
Artificial lighting can make real metamorphosis with the room. Due to the correct distribution of light, the borders of the room will be visually expanded, and the most ordinary interior will become cozy and presentable. However, if you ignore some of the rules for selecting the source of illumination, you can get the opposite effect. This article will help you choose a chandelier that will help illuminate and partially construct the space.




The best manufacturers of chandeliers - which company to choose

The lighting market is oversaturated with offers. The emergence of online stores with the possibility of ordering goods from almost anywhere in the world has hardened competition between manufacturers. However, a worthy reputation, high quality of products and many years of experience on the market are the best trump cards in the game called “Model Manufacturer”, where the popularity of products in the consumer environment becomes a prize for the winner.

The best global brands in most popularity ratings come from Europe:

1. Maytoni

2. MW-Light


4. Odeon light

5. Arte lamp

The principle of operation and the device chandeliers

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The main elements included in the design of most models:

1. Body - suspensions and base, where the "horns" converge. The bottom part is completed by cartridges. The upper part has a decorative cap, plate or bowl, under which is hidden the junction of the lamp wires with electrical wiring.

2. Diffusers - decorative lampshades or lampshades, partially or fully covering the light bulbs and diffusing light. Some models lack these elements. Diffusers are made of materials that transmit light: plastic, glass, paper.

3. Reflectors - an element with a mirror surface, from which the light from the bulb is reflected and diverges at a wider angle. Some reflectors have a matte surface, they almost do not change the direction of the light flux, but soften it and make it comfortable for perception. Reflectors, like diffusers, are not included in all chandelier designs.

Chandelier Types

Suspended chandeliers

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The hanging type chandelier is mounted using a special ceiling hook. For attachment to the hook serves as a flexible suspension: power cord, chain, cable, string, spring, or hard (pipe).

It is in the chandeliers with a suspended structure that designers embody the most extraordinary ideas, with the help of which the chandelier becomes not a part of the interior, but a compositional center. It is impractical to use a massive chandelier with a long suspension in a room with low ceilings. It is ideal for a spacious room, where the ceiling is located on a significant level.

Suspended chandelier can have one or more lampshades. Suspensions of the lighting device, as well as ceiling lamps, are visible. Forged chains, multicolored cords with ornaments, tubular elements perform two functions: they hide or decorate the electrical wire and remove the load from it, while fully holding the chandelier.


  • The ability to control the length of the suspension and change the direction of the luminous flux (for models with a hard suspension adjustment may not be possible or difficult);
  • The ability to highlight certain areas in the room and even visually increase the area;
  • Easy installation - it is necessary to fix the chandelier on the ceiling hook, connect the wires in a small terminal box and fix a decorative element under the ceiling that hides the place of installation in the ceiling;
  • The functionality, practicality and variety of forms of chandeliers-suspensions allows their use in rooms of any type;
  • Replacing the light bulb in most models is not difficult.


  • Installing a chandelier on a long suspension in a room with a low ceiling can create discomfort, thus increasing the likelihood of damage to the ceiling of a fragile material;
  • Chandeliers, the suspension of which is made of unprotected conducting wire, represent a certain danger. A lamp of this design should be purchased only if it is a product of a famous manufacturer.

Ceiling chandeliers

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The body of the chandelier of this design is mounted close to the ceiling with the help of a mounting plate and a bracket without a suspension. This type is recommended for rooms with low ceilings and a small area. They fit perfectly into the interior, which is made in a minimalist style or in pop art style.

Lighting options that can be obtained when using ceiling chandeliers:

1. Luminous flux of a certain direction (from top to bottom) is found in simple models with open shades. The direction of light from top to bottom forms a small area in the room with bright lighting. Parts of the room that do not enter this zone are poorly lit.

2. Reflected lighting creates models of chandeliers, the flow of light from which is directed to the ceiling area. At the same time, the surrounding space is lit with a uniform, soft light, which creates a favorable atmosphere for relaxation.

3. Uniform and bright lighting throughout the room allows you to get lamps, ceiling which are closed and directed down.

4. It is possible to use several lighting options (directional and reflected).

5. Asymmetrical lighting, in which the light due to the special design of the chandelier is distributed unevenly. In certain models, the length and width of the light flux can be changed.


  • Compact, thanks to which the chandeliers fit harmoniously into the interior of rooms with low ceilings;
  • Versatility - the ceiling chandelier, depending on its size, style, would be appropriate to look in any room;
  • Visually increase the space of the room and do not clutter it.


  • The power of the halogen bulbs and incandescent bulbs used is limited when installing the chandelier on the ceiling of PVC panels or on the stretch ceiling of PVC film. A powerful light source can not only provoke stains, but also melt the ceiling;
  • The need to remove the diffuser, which is equipped with most chandeliers, to replace the light bulb.

Cascading chandeliers

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Cascade chandeliers are aristocrats in the world of lamps. With their help, you can give a charismatic appeal to any space. The shape of the chandelier is formed by the lampshades located at different levels, or through decorative pendants of various lengths. In some models, both methods of cascade formation are combined, and the light sources are hidden behind the pendants.

Depending on the number of levels, cascade chandeliers are divided into single-level and multi-level.

Single-level models have relatively modest size and suspension of small length. Different lengths of suspensions form a spectacular wavy line. As a rule, single-level chandeliers have a ceiling installation type and can be used even in rooms with standard height.

Materials used for the production of suspensions:

  • Plastic;
  • Glass;
  • Crystal.

The shape of the elements forming the suspension can be different:

  • Balls;
  • Cuba;
  • Drops;
  • Cylinders;
  • Pyramids;
  • Flowers

Flowing suspension multi-level chandeliers form a kind of waterfall. The length of the decorative hanging elements and the arrangement of the ceiling of some models allows them to be used in rooms with a normal ceiling height. Others are designed exclusively for interior spaces with high ceilings.


  • Special chic and extraordinary design;
  • The ability to use in spacious rooms with insufficient lighting (a large number of lamps in the chandelier is a powerful source of light).


  • Difficult installation due to the large number of elements and significant weight (for some models);
  • The difficulty in the care of multi-level chandeliers, which may include hundreds or even thousands of elements. To clean the suspensions they are dismantled. It is possible to clean decorative elements with the use of special sprays that do not require rinsing and allow the suspension to be kept clean without removing them from the lamp.

Chandelier selection options

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When selecting a chandelier you need to focus on several key parameters. If the new acquisition will comply with them, the interior of the room will not only be enriched with a new element, but will also create a favorable atmosphere for recreation and certain tasks.

Lighting power

Properly organized lighting will help maintain visual acuity and will contribute to proper rest. The power of lighting depends on the type of activity for which a particular room is intended.

Recommendations for lighting power when using LED lamps:

  • A bright light is needed in the kitchen and living room, the optimal lighting power will be 4-5 W per 1 m²;
  • For a children's room, a study and a bathroom, the average level of lighting is typical with a power of 3 W per 1 m²;
  • In the bedroom, the light should be muffled, the power is approximately 1 W per 1 m².
  • In the final calculation of the power of the chandelier, the power of all lamps included in the lamp is taken into account.

Type of light bulbs used

Choosing a chandelier, it is necessary to determine which types of light bulbs can be used for a particular model. In some lighting devices, only halogen bulbs can be used. A part of the lamps in this regard is universal - they can be equipped with incandescent lamps, fluorescent and LED bulbs.

Features, advantages and disadvantages of a light bulb depending on its type:

1. Incandescent lamp

It has a soft glow, it is very hot, so it is undesirable to use it in chandeliers with shades of a material that is prone to fire.

2. Halogen

Differ in high quality of a color rendition and the long period of work. Create a powerful luminous flux.

3. Fluorescent

Differ economical, it is important to choose a light bulb with a warm and pleasant glow.

4. LED light

They have high energy efficiency, are economical, have a long service life and low degree of heating.

Chandelier dimensions

The size of the chandelier should correspond to the height and area of ​​the room where it is installed. Too bulky or too small a lamp will make disharmony in the space of the room. In addition, proportionality will provide the necessary illumination in specific conditions.

To calculate the diameter of the chandelier, you can use the formula: (a + b) * 10, where a and b are respectively the length and width of the room in meters.


The shape of the chandelier, the colors and materials used in its construction, determine its ability to fit into the interior of a particular style:

1. For a classic-style living room, a chandelier made of several crystal or glass shades on a frame of bronze or another metal would be the best choice.

2. In the best way, a simple-shaped chandelier will fit into a minimalist room, the elements of which are painted in a bright, contrasting color to the room.

3. A frosted glass chandelier with a metal frame and crisp edges complements the room in modern or high-tech style.

Which chandelier to choose

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For each room, the chandelier must be selected individually, taking into account the purpose of the room, its style and size.

1. Living room

It has the largest area in a house or apartment. If its area is more than 16 m², it is necessary to install several lamps. In this case, the chandelier should be made in the same style with other sources of lighting.

The color scheme of the hall should be in harmony with the light of the lamps in the chandelier. For the interior in cold colors will be a good choice of fluorescent or LED lamps with a cool white glow.

The living room should not be in the twilight. It is desirable that the chandelier had several modes of operation.Conveniently, if the control mode is carried out using the remote control.

2. Bedroom

The chandelier installed in the bedroom should not be too catchy and stand out from the general situation.

It is desirable that in the evening the lighting in the bedroom was velvety-soft, lulling. But regardless of the time of day, it should be possible to put on make-up, make a haircut and dress in good light. Therefore, it is convenient when the chandelier in the bedroom has several operating modes.

The best option for a small bedroom with low ceilings - ceiling chandelier, corresponding to the interior of the room.

In the spacious room will be organic elongated models in which the lamps are arranged in several rows. Several identical small chandeliers placed at a short distance from each other will also look good. This version of the placement of chandeliers allows you to adjust the light intensity

3. Kitchen

The kitchen, perhaps, is most in need of good lighting, the level of which should be higher than in other rooms. The kitchen is doing a lot of work that requires eye strain. Bright but diffused light will help to distinguish between sugar and salt, and starch from flour.

The chandelier installed in the kitchen should be practical, and care for it should not be difficult. After all, even a good hood, does not hold the smallest particles of fat, which are sent to the "free swimming" and deposited on all surfaces of kitchen spaces. In addition, households who are not burdened with cleaning the kitchen, often forget to turn on the hood. Therefore, it is desirable that the details of the kitchen chandelier were as simple as possible.

4. Children's

Choosing a chandelier for a child's room, it is important to consider not only the color and style, but also the safety of the materials used in the design of the chandelier.
It is advisable to give preference to models, the diffusers of which are made of paper, straw, wood, plastic, because the ball bounced sharply can turn the glass ceiling into dangerous fragments.

How much are the chandeliers

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The price of chandeliers depends on the brand, the quality of the materials used, the popularity of the model and its design features:

1. To purchase a cascade chandelier of the famous German brand Maytoni from the Modern collection, you will not have to lay the car for your spouse or switch to a single meal. The price of a gorgeous model with flowing suspenders from 18 to 40 thousand rubles.

2. Popular ceiling chandeliers with a ceiling type of attachment from the Czech company Evrosvet will cost an average of 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

3. Fans of extravagant forms can buy chandeliers from the company Lussole Loft (Italy) at prices ranging from 9 to 35 thousand rubles.

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