
Having a summer house you want to break a small garden to get fresh vegetables and fruits on your table. Some may like it so much that they begin to increase the area of ​​cultivated land, and therefore the amount of work on it is growing. On the big personal plot not to do without the motor-block. With it, you can develop virgin soil, plant grain and seeds, process the soil and harvest. In order to correctly choose this garden equipment, it is necessary to understand the correspondence of the capabilities and the mass of equipment to the type of soil, cultivated crop and cultivated area. The article will help to become a mini expert in this field.



How to choose a walk-behind tractor

The best manufacturers of tillers - which company to choose

To quickly buy a quality walk-behind tractor, we recommend that you refer to the list of trusted manufacturers:

  • Champion;
  • Daewoo;
  • Elitech;
  • Hater;
  • Patriot.

But the tasks they perform may vary so much that it is worth reading. ranking of the best motoblocks from these firms to see their purpose and features. If you want to understand everything yourself and pick up each parameter separately, then the material below is just for that.

The principle of operation and the device motoblock

The principle of operation and the device motoblock

Motoblock is a compact garden equipment, which can be compared with a mini tractor. It has two wheels, and sometimes comes with a third, for stability. Often it is used to handle large areas where human effort is insufficient or time consuming.

A garden unit is capable of:

1. Plow virgin;

2. Grind blocks of soil;

3. To harrow;

4. Spud sprouts;

5. Dig and plant roots;

6. Prepare land for sowing.

At other times, this technique is used for lawn mowing, snow removal, grinding of garbage, in the form of a tractor on a small trailer.

The principle of operation is to transfer torque from the engine to the chassis. Additionally, it is possible to launch rotating mechanisms on the attachment nozzle. The control is carried out by handles, on which there are levers of gas, clutch and gearshift.

The structure includes motoblock:

1. Frame;

2. Chassis (two or three);

3. Engine (gasoline or diesel);

4. Fuel tank;

5. CAT or gearbox;

6. Torque transmission unit;

7. Muffler;

8. A hinge for connecting devices;

9. Control levers.

Types of tillers

Light tillers

Light tillers

The segment is represented by devices weighing up to 80 kg. Often this is a gasoline model that is well suited for the care of a plot of 15 hectares in size and soft ground. They are conveniently transported to the country in the car.


  • sufficient selection of models for the depth of cultivation;
  • processing width is from 60 to 90 cm;
  • availability of reverse gear;
  • compact size;
  • quiet engine operation;
  • low vibration.


  • increased fuel consumption;
  • belt grip wears out faster;
  • not suitable for large areas.

Medium tillers

Medium tillers

Models weighing 80-100 kg are completed with both petrol and diesel engines. Designed for sowing grain in the fields, plowing large areas (30-100 acres) and transporting the crop in a trailer.


  • acceptable cost;
  • engines in the range of 5-7 hp;
  • chain gears are easy to repair;
  • a large number of gears;
  • spacious fuel tanks;
  • combination with a variety of nozzles.


  • loud work;
  • slips on virgin soil.

Heavy tillers

Heavy tillers

Devices from 100 kg designed to work on solid ground (clay, stones) or the development of virgin.Actively used for transporting crops and other goods in the trailer. Only diesel versions are available. Often used in commercial use (employment, cultivation of crops in very large quantities).


  • suitable for the development of virgin soil;
  • easily transports heavy loads;
  • some models have an attached seat;
  • bulk fuel tank;
  • travel speed up to 18 km / h;
  • powerful diesel engine;
  • start up from electric starter.


  • loud work;
  • expensive repairs;
  • high price.

Parameters for choosing a tiller

Parameters for choosing a tiller


This parameter varies from 3 to 9 hp. It directly affects the performance of the unit and its suitability for difficult conditions.

1. To process a small area of ​​10-20 acres around the house, a compact model of 3-4 hp is sufficient.

2. On a spacious field of 1 hectare, a productive motoblock of 5-6 hp is required.

3. If the ground is very solid, and the area is huge, then it is worth buying only powerful vehicles of 7-9 hp. The same value is chosen during long-term work (commercial use, plowing of vegetable gardens for hire during the spring-autumn season).

The ability to transfer torque to attachments

Not all motoblocks have this function, and its presence increases the cost of construction. The essence lies not only in the movement of the apparatus along the ground with the dragging of a trailed plow or other attachment, but also in a separate shaft or pulley, which transmits torque to the rotating attachments of attachments.

1. This will be practical for small ground grinding (the plow raises lumps, and the neighboring disks grind them), using the motoblock to mow the grass (the mower with knives is attached to the shaft), use snow-cleaning techniques in the winter (when interacting with round nozzles and blades or brushes) , to grind garden debris and fertilize the soil (plant stems, roots).

2. If it is planned only to plow, harrow, pile and dig, then there is no need to transfer torque to the outboard equipment. It is not useful in the case of using the motoblock with a trailer to transport the crop from the field to the house.

Tank capacity

Depending on the model, there are devices with a capacity of 3-8 liters. The approximate fuel consumption of this garden equipment is 1 liter per hour.

1. A model with a small tank will allow you to work for three hours. If this is a small area near the house, then the fuel is more than enough.

2. Three hours to work in the field may not be enough, which will require carrying an additional can of gasoline. This is not very convenient, because the size of the field itself can reach more than a hectare, and if the unit stalls at the other end, then the hike behind the canister will take a lot of time. Here they buy models with a tank of 6-8 liters.

Coupling and reducer

In order to transmit torque from the engine to the wheels, a clutch and gearbox or gearbox is required, reducing the speed to the required values. Coupling in motor-blocks happens disk or belt. Gearboxes exist chain and gear.

1. Devices with a belt clutch are suitable for plowing conventional black soil without clay impurities. It can be noted that the maintenance and repair of belts and chains is very cheap, but such knots can cause slipping on hard ground and wear out faster.

2. Models with a disc clutch and a gear reducer last longer and allow you to gently move. This is applicable for the commercial use of the motoblock (plowing of heterogeneous areas of land for hire) and transportation of goods in a trailer.

Plowing depth

Different tillers are able to lift the ground from a depth of 25 to 35 cm.

1. If the thickness of the fertile layer is small (20 cm), then turning clay to the surface, you can worsen the soil condition and reduce the yield. This is also related to the cultivated crop. For wheat, a shallow planting of 10-15 cm is sufficient. Therefore, in the situations described above, a value of 25 cm will suffice.

2. If the chernozem has a thick layer and potatoes are planted in it, then you can buy a walk-behind tractor with a plowing depth of 30-35 cm. This will saturate the earth with oxygen, remove excess moisture and place the tubers at a sufficient level so that they feed on water from the root system and are protected from the sun.

engine's type

1. Petrol models have less noise and vibrations. They work well and quickly, but have increased fuel consumption. It is advisable to buy them for the care of a small area near the house, and for light, well-groomed soil.

2. Diesel units are very durable and have a good low speed rpm. Consumption of diesel fuel is much more economical than gasoline devices. But it causes an increased level of noise and vibrations. Such models are suitable for working in the field in spacious gardens.

Plowing width

The value that indicates the maximum width grip when the machine passes at a time.

1. Indicators 60-70 cm comfortable for a small garden in the country or narrow lanes (along the fence, between other cultures).

2. Models with a plowing width of 80-130 cm are convenient for large fields and commercial use.


There are several options for arranging motoblock speeds:

1. Two front and one back;

2. Two in both directions;

3. Four front and two rear.

The presence of a large number of speeds is useful when the soil is heterogeneous (in some places it is soft, in places it is very hard). It is also important for snow removal, transportation of goods in a trailer. Rear transmission is needed in narrow areas where there is no possibility to turn around.


With a weight of 60-80 kg suitable for giving with a well-kept plot, which was dug over every year.

1. To develop a virgin soil, a heavy machine of 90–110 kg is useful, which will work the surface well and turn the clumps. Have

2. 120-140 kg structures can be used mainly for transportation of trailers and a large crop or on very hard soils, since the motoblock itself will be tamped with it.

3. With frequent transportation of garden equipment from place to place with the help of another type of transport, it is advisable to buy light models in 60-80 kg.

Electric starter

Allows you to quickly start the rotation of the motor while at the control levers and immediately get to work. Convenient function if you need to make frequent stops and breaks in work (narrow lanes of cultivated land, moving from site to site).

Which walker to choose

Which walker to choose

1. For giving with a small plot of about 15 acres, the device on gasoline weighing 60-70 kg, a plowing width of 60 cm and a depth of 25 cm is useful. A belt drive is suitable. Power 3-4 hp

2. For solid ground where the clay layer prevails, you will need a diesel version, with a capacity of 6 hp, a disc clutch and a gearbox for 2 front and 1 rear speeds. The mass of the device is desirable from 80 kg.

3. It is convenient to sow large fields with wheat with a walking tractor of 5-6 hp, a gasoline engine, a plowing width of 110 cm and a depth of 25 cm. Four forward speeds and a tank of 6-8 liters are useful. The mass of equipment is desirable 70-80 kg.

4. For commercial universal use (work with land, transportation of goods), a diesel unit with 8-9 hp, weight from 100 kg, 8-liter tank, disc clutch and four forward gears is needed. The width of plowing is 120 cm, and the depth is up to 35 cm.

How much is the walker

How much is the walker

1. For giving and a small area the motorblock will cost 19000-22000 rubles.

2. To cope with solid ground will need to pay 58,000 rubles.

3. Sowing grain on the field needs a device for 30000-40000 rubles.

4. Universal technology with ample opportunities for commercial activities

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