
The kitchen is a strategic place in every home where food is prepared every day, the family eats and other issues are resolved. Arrangement of this room requires quality materials and good design. Finding your best option among the wide variety offered, will help knowledge of the characteristics of materials, equipment and forms of kitchen furniture.




The best kitchen manufacturers - which company to choose

Who needs to urgently purchase high-quality kitchen and laziness to delve into all the features, we offer a list of leading companies in the manufacture of these products:

1. "Maria"

2. Forema Kitchens

3. Atlas Lux

4. Rimi

5. ABT

For the most demanding customers who want to understand the basic criteria and choose everything on their own, provided material further.

The device and purpose of the kitchen

ystroistvo kyhni

Russian mentality involves the use of the kitchen in many situations. Here they not only cook and eat, but also communicate, watch TV, discuss future plans and solve problems. Beautiful and high-quality kitchen can last for a long time and be comfortable for various uses.

Most kitchens include:

  • bedside tables for large dishes;
  • hanging cabinets for plates and cups;
  • shelves for inventory;
  • surfaces for cutting;
  • washing;
  • oven with oven and hood;
  • table for food.

Some manufacturers complete their products only with furniture and sink. Other items are purchased separately. The compulsory equipment of most kitchens include a refrigerator, microwave and a small TV.

Types of kitchens

When choosing a kitchen, a buyer may encounter various names of sets, understanding that it will be easier to navigate the product and assess its quality and conformity.


kyhna klassika.jpg1

This type of kitchen includes sets of natural wood, brass and bronze fittings, as well as facades of laminate and paneled MDF. The style is characterized by smooth lines and natural wood tones. The classic is suitable for solid families in an apartment or house with high ceilings.


  • elite look;
  • pleasant natural colors;
  • durable materials;
  • high-quality fittings.


  • expensive;
  • wood requires periodic treatment with water repellents.


kyhna modern

An increasingly popular style that involves playing on the contrast of two colors. It can be: black and lime or black and pink. Good options are obtained with a combination of beige and gray colors, as well as the addition of steel inserts. Modern is distinguished by strict lines and simplicity. Often it is chosen by young families.


  • creative design;
  • pleasant atmosphere;
  • aluminum fittings;
  • Many options for combining colors by rearranging elements (bedside tables, cabinets, shelves).


  • limited palette;
  • high price;
  • on bright and bright areas, spots and scratches are more noticeable.

High tech

kyhna hai tek

Style, characterized by the limited items and the minimum necessary. In the furniture there are strict lines and simplicity. Common materials are glossy plastic, glass and stainless steel. The colors are dominated by blue, beige, gray and white. This option is often chosen by single practical people, both girls and boys.


  • panels with printing;
  • glossy facades;
  • durable materials and assembly;
  • Mortise guides.


  • plastic handles break faster;
  • light surfaces get dirty.


kyhna derevenskaa

This style is characterized by warmth and comfort, which is created using natural wood or its substitutes. Often cabinets and shelves are made on the model of antique furniture. Vintage complement wooden fittings. Light colors and natural pattern of the array are appreciated. The side surfaces are covered with ceramics and accompanied by decor in the form of bright tablecloths, woven baskets and bundles of herbs. This kitchen is suitable for private homes, cottages or commercial use with an open view at a cafe.


  • creates a cozy atmosphere;
  • ceramics easy to clean;
  • on numerous shelves fit everything you need;
  • durable materials.


  • many items that require care;
  • easy to create a mess.

Kitchen selection options

parametri vibora kyhni

To choose the right blocks and other elements of the kitchen, it is important to know the range of their parameters and practical application in practice. So you can save on unnecessary items and find the right material for your conditions.

Body material

Furniture in the kitchen can be made of various materials. They differ in endurance in interaction with water and high temperatures. Variations from this and the cost of buildings:

1. Chipboard

It is the cheapest material and consists of coarse sawdust, which are pressed and glued. Over time, water may swell at joints. This option is suitable only for the kitchen to the country, which will be rarely used. This set is suitable for single men who rarely cook and prefer to eat in the canteens, or just reheat the purchased food.

2. MDF and multiplex

Represent a better version of the wood material. They are practical, durable and environmentally friendly. Due to resin impregnation, such a surface is better able to absorb moisture. The kitchen is well suited for everyday family use in an apartment or a private house. Apply similar headsets and kindergartens and schools.

3. Solid wood

It is the most dense in structure and durable. It is not deformed from moisture, and is not afraid of high temperatures. This is a great option for arranging a cottage kitchen or a luxury apartment.

Facade decoration

The materials that covered the outer vertical part of the kitchen, affect the duration of use and ease of maintenance of furniture. MDF surfaces have a film layer as a coating. It protects against moisture and preserves the color of the product. It is required to wash it carefully and without abrasive means, therefore such furniture will be suitable for house use and the accurate owner.

Laminated surfaces are more resistant to scratches and chemicals. Such a kitchen will retain its original appearance even for an inveterate bachelor. Aluminum and glass create robust enclosures that can serve for more than 10 years. This is practical for arranging cottages or kitchens to record cooking programs. But glass requires great effort in rubbing and careful movement so as not to smash the door.


Small details in the form of handles affect the usability of doors and canisters. Brace fittings are convenient for gripping and easy opening, which is practical for seniors. Convex handles are suitable for young housewives. Hidden accessories (elongated edges of the doors and plates, grip holes) are convenient for cleaning the facade, and will be out of place in kitchens for commercial use, which need to be washed more often.

Countertop material

The main surface, which is experiencing the maximum load on the kitchen, is the tabletop. It is subjected to mechanical shocks (cutting meat, fish), scratches (with a knife, appliances, cutting boards, dishes) and chemical attack (frequent washing and liquids from products).

It is necessary to choose among the following materials:

1. A rock

Differs in high density and resilience to scratches, cuts. It tolerates high temperatures. It has a beautiful view.But it can break from the strong impact of frozen foods (cutting meat). Suitable for arranging the kitchen in a cottage or an expensive apartment.

2. Stainless steel

It is distinguished by a long service life, it is not exposed to moisture, does not burn or melt. Brushed to shine looks beautiful. Such a surface would be practical in the kitchen of a restaurant or cafe, where they cook and wash a lot.

3. Laminate

It has a softer structure compared with the above materials, but it is much cheaper. It will be practical for use in the kitchen in an apartment or house. This is a good option for redecorating on removable housing.

4. Solid wood

Presentable table top for tidy housewives who will wash it well and timely cover with protective materials from being absorbed. It is worth buying for the arrangement in the apartment for many years.


The cost of the kitchen is also highly dependent on the number of items that are included in its set. For a good housewife who is accustomed to cooking everything by herself, you need two worktops (cutting and cooking), as well as a table for serving and eating. It is important here the presence of at least three cabinets and two hanging cabinets.

A large family of 4-6 people should take care of the availability of a table and an angular bench in the set so that everyone has enough space in the kitchen in the apartment. A bachelor can save money and purchase a bar counter, as well as a small table for snacks.

Placement Form

It is important for the kitchen and the way the arrangement of elements of the headset. It is practical to place objects in the order of treatment to them in the cooking process:

1. Place for a fridge.

2. Cutting table.

3. Wash.

4. Surface for cooking (cutting, kneading, molding).

5. Plate.

6. Table for food.

The shape of the arrangement depends on the size of the room. The best option is the arrangement of furniture in one line. For a small room, you will need an L-shaped set of connection kit. In spacious kitchens, you can take out the work area separately and equip it in a P-shape, which allows you to quickly reach out to any cabinets and canisters.

Location of equipment

Built-in installation option stove, oven and other equipment, practical for small spaces 5-9 cubic meters. This will save space. Separately installed appliances will be more convenient in spacious kitchens from 10 cubic meters.

What kind of kitchen to choose

kakyu vibrat kyhni

After studying the criteria for choosing a kitchen, you can formulate requirements for different needs:

1. For bachelors and business women who have little to cook on their own, a high-tech kitchen made of chipboard pasted over with a film is suitable. Laminated table top and button-shaped accessories will be the way. One small table and a bar stand are enough from the set. In a small kitchen, all this will turn out to be arranged with the letter G with built-in appliances.

2. A family of 3-5 people needs furniture from MDF or multiplex with a laminated facade and glass inserts. A wooden or pressed worktop, brackets, two small cooking tables and one wide dining table are needed. A good hostess always needs a lot of shelves and cabinets. Furniture is better to line up.

3. The cottage is suitable kitchen with stone countertops and the facade of natural wood. Rustic style and brass fittings will be acceptable. It is practical to arrange the blocks in the form P.

4. In the kitchen, for commercial use, a stainless steel worktop, concealed fittings that do not interfere with cleaning, a facade with aluminum and glass, and separately installed appliances are required.

How much does a kitchen cost

stoimost kyhni

The cost of such products is often measured per linear meter. This includes: cabinets, tables and hanging shelves. Manufacturers produce and ready-made kits for standard room sizes.

For the above purposes, a 9 square meter kitchen can cost like this:

1. In the apartment of a bachelor or a busy girl kitchen set will cost 10,000-14,000 rubles.

2. For a family in the house will have to spend 16000-18000 rubles.

3. Arrangement of a place for cooking in a cottage will require 21,000-33,000 rubles.

4. The kitchen-cafe or studio for a culinary show is estimated at 40000-50000 rubles.

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