
Stormy vegetation between houses in a residential area or in a country house can block the paths and areas under the fences. Unlike a neat lawn, tall grass looks ugly. At enterprises, uncut green areas create an unfavorable impression. To correct this situation use lawn mowers. But due to their limited maneuverability and high prices, not everyone can afford to buy it, especially in the country or in the public utilities. Now there are their light analogues - grass trimmers, capable of performing the same work, but more compact and inexpensive. To correctly select this garden tool you need to know the main types of trimmers and what parameters they must meet to cope with the grass on a particular landscape.



How to choose a grass trimmer

The best manufacturers of trimmers - which company to choose

Good trimmers produce companies that have proven themselves in the quality manufacturing of other electric and gasoline tools.

Those who do not have time to delve into the features of this product can be recommended to purchase the device from any of the companies in the following list:

  • Echo;
  • Bosch;
  • Makita;
  • Stihl;
  • Triton.

For those who want to see the advantages and disadvantages of specific models from these brands, a corresponding article is written with a detailed review. Well, for those who want to understand everything on their own, the parameters and features of this garden tool are given below.

The principle of operation and the trimmer device for grass

The principle of operation and the device trimmers for grass

Grass trimmer is a garden tool for cutting green vegetation with a soft stem and not thick deadwood. Unlike lawn mowers, the devices have a small mass and are worn by the operator on the belts, and do not ride on wheels on the ground. Low weight makes it easy to transport vehicles to the place of work and quickly move from site to site.

With the help of the cutting part of the trimmer, you can:

  • maintain a small height of grass on the lawn;
  • mowing it between houses and along paths;
  • remove overgrowth of dead wood near the roadway;
  • cut off vegetation directly under the fence;
  • reclaim the green shores of reservoirs.

Trimmers have low cost, unlike lawn mowers, and increased maneuverability makes them more convenient to use. Buy such a tool as residents of the private sector, and utilities, as well as businesses to care for the existing territory.

The process of operating a garden tool is to dress the body on the operator's body using special belts. The trimmer head is brought to the grass and the engine starts with a button on the handle. Torque is transmitted to the bobbin through a rigid shaft in the tube of the device. The head contains a cutting element, which at high speed cut the grass stalks.

To prevent blows to hard objects and stick sticks in the face, a protective cover is provided, covering 40% of the diameter of the cutting tool.

Most modern trimmers have the following device:

1. motor (electric or gasoline);

2. fuel tank (in the case of an internal combustion engine);

3. barbell;

4. handle for direction (1-2 pieces);

5. rigid shaft for transmitting rotation from the motor;

6. a bobbin with a cutting element (fishing line or knife);

7. protective cover;

8. belt mount.

Types of grass trimmers

The trimmer cutting unit has a removable or non-removable design.Depending on this, the functional models differ. But all trimmers are divided into three categories.

Electric trimmers

Electric trimers

This type of tool works from a household network in 220V. The electric motor rotates the shaft and starts the cutting mechanism. To use the device, there must be a power outlet nearby. This partially constrains the maneuverability and scale of operation of the tool, but allows you to work silently.

Another such device has no harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Such models are well suited for dacha plots and private firms with a small area where you can get by with one carrying coil.


  • lungs;
  • make little noise and do not interfere with neighbors;
  • inexpensive;
  • there are powerful models;
  • no harmful emissions;
  • handle height adjustment;
  • the possibility of setting different knives.


  • inconvenience from the wire, which can be inadvertently cut;
  • limited area carrying length.

Petrol trimmers

Gasoline trimers

The principle of operation of this type is similar to electric, but the rotation is provided by an internal combustion engine. To this end, an additional fuel tank is attached to the rod, which is why the device receives a large mass.

With such a tool, you can freely move around the territory and even work where there are no buildings and electricity. There is no need to constantly remember about the cord and be afraid to cut it. It is actively used for grass mowing on the sides, maintaining the beautiful state of yards in high-rise areas and on the territory of large enterprises.


  • powerful models;
  • replacement knives;
  • no space restrictions;
  • high performance;
  • robust design;
  • wide area of ​​use in the commercial direction.


  • heavy;
  • additional fuel costs;
  • more noise;
  • emissions into the atmosphere.

Cordless trimmers

Cordless trimmers

A less common type of garden tool is a trimmer working with an electric motor, but on battery. This allows you to cut the grass still silently, but not depend on the length of the carrying.

Due to the limited use of time, such models are bought to take care of country houses where there is no electricity or for the improvement of the territory of kindergartens and similar institutions.


  • silent;
  • staging different cutting systems;
  • no space restrictions;
  • lungs;
  • energy reserve lasts for 30-45 minutes;
  • fast charge;
  • there are powerful models.


  • running time is limited by battery capacity;
  • are more expensive than electric.

Grass trimmer selection options

Grass trimmer selection options

Understanding the key features of the garden tool you can choose a model that is well suited for specific tasks and will not cause unexpected problems. Here are the basic options for selecting grass trimmers.


The trimmer power rating is specified in kW and affects performance. The higher this value, the faster the cutting element will rotate and the larger the area will be processed.

1. Garden tools may have a small figure of 0.25 kW and reach 1.8 kW.

2. For municipal services to care for the local area in neighborhoods and along roads along roadsides, where you have to work all day and cut large amounts of grass, it is advisable to purchase models of 0.9-1.8 kW.

3. For giving and care of a small lawn, an engine with parameters of 0.25-0.7 kW is sufficient.

Cut width

The width of the cut affects the length of the knife and the possibility of maximum extension of the fishing line. The last parameter is limited by the size of the protective casing. There are various models whose range can be from 200 to 420 mm.

1. For continuous lawns in a large area fit trimmers with a cutting width of 300-420 mm.

2. For the summer cottage and care of high-rise quarters, 250-270 mm is enough.


The mass of the device affects the ease of use and operator fatigue. The weight of the instrument varies from 1.5 to 9 kg.Of course, it is logical to take the models easier under long-term employment, but often this involves remote work from the power grid, which requires gasoline models which are the most difficult.

1. If you can connect to the mains, you should buy electrical devices weighing 3-5 kg.

2. For giving suit option in 2.5 kg.

3. If you can not connect to the mains should buy gas trimmers with a weight of 7-9 kg.


Another indicator of performance are the revolutions of the cutting element in one minute.

1. In low-power versions, this parameter is not prescribed because there they are below 7000 per minute.

2. More professional models have a run of 7,500-12000 rpm.

3. For a dacha or a small business, 6000 rpm is enough.

4. For large amounts of work requires 9000-12000 rpm.

Line diameter

This indicator varies from 1.4 to 3.3 mm and indicates the ability of the cutting element to cut a certain thickness of the stem and branches of the shrub.

1. 1.4-2 mm is enough for a country yard, which will remove grass and maintain a neat look of lawns.

2. Workers who monitor the state of the curb, where thick grass often grows, need to buy 2.4-2.7 mm.

3. To upgrade the running area, you need a solid line of 3.0-3.3 mm, capable of dissecting the stiff stalks and bushes.

Cutting system

Trimmers work by rotating the cutting elements, which can be dense knives (metal, plastic) or soft fishing line (cord).

1. Dense knives are more suitable for a flat open landscape and thick grass with solid stems. The tool will create an even cut. This species is practical for lawn care along businesses and near a private home.

2. The line is necessary in the case of work on hilly terrain and near the fences. Beating on hard obstacles will not cause damage, and contact with the ground will not stop the process. But such trimmers do not cope well with dense vegetation and get confused.

Type of attachment

To operate the device it is hung on the body of the operator. For this, one or two belts are provided.

1. Using a single-belt trimmer is used to give or refine a small company territory.

2. In the case of a large area, a knapsack fastener will be required, which evenly distributes the load and reduces vibration.

Convenience hold

The form and number of pens, as well as the balancing of the device, are responsible for this.

1. The main and auxiliary handles are convenient for short use in the garden or a small company. To work throughout the day, it is better to purchase models with a cross-frame and two equivalent handles.

2. The position of the engine below the cutting part increases the load on the back and is suitable for mowing only for a few hours. If the engine is installed at the top of the boom, this makes it easier to control the tool and is suitable for professional use.

Tank capacity and battery capacity

In the case of autonomous fuel trimmers, the tank capacity plays an important role. It is from 0.3 to 1.5 liters. Manufacturers expect its volume based on the ability of the engine to work continuously for a certain amount of time.

1. With a minimum tank, you will be able to mow 20 minutes, after which you will need to stop for a break to cool the engine and refuel.

2. It is possible to work with the maximum indicator for more than an hour, which is convenient for commercial use in large areas.

In battery models, the battery is measured in amperes / hours. The 1st A / h unit is enough for 15 minutes of work. Charging will take three times longer.

1. For cosmetic care of a small lawn away from the outlet, 2 A / h is sufficient.

2. To care for the territory of a kindergarten or a small company will require 3-4 A / h.

What grass trimmer to choose

What grass trimmer to choose

1. To work on uneven terrain along the fence, you will need a device with a 2.7 mm thick fishing line. For productivity, a cutting width of 250 mm and a speed of 7,500 per minute are sufficient. The device will be more convenient to manage with two equivalent handles.If the size of the territory allows you to use an extension cord, then it is better to purchase a model with an electric motor.

2. In utilities, the balance of which is a large area with tracks and courtyards, as well as road services, you will need a trimmer running on gasoline with a tank of 1.5 liters, 12000 rpm, 0.9-1.6 kW, covering width 300 mm and line thickness 3.0 mm.

3. For a large private area or enterprise with green areas, you need to buy garden tools with an internal combustion engine of 1 kW, 10,000 revolutions per minute, an iron blade or 2.4 mm fishing line and a cutting width of 420 mm.

4. In a small courtyard to the country, an electric model with a power of 0.25 kW, 6.500 rpm, a line thickness of 1.4-2.0 mm, and a coverage of 250 mm across the width of the slice is sufficient. The mounting method is suitable for one belt with a lower engine.

5. To care for the territory of kindergartens, boarding schools and recreation centers, it is practical to buy battery versions that silently perform their functions in a vast area. A model with a power of 0.7 kW, a battery capacity of 3 A / h, 7500 rpm and a 2.0 mm fishing line is suitable.

How much does grass trimmer cost

How much does a grass trimmer cost

1. To work on hilly terrain and along fences, the model will cost 3200 - 7000 rubles.

2. In utilities acquire trimmers for 10,000-14,000 rubles.

3. To care for the green territory of companies, the tool will cost 15000-20000 rubles.

4. For giving models start from 1200 rubles.

5. In kindergartens and recreation centers the device on batteries will cost 3000-25000 rubles.

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