, and vice versa.


  • Quite high cost;
  • Difficult to install.



Separate family of gas stoves, devoid of the oven. They are simply placed on the table and connected to a balloon or trunk gas. Such models are considered portable and usually include from 1 to 4 rings - a great option to give.


  • Compact size and low weight;
  • Possibility of transportation;
  • Easy to connect;
  • Low cost.


  • Do not have an oven;
  • Deprived of any additional features.

Gas stove selection options

Gas stove selection options


First of all, you need to choose a stove that fits in your kitchen, taking into account other furniture and household appliances. But even if the area of ​​the room allows you to purchase the largest model, you need to think - is this hulk really necessary for you?

Focus on the composition of the family and how often you will cook:

1. One or two people have enough stove with 2-3 burners and a small oven with a volume of 40-50 liters.

2. For 3-4 people, a standard cooker with 4 rings and an oven of 50-70 liters will do.

3. A large family needs a really big stove, then you will have 6 or 8 burners and a very spacious oven (or even two), where you can cook several dishes at the same time.

Hob material

From whatever metal the gas stove was made, the most important issue is the choice of material of a working surface. From this will depend on the life of the stove, and features of her care.

1. Enameled steel is the most common material. Especially he likes the hostess for a variety of colors. Enamel is not too capricious in the care, if you do not allow escaped dishes to stick to the surface, and does not particularly affect the final cost of the gas stove. Alas, the fragile coating can break away from blows, and it is almost impossible to restore it.

2. Stainless steel is more durable and can be cleaned well, but it will have to be rubbed regularly, as drops and stains will constantly remain on the shiny metal.

3. Hardened glass - this material has relatively recently been used to produce cooking surfaces of gas stoves, but it has a right to exist. It looks luxurious, and it has a decent margin of safety, but the problem of soap stains remains relevant.

Type of burners

Gas burners today delight diversity. They may have a round or oval shape, vary in diameter, and sometimes in design. In addition to the usual burners of different power, modern plates are equipped with non-standard burners. Do you need them - decide for yourself, relying on your daily menu.

We just tell you what the manufacturers offer:

1. Double crown - here the flame is cut into two circles, which allows you to quickly heat the bottom of the dish.

2. The triple crown, respectively, has three rows of flames, heating even very wide pots and broilers evenly and quickly.

3. Wok burner - designed specifically for conical wok pans It can have 2 or even 3 crowns of a flame at different levels and is always complemented by a high grille with a wide “landing” opening.

4. Coup de feu is a professional burner under a thick cast-iron pad. It is used to extinguish and heat the plates before serving dishes, but is installed only on wide stoves.

Cooktop Grate

The grid of the hob can be integral, consist of two halves or be installed individually on each burner. In the first case, you get more freedom of maneuver, if you need to put a heavy saucepan off the fire or to fit oversize. In the second - the stove will be easier to care for.

Such grids are made of two metals:

1. Cast iron - practical and durable, easily withstand the weight of any pans;

2. Steel is cheaper, but it will last less.

Oven features

1. Guide design

These can simply be profiled walls, into the grooves of which the most ordinary lattice is inserted - these are often found in gas ovens. Models with electric cameras are sometimes equipped with telescopic rails, on which the dish “leaves” to you entirely.

This option is more convenient because the oven in the floor plate is quite low, and so you can not bend over to assess the degree of readiness of your culinary masterpiece.

2. Number of glasses

The more glasses in the oven door, the lower the risk of accidentally getting burned on it. This is especially true for families with young children and those who have a very cramped kitchen. In the budget segment, there are usually double-glazed slabs of the door, eminent manufacturers offer a safer and “cold” option - a three-layer glass pane that practically does not heat up outside.

3. Additional functions

These include auto-ignition, the presence of a spit, the top grill (gas or electric), as well as a fan that provides convection in the chamber. The latter significantly improves the quality of cooking in the oven, because thanks to the hot air, products are baked faster and more evenly.

Also, do not forget that gas appliances require additional security measures. The children's lock is responsible for this, blowing the doors for its cooling and gas control, shutting off the fuel supply to the burners, if the fire goes out. These functions are just priority ones, and there is no need to abandon them.

What gas stove to choose

What gas stove to choose

1. If you need a gas stove for a small family (up to 3 people), it is better to choose a compact model for 2-3 burners with an oven volume of up to 50 liters. Usually it is a narrow technique with a width of 50 cm, which will fit even in a small kitchen.

2. Those who cook a lot and often collect guests, need a large stove for 6 rings with a spacious (from 100 l) oven - or maybe even two.In terms of saving time and money, a model with a gas oven is preferable, but if you want to achieve perfect baking quality, you should fork out for appliances with heating elements, top grill and convection mode. It is better that the stove has an enameled surface or was made of stainless steel.

3. At the cottage enough to buy a desktop compact model. One burner will not be enough to prepare a full meal, but two is already enough. But if you live outside the city for several months, it makes sense to spend a little more money and buy a four-tray tabletop with traditional enamel coating.

4. For those who occasionally have interruptions in the light, and there is no centralized gas supply, it makes sense to buy a combined stove with two ordinary burners and a pair of additional electric burners. In the connection it is more difficult, but if the light disappears again, it will be possible to cook on a gas balloon. It is best to choose a model with a desktop "table" of tempered glass, supplemented with economical and fast induction hobs.

How much is a gas stove

How much is a gas stove

1. The cost of a gas stove with an oven that runs on the same fuel ranges from 4,000 to 30,000 rubles.

2. For a model with an electric oven will have to pay about 12-26 thousand.

3. Combined models of standard sizes cost about 7.5-45 thousand rubles. But if you want to buy a large professional stove, get ready to lay out a rather large amount from 50 to 864 thousand.

4. Table gas stoves are the cheapest - from 400 rubles. for a single-ring crumb up to 3000 for a full-size technique for 4 burners.

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