
The purchase of housing is a cherished goal for most people. One of the options for arranging your own "corner" is an apartment. It can be arranged to your taste and relax in it after the working day. Family celebrations take place here and relatives can always come here. Having collected enough funds, the future buyer is faced with a difficult choice - which apartment to buy? Below are considered more than ten criteria for assessing living space, helping to determine the huge range of proposals and purchase apartments that meet individual needs.




The best developers of apartments - which company to choose

If there is a large amount and you need to quickly acquire a good apartment, then you can refer to the catalog of famous developers:

1. Donstroy

2. "Glavmosstroy"

3. "SU-155"

4. "PEAK"

5. "SEA. - Plaza "

But if you want to delve into the features of the apartments from these companies, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the detailed review.

For those who want to sort it out and choose an apartment by themselves, having considered all the criteria, the material below is intended.

The structure of the apartment and its use

struktyra kvartiri

Unlike rooms in the hostel and hotels, the apartments are distinguished by the presence of their own toilet and kitchen. They are designed for a full life, without having to leave their own premises and interact with their neighbors (in the common kitchen, in the shower).

Having the ownership of the apartment, you can do redevelopment and repair to your own taste. Change communications, furniture, doors and windows. In communal dormitories and hotels this can not be done.

Apartments are primary (built in new homes and not previously used) and secondary (built many years ago and resold or inherited). In the primary market, it is customary to carry out the finishing of walls and ceilings, insert windows and doors, lay communications. The rest of the repair falls on the shoulders of the buyer. In the secondary market, you can buy housing already renovated.

The apartment can be bought immediately or take a mortgage. The purposes of owning a living space also differ:

  • for own living;
  • rental;
  • type of investment;
  • under office;
  • for arrangement of kindergarten home type.

Types of apartments

Despite having their own toilet and kitchen, apartments are divided into several types, clearly distinguished by realtors.



Usually, this housing with an area of ​​9-12 m². They are built in prefabricated houses, where the ramification goes along the corridors and the number of apartments for one entrance to the nine-story building can reach 100 units. The compactness of such an apartment is manifested in everything: a combined bathroom with a sedentary bathroom, a small kitchen and one room. This is a good option for a lonely young man or a couple without children.


  • cheap price;
  • has everything you need;
  • secondary market has options for repair;
  • small utilities;
  • warmer because there are doors to the entrance and corridor;
  • easy to clean.


  • no possibility of redevelopment;
  • small area;
  • noisy due to the large number of people at the entrance.

Standard apartments

standartnaa kvartira

This is a classic of one, two, three and four rooms. Most often they are in the secondary sector of the real estate market. Can be from 18 to 80 m². If the house is brick, then you can rearrange the partitions. For panel structures there is no such possibility.

Such houses stand both in the center of any city, and in sleeping areas.They are suitable for families without children, couples with babies and entire adult generations living together. Buy them often and for renting or investing.


  • large variety in size;
  • in some cases, you can change the layout;
  • many options for repair;
  • brick houses are very warm;
  • located in all areas of the city;
  • large selection at cost.


  • in panel houses rearranging partitions is problematic;
  • lower floors are damp;
  • since the houses are many years old, the roof begins to flow.



This luxury housing on the upper floors of new buildings with an area of ​​up to 150 m². Suitable for wealthy people, business owners and celebrities.


  • spacious;
  • you can create any layout;
  • often have several toilets and showers, next to each bedroom;
  • beautiful view from the panoramic windows.


  • unnecessarily expensive;
  • long repairs are required before moving in;
  • climbing a high-speed elevator may cause dizziness.

Apartment selection options

parametri vibora kvartiri

There are more than ten key criteria for assessing the quality of housing. Given these features, it will turn out to buy an apartment in accordance with the existing needs and capabilities.


Regardless of the number of rooms there is the concept of living space. The smallest apartments are 12-18 m². Larger apartments are 30-46 m². Huge apartments start at 60 and reach 150 m². The area influences what you can do in the room and what kind of furniture to place in it. For older people who watch TV or knit, enough bedrooms for 12-20 squares, where there will be a sofa, a wardrobe and a plasma screen on the wall.

People who love active activities will need more space (30-46 m²) to fit in the room: a bed, a treadmill or orbitrek, a desk, a punching bag. The same size is suitable for a family with children, so that they have where to put the toys and run. Huge areas are bought by either very large families (of 6 or more people), or for the sake of prestige.

Number of rooms

This option is associated with the ability to be alone and engage in personal affairs. In the same area, depending on the partitioning, it can be from one to three rooms. One-room apartments are convenient for bachelors and couples without children (young or old).

Living space with two rooms is convenient in the presence of a child. Three-room apartments are suitable for families who live with their elderly parents or to create a study at home.

Kitchen size

This is a separate factor that must be considered on the basis of their own needs. For a large family of 5 people it will be inconvenient to eat at the same time in a small kitchen, even if the apartment itself is three-room. It requires a room of 7-9 m².

For a bachelor or a husband with a wife, 5 m² is enough. Those who do not like cooking and prefer food with delivery or canteens, you can even rebuild this room, leaving one bar for microwave and snacks.


There are several types of toilets that define usability. The combined toilet with a bathroom is practical for a young family without children or elderly. Of course, the same option is suitable for a lonely person.

Where there are small children who can not tolerate if the toilet is busy, it is worth looking for apartments with separate bathrooms. It is wise also in the case of cohabitation of several generations of adults. The third option is to have a separate toilet and a bathroom next to each bedroom.

New building or "secondary housing"

The choice of an apartment in the new building has several advantages: the ability to create your own design, install partitions for a specific layout, and implement non-standard engineering solutions in the ceiling or walls. But, buying a house in the new building, it is worth remembering about the long months of repair, dust, noise and garbage bags. This requires additional funds.

In addition to its own repairs, the roar of neighbors, which are added as apartments are sold, will interfere for a long time.This option is suitable for people who have money and the opportunity to live elsewhere while repairs are underway.

Apartments in the secondary housing, as a rule, already have the necessary minimum for living. They can immediately be settled and continue to go to work and do everyday activities. This is practical for very busy people, couples with children and the elderly, who have no desire to mess around with repairs.


Choosing the floor of the apartment, it is worth remembering that the uppermost apartments are subject to higher temperatures in summer, the roof can leak, and it is more difficult for the elderly and children to go there without an elevator. This is an option for young people who are not afraid of difficulties.

The first floors are fraught with noise from the street, dampness, more clogged staircase and attempts of unauthorized entry. But here it is easy to climb the elderly and children. If the apartment is well insulated and protected windows, then for older people it will be optimal. All the rest is to look for the middle floors.

Building material

Brick - it is warm, solid walls, well suited for families with children and the elderly. Panel houses are colder and suitable for young families and bachelors. Frame-monolithic buildings have warm skins and will appeal to everyone, but they are more expensive.


Fashionable open-plan “Studio” is convenient for single people or couples without children. Here you can arrange the area to your taste and everything will be immediately at hand. The closed form of the internal space is suitable for parents with children or with elderly relatives. It is also necessary for the arrangement of the office and work at home.


Choosing an apartment is important and the area in which it is located. For business and working citizens it is worth buying housing closer to the place of work with a nearby transport route and bus stop. The person with the car should be able to leave it in the garage or in the parking lot next to the house. Families with children should take into account the distance to the school, hospital, kindergarten. An elderly couple needs to assess the location of shops and you can look at housing in a residential area.


It is worth getting acquainted with several tenants at the stage of choice. Families with young children will mean extra noise. The environment of the apartments for rent is a “cat in a bag” because it is not known who will live there tomorrow. Of course, you should avoid drinking neighbors.

Purpose of purchase

If the apartment is purchased not for themselves, but for renting and making money, then it is necessary to choose a living space with repairs in order to immediately populate people and receive money. In the case of investing in a living space, in order to sell it and make a profit, it is worth buying cheap one-bedroom apartments, possibly without repairs, which you can always put on the real estate market and realize.

Which apartment to choose

kakyu kvartiry vibrat

After reviewing all the selection criteria, we can distinguish several groups of requirements for specific needs:

1. For a lonely young man or couple, a “Studio” of 18 m² is suitable with a combined toilet in a panel house on any floor. The area is preferably central.

2. An elderly couple will be comfortable in a one-bedroom apartment of brick, 30 m² with a combined toilet and bathroom, a small kitchen of 5 m² and ready repair in the secondary sector. Sleeping area with shops will be the most suitable.

3. A family with two children will need an area of ​​46-60 m², a closed layout of 2-3 rooms, in a brick house or monolith frame. It is necessary to choose the middle floors in a non-angular riser. In this situation, you need a separate toilet and a spacious kitchen of 7-9 m². There should be a school and a hospital nearby. Often these options are in the new building.

4. To let the property for rent you can buy an apartment in the secondary market with a repair, about 30 m², with a good transport interchange in the area. Any layout will do.

How much is the apartment

skolko stoit kvartira

Having learned the general requirements for apartments for various needs, it is realistic to designate their estimated cost in Moscow:

1. Apartments for one person will cost 1-2 million rubles (depending on the area).

2. Living space for an elderly couple is 2.5-4.5 million rubles.

3. Apartment for a family with two children is estimated at 5-12 million rubles.

4. Property for rent can be bought for 1-2 million rubles.

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