
According to statistics, every third person likes to drink coffee. The total number of such people has long exceeded a million. Most of these connoisseurs belong to the category of connoisseurs who prefer to make a tasty drink on their own. Store shelves are full of various grinders. These are manual and electric types from a variety of manufacturers. Sometimes it is difficult to decide, because they differ from each other not only in type, design and price, but also in options, functional features, and other numerous parameters. Our guide of choice will help you not to be mistaken. Our experts have prepared a detailed material that will tell not only about the varieties of coffee grinders, but also reveal each parameter of those that are important when choosing first.



How to choose a coffee grinder

The best manufacturers of coffee grinders - which company to choose

Coffee grinders are made by both small and large companies that manufacture various household appliances.

Inexpensive options from small firms usually do not cause consumer confidence, but the products of world famous giants are much more popular.

It is best to purchase coffee makers from niche companies that deal exclusively with this market segment.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of the most popular companies:

  • Cunill;
  • Macap;
  • Delonghi;
  • Gaggia;
  • Krups.

These manufacturers offer a wide range of models that vary in performance and cost. Do not forget also that between household, semi-professional and professional devices will be a big difference in almost all characteristics. For those who do not have the opportunity to fully familiarize themselves with the material, we suggest to immediately go to our rated best coffee grinders.

The principle of operation and the device grinders

The principle of operation and the device grinders

1. The electric coffee grinder consists of two compartments, the bowl for filling is located at the top, and the engine is at the bottom. After the grains are placed in the container, the lid is closed and the device is turned on. The grains are ground until the desired degree of grinding is achieved. Such devices are most often used at home. They do not provide the desired uniformity.

2. Millstone grinders are similar to the classic manual, only work on the engine. The product also consists of two parts: one - for filling the grains, and the other - for the finished product. Grains from one compartment to another are directed through the millstones, which can be conical or plane-parallel. Conical consist of two cones inserted into each other, where only the bottom rotates.

3. Manual coffee grinders are almost identical to the millstone, but all the work of grinding is due to the effort made by man. The upper compartment has a rotating handle, which starts the process of grinding the roasted coffee beans.

Kinds of coffee grinders



Such a grinder crushes the grains between special discs, which can be made of metal or ceramic. The size between them can be adjusted depending on what kind of grinding is needed, small or larger. The discs are driven by a special pen, which resembles the handle of a meat grinder.

The grinding obtained after a manual coffee grinder is not completely homogeneous, it has different fractions. For Oriental coffee, it will definitely be inappropriate. Recently, this kind of coffee grinder is rarely used, they prefer to be used as decoration of the kitchen interior due to the unusual design.


  • low price;
  • interesting design;
  • no annoying noise.


  • long time of grinding (at least 15 minutes per serving);
  • for fine grinding you need to put a lot of effort;
  • slides on the table during the process.

Electric (rotary)

Electric (rotary)

The rotary coffee maker is equipped with propeller-like knives. These sharp blades chop coffee beans at a very high speed, turning them into powder. The degree of fineness of grinding here will depend on the operating time of the device: the longer, the less, respectively, and vice versa.

Despite the fact that the uniformity of grinding in rotary apparatuses is not ideal, the resulting product can be used for cooking in a Turk, geyser or drip coffee maker. Many coffee connoisseurs criticize coffee grinders of this type, believing that the product should be ground with millstones, rather than cut with knives.


  • acceptable cost;
  • fast work;
  • fine grinding


  • heterogeneity of the finished product;
  • motor noise;
  • at high speed, the ground coffee burns.

Electric (millstone)

Electric (millstone)

Millstone grinder is the most convenient device, with an improved process of grinding grains. Millstones, unlike knives, fray the product. It is better to choose millstones not from steel, but from ceramics, since this material is more careful with coffee, preserving its taste.


  • high speed;
  • at a time to process up to 300 grams. grains;
  • availability of electronic display;
  • the ability to set the desired degree of grinding;
  • uniformity and uniformity of grinding.


  • high price;
  • engine noise.

Coffee grinder selection options

Coffee grinder selection options


High power device allows you to cope with the task much faster than low. The stores are coffee grinders with a capacity of from 100 to 300 watts. The best option is the level from 150 to 200 watts.

Devices with very high power are semi-professional and professional. When grinding in a coffee grinder, the grains may be charred, which will affect the taste of the drink, giving it bitterness.


Rotary coffee grinders have rotating knives, which increases the level of danger of the device. Manufacturers, in order to protect the user from injury, made a locking system so that the knives could not start the rotation if the lid is not closed.

True, this method has its minus: plastic fasteners holding the lid, are short-lived and quickly break. When choosing, pay special attention to them, because the stronger they are, the longer the grinder will work.

Look also at the body material. Made of steel, brass or aluminum, it will last a longer amount of time, but plastic will be less durable.

overheat protection

This parameter is especially important for those models that have a power above 200 watts. The engine in such devices during long operation can overheat. To avoid this, a protective system should work, automatically switching off the grinder until the critical heating level drops.


Most often start of rotor coffee grinders occurs from pressing a cover. This avoids accidental switching on of the device, but is not very convenient to use, as it is necessary to hold the lid until a portion of the grain is crushed. There is also an option with a button, pressing which engine starts.

The presence of the dispenser

This option is very convenient, it is usually available in grinders with grindstones. It allows you to completely fill the tank capacity. To grind the device itself will take the right amount to grind. This will save you time, since you will not need to refill a container with a product each time.

Timer and screen presence

In the millstone types are used, as we have said, screens that allow you to set the desired programs and grinding modes. Rotary coffee grinders instead usually have nothing, or have a timer.

Models with a timer are much more preferable, since once having calculated the optimal time for obtaining the necessary fineness of the finished product, you only need to set this indicator to obtain the same result.

Noise level

All electric coffee grinders make noise. It appears because the grains are being cut with knives or ground by discs. Slightly reduce the noise level, removing unnecessary vibrations, models of coffee grinders with rubber legs.

What coffee grinder to choose

What coffee grinder to choose

1. If you are not in a hurry in the morning and you have a lot of free time, then the manual coffee grinder will be just the right option. Anyone who wants to get coffee powder should choose electrical devices faster.

2. Rotary type machines give more non-uniform grinding than millstones, but they are much cheaper.

3. Coffee makers for home use in power should be about 150 to 200 watts. Those who need semi-professional and professional devices need to pay attention to models with a power above 250 W, just keep in mind that overheating protection is necessary in such devices. But below 100 W, it is better not to purchase devices, since they are very slow to operate.

4. It is better to choose the case of the coffee grinder from metal, but not plastic. Such products are much more durable. The internal elements that grind the roasted seeds are better ceramic, since they do not charmer the product during the grinding process.

5. Prefer a rotary type coffee grinder with a timer, and a millstone grinder with a dispenser. In the first case, you will not need to keep track of the time each time in order to get the desired grinding, it will be enough just to set the time. In the second, you do not need to daily fill up the grains, since the device from the full container will take only the required amount.

How much is a coffee grinder

How much is a coffee grinder

1. Manual coffee grinders cost approximately 1 to 2 thousand rubles. There are cheaper options for 800-900 r, but they cannot boast of good quality.

2. Prices for electric millstones coffee grinders start at 3 thousand rubles, but in stores it is very rare to find such cheap models. Usually the cost starts from 5-7 thousand rubles.

3. Rotary type coffee grinders are sold at 800-1 thousand rubles. Slightly more expensive, but also functional will cost 1,500-2 thousand rubles.

4. Models with ceramic elements and a steel case will come out more expensive than plastic devices with metal elements for grinding.

5. Additional features and options, such as the presence of a dispenser, timer and other things will affect the total cost. Such devices can be bought for about 2-7 thousand rubles, depending on the type of grinder.

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