
When repairing and replacing floors, most families opt for laminate flooring. It has a presentable appearance, similar to natural wood, but costs much less. Unlike linoleum, it is not immediately possible to understand what kind of coating is under your feet. The versatility of the material allows you to lay it on top of a warm floor or on concrete slabs using a special substrate. Laminate flooring is well suited for a bedroom and a living room, a children's room where a lot of time is spent on the floor, and a kitchen. Often it is laid in offices and offices. Laminate is also used to decorate the door leaf. But in order to choose this practical material correctly, it is necessary to understand its basic parameters and their effect on operation. The article below will help you become a mini laminate expert and talk with sellers on an equal footing, as well as buy suitable flooring for certain conditions.




The best laminate manufacturers - which company to choose

Of course, buying laminate, I want to buy a coating that will last for about 20 years and will keep a beautiful view throughout the entire period. For this you need to carefully understand the criteria and types of flooring. If you study these features too lazy, you can buy the products of the leaders of this industry.

The most popular manufacturers in this segment should include the following companies:

1. Alloc

2. Egger

3. Kaindl

4. Balterio

5. Kronostar

For more information, we recommend reading rating of the best manufacturers of laminate. Well, for the most demanding, who may not only choose, but also lay this material, the information below is provided with the features and parameters of the products.

Structure and application of laminate

struktura laminat

Laminate flooring is rectangular plates with a thickness of 6-12 mm, which fit one to one and form a continuous seamless coating. The wooden base allows you to keep warm, and the protective layer protects the appearance of the product from abrasion and scratches. As a decor, print on paper is used, which is laid in the middle of the structure. As for the type of image, there is great freedom of imagination, which makes it possible to choose both strict patterns (oak, pine rings, bark), and arbitrary stains and lines (abstractions, marble, scuffs, monotone colors).

Laminate flooring is widely used as a floor covering of the average price category. It is laid in homes and apartments, kindergartens, hotels, offices and offices. Depending on the parameters, the cost of the goods also varies, which makes it possible to purchase it both for expensive interior decoration and in the case of economical repairs in the apartment. Products are sold in packaging, where the panels are located one on one in the amount of 6-10 pieces. All key parameters are written on the box, and the product accompanies the certificate of environmental safety.

The structure of the laminate contains several layers, which are arranged from bottom to top in the following sequence:

1. Waterproof layer

This material is not impervious to moisture from the floor. It is in direct contact with the substrate, and without using it, with the concrete itself. Due to its dense structure, this element stabilizes and protects the entire panel from deformation. It can be combined with sound insulation, but it depends on the manufacturer.

2. Core layer

It is made of chipboard or fiberboard, in other cases of PVC, and represents the main component of the laminate.Wood fiber has considerable hardness, which gives rigidity to the slab. In this element are placed locks to connect the coating in a single row. The quality of impregnation determines the resistance to moisture and the preservation of geometry.

3. Moisture resistant interlayer

This line in the structure of the laminate is made of paper, impregnated with wood resin. The material is designed to additionally protect the upper part of the slab directly from moisture penetration from the side of the concrete floor.

4. Decorative layer

It is a paper with printed patterns, which can be similar to wood, stone or arbitrary divorces.

5. Protective film

Performed by their acrylic or melamine resin. Responsible for the safety of the picture. It is classified according to the degree of wear resistance, which determines the place of use of the laminate.

This flooring is very popular because of its easy installation. In order to fasten the panels to each other, a lock system of grooves and mating parts at the ends of the tile is provided. The insertion of elements is very fast and the laying of the area of ​​one room can take about two hours. On the floor, you first need to lay the substrate, which will smooth out irregularities and additionally warm the concrete floor. The substrates themselves are cork and foamed polyurethane. Some homeowners dare to install laminate flooring on their own, which saves family money on repairs. But even in the case of hiring a master, the work does not take several days, and within two hours you can bring things and furniture into the room.

The only enemy laminate is moisture. To protect the material, there are two layers in the composition that protect the base plate and patterned paper from being saturated with water molecules coming from the base (concrete screed, reinforced concrete slab). But moisture from above (spilled liquid, high parka in the room) can swell the panels and deform the floor. This makes unsuitable use of material with a wooden component in the bathroom and bathrooms. But already developed types of laminate with a vinyl insert, which is not subject to moisture.

Laminate is also popular due to simple care - it can be washed, swept, vacuumed and rubbed. Matte or shiny coating allows you to choose products for every taste. If there was a large water leak (flooded from neighbors, the washing machine hose came off), the panels can be disassembled, remove all moisture with a washing vacuum cleaner, let the floor dry and lay the material again. Waterproof versions have been developed for the kitchen, but the spilled liquid must be quickly wiped out, otherwise the coating will deteriorate.

Types of laminate

Although the entire laminate has a similar structure and the main layer of chipboard with a stabilizing substrate below, there are two categories of coating for different operating conditions. The use of one group is allowed everywhere, and the laying of another will lead to rapid material damage and cost overruns.

Residential Laminate

dla doma laminat

After making the flooring, manufacturers conduct about 18 tests to determine how long the material will last under specific loads. This highlights two specific categories of laminate, one of which is designed for use in homes and apartments. It can be laid in the bedroom, living room, hallway, balcony, kitchen. In such conditions, the coating retains a beautiful appearance of 5-7 years, depending on the number of residents, the accuracy of handling the surface and the degree of permeability (for example, walk along the hallway more often than the bedroom). Such products are cheaper than other types of laminate, which makes the replacement of the floor low-budget.


  • acceptable price;
  • a wide variety of colors;
  • possibility of self-assembly;
  • impact strength;
  • natural appearance;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • the ability to combine with a warm floor.


  • after 7 years, abrasion may appear in the figure in places with frequent traffic, and the other part of the coating will remain as new
  • swelling from spilled water deforms the floor.

Laminate for commercial use

dla ofisa laminat

If in the room the laminate wears off from walking 3-5 people and children's games, then in the offices he would not have lasted even six months. This gave impetus to the development of flooring for commercial use with high traffic. Such products are designed for conference rooms, scenes, dance schools, offices. The service life of such a floor, which will be held or jump dozens of people per day, is 3-5 years. Accordingly, if you lay it in an apartment, it will last about 15-20 years.

Other models of laminate are used in buildings where the load is even more intense: car dealerships, clubs, gyms. Under these conditions, products are able to maintain their appearance from 7 to 15 years, which extends its service life in everyday life to 30 years.


  • resistance to point loads;
  • flame-retardant;
  • does not burn out at sunshine;
  • long operation;
  • high precision docking;
  • resistance to knock and pressure;
  • long warranty (indefinite in the case of use in the home).


  • high price;
  • moisture exposure.

Laminate selection options

parametri vibora laminat

To choose the right laminate, not enough to decide on the color. It is necessary to clearly understand the place of use of the floor material and the types of loads it will be subjected to (pressure from furniture, people, a wheel chair, toys for children, humidity). It is important to consider the design features and installation method. Here are the main parameters for the selection of these products.

Wear resistance class

According to European standards, the product must pass 18 tests to assign a class. Procedures are designed to reproduce a variety of loads of friction, point pressure, slip, temperature and light effects that the product will undergo in real operation. The elapsed time during which the products retain a decent appearance is decisive for the estimated service life, in accordance with which the wear class is assigned to the laminate.

One of the tests is the Taber test, which consists in rotating the head with an abrasive material on the surface of the floor covering. How long the top layer of the panel is able to resist such an effect is called the “turnover” of the laminate. This indicator is prescribed as the AU and is accompanied by a number. Household models with the AC3 index will last 5-6 years in the bedroom or hall. AC4 is better to take for the hallway. AC5 is more suitable for offices.

The second designation of the class from 31 to 34 refers to the density of the base - the hardboard plate. The overall integrity of the panel structure depends on this wood parameter. But most manufacturers denote by these figures the sum of all wear-resistant indicators. Therefore, we can distinguish the following: for an apartment you need to buy laminate of 31-32 class, depending on the number of tenants and their habits, and for conference rooms you need 33 class. In the case of dance studios or sports facilities need a maximum rate of 34. But if you lay the laminate of the 33rd class in private housing, then it will be enough for 20 years.

Panel thickness

Responsible for this parameter is the main layer - fiberboard, which forms the structure of the product and attaches all the other components to itself. The amount of protective coating resin and interlayer of paper add only 10% of the entire thickness. Laminate can be from 6 to 12 mm. More thin models of plates are not used any more. The size of the flooring layer affects two factors: sound insulation and protection from cold.

The thicker the panel, the less sound will be heard from the steps or running to the neighbors. High segments of the laminate in combination with well-chosen substrate will allow children to play on the floor without fear of catching cold. Therefore, in the case of the presence of children or the need for additional warming (private house, first floor) it is worth purchasing products 8-10 mm thick. For a parent bedroom, 6 mm is enough.In a shop or an industrial premises (sewing workshop with machines, a jeweler's workshop at the salon) you should buy more durable panels of 12 mm, capable of high loads on the base.

But there is also a downside: if the house is planning to use a heated floor, then high panels will delay heat transfer from the heater to the room, therefore in such situations laminate with a minimum thickness of 6 mm is laid.

Impact resistance

In addition to the stable abrasion to which the top layer of the laminate is exposed, objects (scissors, cup, flower pot) can periodically fall on the floor. This can cause a crack or a dent in the material, as well as damage the coupling lock. In order to choose the right coating, due to the likelihood of various objects falling on it, a classification has been developed for impact resistance. Ic4 is suitable for private housing and cabinets with low traffic. Ic5 is better to lay in the reception and classrooms. Ic6 designed for gyms and cafes.


Modern manufacturers offer laminate density from 844 to 979 kg / m3. This determines the endurance of the material under static loads. If the room has a bed, armchairs and a TV, then an indicator of 850 kg / m3 is enough. For a kitchen with a large fridge or a washing machine, you need to buy laminate 901 kg / m3. And in the case of production with sewing machines or a store with freezers and showcases, a maximum figure of 979 kg / m3 is required. If you purchase an inappropriate density, then dents will remain from heavy objects.

Connection method

This parameter depends on the flatness of the floors and the skill of the person performing the installation. There are three types of compounds:

1. Click

It implies the presence of a groove and a reciprocal insert, for the interaction of which it is necessary to install the long edges of the panels at 45 degrees relative to each other. This allows you to start a ledge, connect the halves and bend the product to an even state.

2. Lock

Requires an even arrangement of the two long edges of the panels and insert until it clicks, which means the closure of the ribbed coupling mechanism.

3. Adhesive

It consists in lubricating both the joints and the lower part of the plate with sealants for permanent connection with the floor.

Click is suitable for those who want to try to collect coverage on their own. It will be easy and fast. This type of lock should be chosen where there is a floor drop of more than 2 mm per meter. Irregularities will not create interference in the installation and partially smoothed out.

Lock requires additional leveling of the floor, otherwise the lock simply will not close to the end. Inserting reciprocal parts until it clicks implies a certain skill and is difficult to give in the first time (you can ruin a lock). This type of grip panels are better suited for perfectly aligned floors with professional styling.

The adhesive method of planting laminate has a disadvantage in the case of emergency dismantling and replacement of one panel (damaged), so it is used now less and less. But if there is definitely no moisture in the room, and the class of the laminate will allow it to be used for many years, then you can resort to laying on glue (not only sealing joints, but also sizing the bottom of the panels).


This parameter affects the appearance of the coating after several years of operation. Panels without a V-shaped chamfer at the edges create the appearance of a solid floor (without stripes and segments). If the edges of the laminate plate are beveled a few millimeters, then the borders are clearly visible. It is more like natural wood and looks more solid. Monolithic coating immediately suggests an idea of ​​artificiality. Chamfer helps smooth some floor drops visually. Over time, the wooden component of the laminate will begin to crack, leading to the formation of cracks. If the entire floor was monolithic, the appearance of the border will immediately become noticeable. In the case of chamfer it will take longer to keep the overall beautiful look.

But the presence of a recess between the joints allows the spilled liquid to come into contact with the wood more quickly and more, which leads to swelling.Even in the carved decorative bevels clogged debris. Because of this, the chamfer is convenient for dry and clean rooms (hall, bedroom, office). In all other cases, continuous types of laminate are practical.

Water resistance

In rooms with a high probability of shedding liquids, a laminate with a base of fiberboard will quickly become unusable. In such situations, they lay a new type of floor covering with PVC core, which is absolutely not susceptible to moisture. Polyvinyl chloride does not absorb water and does not deform. Locks for coupling in it are made of the same shape as in the woody version. This laminate is very practical for kitchen and bathroom.

Formaldehyde concentration

To protect the upper layer from abrasion using resins. Acrylic and melamine natural components do not have sufficient adhesion for high-quality harassment to wooden and paper base, therefore formaldehydes are added to their composition. The latter can evaporate and affect the respiratory system. Buying a laminate for living rooms, it is worth making sure that the designation of environmental friendliness "E1", which is considered harmless to health. It is suitable for bedrooms, kitchens and offices. Children's rooms should be equipped with a laminate with a zero emission class of “E0”. For storage rooms and balconies enough "E2".


Decorating the top layer of laminate is very different and here everything depends on the taste and preferences of the buyer. But there are several well-known rules that are useful to consider. Small rooms should not be covered with dark tones - this further contributes to the visual reduction of the room. The floor and walls should be contrasted from the opposite: brown walls - beige laminate, etc. For the office and the office, strict dark tones with a pattern for an array will do. For the child's room are acceptable abstractions and divorces. On the non-solar side, it is better to stack glossy material that reflects more light.

Which laminate to choose

kakoi laminat vibrat

Given the above criteria, you can select a laminate for a specific application for the following factors:

1. Panels of 31 classes, 6 mm, Ic4, with a density of 850 kg / m3 and a V-shaped bevel are suitable for the bedroom and the hall. E1 emission class.

2. In the hallway and kitchen laminate 32 classes, 8 mm, Ic5, density 900 kg / m3 is required. Bath options are similar, but with a vinyl base.

3. The office will require a floor covering of 33 classes with a thickness of 10 mm and Ic5. V-shaped cutting will give the appearance of a wooden array and emphasize the solidity of the cabinet. If attendance is low, then a density of 850 kgm3 is sufficient.

4. The dance and gymnasium, as well as a cafe, should be covered with 34 class laminate, 12 mm thick, Ic6 an indicator of resistance to impact and a density of 979 kg / m3.

How much is laminate

stoimost laminat

Floor coverings are sold at the rate of one square meter. Depending on the quality and value of products is determined. The large run-up of prices is due to the presence in the market of various manufacturers.

Laminate for different needs will have the following range of value:

1. In the bedroom and hall coverage will cost 400-600 rubles / m2.

2. For the hallway and the kitchen with increased loads, the product will cost 400-1500 rubles / m2.

3. Laminate with a thicker coating in the offices is sold for 600-1600 rubles / m2.

4. For commercial use with a high wear resistance class (gym, dance club) panels will have a price of 960-1200 rubles / m2.

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