
“Kengurushki”, slings, and now ergonomic backpacks are all convenient devices that allow mothers and fathers to carry even the smallest children with them. Alas, not every carrier provides a physiologically correct and comfortable position for a child with his immature spine. It is precisely this problem that ergorkack should solve - of course, if it is chosen according to all the rules.



How to choose ergorkukzak

Best ergorkückack manufacturers - which company to choose

Recently, ergonomic backpacks have become very popular. On sale you can find a variety of models from well-known brands and not yet promoted manufacturers. But not all companies see the difference between simply “kangaroo” and truly physiological erg transfer.

If you are looking for a model that will be comfortable and harmless to your baby, pay attention to the products of the following companies:

  • BabyBjorn;
  • Bobba;
  • Chiko;
  • Cybex;
  • Ergobaby.

You can get acquainted with the best models of these brands in our rating. But on the conscience of the manufacturer - only competent design and safe materials. You also have to choose the ideal model, which will be equally convenient for parents and for the child.

The principle of operation and the device ergoryukzaka

The principle of operation and the device ergoryukzaka

An ergonomic backpack looks really a little different from “kengurushek”.

Here you can see the same elements of the child carrier:

1. The wide and soft back holding the child;

2. Shoulder straps - parallel or buttoned crosswise.

3. Additional belt.

This is where the similarities end and the differences dictated by the real needs of the kids and their parents begin:

1. The ergoryukzak’s back is much softer and has a peculiar hammock in the lower part, in which the child sits, legs spread wide. This is a more natural position for the baby - when the knees are above the pelvis.

2. The straps and belt here have a very large width - they evenly distribute the load on the body of the mother or father.

3. Removable shock absorbers - in fact, it is the dilators of the lower back. Their task is to provide support to the hips of the baby up to the knees. This will reduce the load on the weak spine, and at the same time help to avoid squeezing the legs.

4. Many models have a hood to protect the child from rain, wind or the scorching sun.

This design of the backpack allows you to solve two problems at once:

1. The kid occupies the most physiological position and sits comfortably in the favor of the “frog” - having widely spread legs and knees raised above the priests. That is how a crumb should be kept to prevent dysplasia.

2. The parent does not experience too much strain on the spine, since the weight of the child is transferred to the shoulders, back, and lower back with hips. Nobody bothers anyone - both are very convenient.

Types of Ergoryukzak

From birth to 1.5 months

From birth to 1.5 months

Despite the fact that ergorukzak allows you to wear even newborn crumbs, such models are very rarely on sale.

The main difference of this carrying is in the position that the child occupies. Here he does not sit, because his spine is not yet able to perceive such loads, but lies in the usual pose of the embryo. The back is usually made more rigid (as in a “kangaroo”) and comes with additional support for the head.

Alas, for a long time to use such a backpack will not work - after birth, the child must develop and get used to the new position of the body during sleep. At the age of 2 months will have to look for a more suitable model.


  • Can be used to carry a newborn;
  • Do not heavily load the back of the parent and completely release the hands;
  • The baby lies in a comfortable and customary position for him;
  • Most models come with an adjustable back;
  • Load capacity of such backpacks reaches 6 kg.


  • Very rare on sale;
  • In order for the child to develop properly, in 2-3 months you will need to buy another backpack.

From 1.5 to 4 months

From 1.5 to 4 months

These carriers, too, are still rare and are found a little more often for the smallest models. This is where the child takes the frog position, but there are still differences from standard backpacks in such carriers.

The problem is that having learned to hold the head, the baby still cannot sit on its own - the spine is too weak. To support him, they also sew cramped backpacks, which force the child to cuddle closer to his mother. And as a reliable support for a small back, additional adjustable straps are also provided here.


  • Unload the spine of the child;
  • Helps to hold the head;
  • Cuddled to the mother, the baby quickly calms down, and her hands are released;
  • They prevent the development of joint dysplasia.


  • Extremely rare on sale;
  • Like previous carry, have a strict age limit.

From 4 months to 3 years

From 4 months to 3 years

The most common models are typical ergo. Usually, by six months the child can already sit on his own, so no additional support is required for him. The main thing is that the backpack should fit the baby in size and allow you to sit comfortably, providing solid support from the knee to the knee.

In such models it is already possible to carry the child freely on the back, abdomen or on the thigh - as you both will be more comfortable.


  • Evenly distribute the weight of the child to the parent's body;
  • The compacted back does not so much support the spine as it forms the correct posture;
  • Very comfortable for babies;
  • It is possible to adjust the width of the back of the backpack;
  • No time limits;
  • The legs of the baby do not interfere with walking, as often happens with "kengurushki";
  • Very wide range.


  • High price.

Ergoryukzak selection options

Ergoryukzak selection options


Focusing only on typical sizes, choosing the right backpack for your child is still a problem. But you need to find a model that will be as comfortable as possible for the baby with his height and weight, and at the same time he will not restrain the movements of the parent or squeeze the shoulders. Considering how quickly children grow in the first years of life, the task seems unsolvable.

Indeed, it does not make sense to buy a fixed-size ergukukzak: within 2-3 months, your baby will grow out of it, and it will simply become inconvenient for them to carry. Therefore, immediately look for models with adjustable backs and a very small margin for growth.

Before buying, measure your child: squat it, hold it with your hands, or just spread your legs wider and put a ribbon from knee to knee - on the back of your hips and pope. It is advisable to do this when the baby is in a diaper, because he also adds a couple of centimeters.

Your backpack at the bottom should be no less than the width of the measurement. Otherwise, the area of ​​support will be insufficient, and the pressure on the child’s feet will be higher. Too much stock, too, do not need to - carrying edges should support the crumbs strictly below the knees, and never wrinkle the back.

Never buy ergorkukzak, without first measuring it with the baby - the only way you can understand how comfortable it is for both of you. Make sure that the back of the child retains the shape of a gentle arc in the lumbar region, and he does not sit on the splits.

Availability of shock absorbers

Ergorypacks shock absorbers are wide and elastic rubber-fabric stripes that support the baby under the knees. Their presence in the base set is optional, but desirable. Thanks to the additional straps, you can "increase" the back of the carrying width, and it will again fit the grown-up toddler.

However, the lack of shock absorbers will not be a disaster - today, many manufacturers offer to purchase them separately. It remains only to choose a suitable color and fasten these belts on the sides to the backpack itself.

Sewing material

Since the ergorukzac is to carry the most valuable burden in your life, pay attention to the type of fabric from which it is sewn.

Ideally, it should be a dense and resilient material of good quality with a natural lining. Of course, such a thing will cost more, but it will last longer, while cheap models wipe and tear after 3-4 months of active use.

We recommend to take products sewn from materials of double diagonal, jacquard or twill weaving - they are strong enough and at the same time are able to stretch a little, helping the baby get comfortable.

Naturally, these should be natural fabrics:

1. Organic cotton;

2. Linen;

3. Cloth (hemp fabric).

In summer models, polyester mesh inserts are allowed, so that the child is not so hot. But synthetics and some rubberized fabrics like tulle or tarpaulin should be discarded. Though they are cheap, they do not breathe at all. At best, your child will have a sweater, at worst, you risk overheating.

Straps and belt

The main task of the straps on any backpack is to withstand the load. In the nursery carrying their main function should be implemented to the maximum. In addition, the straps need to pick up a large width, so that they do not crush and rub shoulders. Although summer will be hot under them.

In ergorukzake also must be a powerful wide belt, which will transfer part of the weight of the child on the lower back and hips of an adult. It is important that it does not twist and wrinkle, otherwise you risk seriously rub the skin. Make sure that all backpack belts have adjustable length and reliable fast-fasteners (tridents).

Additional elements

For most children's products, the presence of additional pockets, nets and other small amenities is only encouraged. In the case of ergorkückes, the situation is different. Besides the fact that they weaken the whole structure, you, rummaging in these pockets, will constantly disturb the baby.

1. The grid is permissible only if the backpack itself is made of durable and high-quality fabric, and you will use it in the summer.

2. As for the protective waterproof hood, during the autumn-spring walks, it does not hurt, and the back pocket should be designed specifically for him.

3. The insert for the newborn is another useful element for ergo-moms and their children. That's just complete with backpacks cozy cocoon is usually not for sale - it will have to be purchased separately. But this is a great way to “fit” a backpack that is too spacious for the crumbs.

What ergorkukzk choose

What ergorkukzk choose

1. Young parents, in whom a child has just been born, should purchase a “recumbent” ergrückack with a special liner. Thanks to him, the baby, though rarely, will be able to walk with mom or dad on the street without a stroller.

2. Parents whose children already keep their heads well, but have not yet reached the age of 4 months (or 7.5 kg weight), you can already take small seated ergoryukki, sewn of fabric according to the season. If this period of a child’s life falls on summer, take a model with mesh inserts, spring or autumn - look for a hooded carrier.

3. When the toddler is 4-5 months old, feel free to switch to classical ergo, not forgetting to choose the right back width and make a fitting fitting. Look for a model with removable shock absorbers or immediately purchase them separately - in a few months the child will grow up, and you will probably need them.

4. Parents who do not have enough money for a backpack made of natural materials, but they are extremely necessary for them, you can watch models cheaper - from polyester. The main thing is that inside there should be soft "breathable" inserts made of cotton or flax.

How much does an ergorkack

How much does an ergorkack

1. If you are lucky enough to find a model for a newborn, its cost will be no less than 1000-4500 rubles. The product, which provides additional support for the head, will cost more - from 3 to 11 thousand.

2. The run-up of prices for backpacks for crumbs under the age of 4 months is much wider - from 1 to 17 thousand rubles.

3. Classic erg transfer for older kids are represented on our market in the widest range and can cost from 900 to 25 thousand rubles.

4. For a model with adjustable backrest will have to pay 4-12 thousand.

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