
Orient yourself on a variety of models, choose the most effective and less expensive option, affordable, but powerful - this will help you an article with detailed information about the varieties of modern vacuum cleaners, describing the principle of their work and functions. Here you will find the best, according to experts and owners, models, learn the value of each variety, be surprised at the capabilities of modern vacuum cleaners.




The best manufacturers of vacuum cleaners - which company to choose

If you do not want to read the entire material, pay attention to the products of popular manufacturers.

In different price categories, according to the ratings of experts (2016-2017) and the reviews of the owners, the best models are:

1. Philips

2. Karcher

3. Samsung

4. LG

5. Thomas

6. Kirby

To learn more about modern vacuum cleaners, to decide on the choice of a particular model, read rating of the best vacuum cleaners for home.

The principle of operation and the device of vacuum cleaners

ystroistvo pilesosa

Standard vacuuming has a simple mechanism of action. Due to the thrust generated by the operation of the motor, particles of dirt and dust are absorbed. Special nozzles allow you to raise the pile of the carpet to lift the dirt from its base. Getting into the device with air, dirt and dust pass through the filters and accumulate in the dust bag. The air passes on and returns through the "fine filter" to the room (already in a purified form).

The system of work was constantly improved by manufacturers, new models appeared and appeared. For example, today on the market you can find vacuum cleaners with a filter in the form of a tank with water. Through it, the air passes as clean as possible from dust and dirt. Soon they invented a device with two tanks - one for dirty water, the other for detergent. This is how a new variety appeared - washing vacuum cleaners.

Types of vacuum cleaners

There are many classifications of modern vacuum cleaners. It is possible to divide them into types depending on the design, size, type of filter, power, purpose and functions. But before analyzing the individual models, we note: the majority of vacuum cleaners on the market are designed for dry cleaning and only 30% for wet cleaning.

For dry cleaning

dla syhoi yborki pilesos

If you choose among models for dry cleaning, you can give preference to compact vacuum cleaners (manual, vertical or standard design).


  • occupy little space;
  • small weight (easily transferred from place to place);
  • do not require assembly (always in working condition);
  • are inexpensive.


  • high noise level;
  • heat up quickly;
  • low cleansing abilities.
  • Manual ones also require charging (it takes several hours to charge).

For wet cleaning

dla vlazhnoi yborki pilesos

In addition to compact and standard (with average technical indicators) on the market there are household cleaning vacuum cleaners - professional cleaning devices, the most powerful and efficient models. The main drawbacks of the latter are large dimensions and high noise levels. And also - additional costs for detergent (if wet cleaning is provided), less maneuverability (due to weight).

At one time, washing vacuum cleaners with a wide range of applications conquered the market, but because of their major shortcomings, they were not widespread.


  • used for cleaning the floor (dry or wet cleaning);
  • to remove stubborn stains from virtually all things and surfaces in the house (upholstered furniture, curtains, windows, mirrors, etc., except for moisture sensitive parquet and natural materials);
  • cope with any spilled liquid;
  • effectively purify the air leaving the device;
  • additionally moisten the air in the room.


  • too cumbersome (often use it is very problematic);
  • high price;
  • additional costs (it is necessary to purchase a special washing liquid, and each manufacturer recommends buying a product of its own brand).

Robot Vacuum Cleaners

robot pilesos

Exceptions to the rules are robot vacuum cleaners (miniature). Are programmed to perform the functions of dry and wet cleaning. They clean the specified space automatically (for example, the robot wipes the baseboards and furniture legs with special brushes on the sides). The model is equipped with sensors that allow you to navigate in the room, bypass obstacles and do not fall.


  • automated work;
  • low noise level;
  • compact size.


  • high price;
  • low power (can not cope with heavy pollution).

When you do not have enough time and energy for domestic affairs, but there is a desire to simplify your life as much as possible, you can consider buying an automated technology (robot vacuum cleaner). When choosing, it is worth paying attention to the volume of the tank - 0.3-0.5 liters suitable for medium-sized rooms, 0.6 l - for rooms over 80 sq. M. m. Also before buying is to find out the time from recharging until the battery is completely discharged. There are interesting models in the assortment: with a UV lamp (disinfects the air), with a flavoring agent, with an Internet connection, with video surveillance, etc.

Recently, manufacturers have introduced to the market a new development - with the function of steam cleaning (for deep cleansing). They are capable of more than ordinary and washing vacuum cleaners: they kill germs and dust mites.

Vacuum selection options

parametri vibora pilesosa

When choosing, you need to pay attention to technical and other important indicators.

Among the most significant quality characteristics include:

  • suction power;
  • degree of air purification (filtration system and type of dust collector);
  • simplicity / complexity of operation (terms of use, amount of the dust collector, dimensions and weight, noise level) and area of ​​the premises;
  • the amount of electricity consumed.


Absorption power - the main indicator of the quality of the vacuum cleaner. The average indicator is 250-300 W, for heavy pollution (if there is no possibility to clean up daily) - 350-450 W and more. High power indicates that the device will cope with the cleaning of various surfaces as efficiently as possible (carpets with high pile, a large amount of dirt). But do not rush into buying very powerful units, because they produce more noise, consume more electricity.

Alternative option - models with power switch, suitable for different levels of pollution and types of surfaces.

The operation of the vacuum cleaner is not limited only to the function of suction of dirt. It is important that all collected dust settles inside the device and does not get out with the air leaving it. Here another important indicator of choice “comes into play”.

Types of dust collector

The degree of air purification depends on the type of dust collector and filtration system. How clean the air comes out of the vacuum cleaner when it is working demonstrates the indicator "the amount of dust particles at the exit": more than 10% is a dangerous level of microbial health in the air coming out of the vacuum cleaner, even 1% is enough for an allergic reaction or deterioration of health.

Vacuum cleaners of standard sizes and shapes provide different types of dust collectors: a bag, a cyclone dust collector (without bags) and with an aqua filter.

Vacuum cleaners with dust bag

pilesos s meshkom

Models with disposable paper bags are available to the buyer, so that without regret they should be thrown away once a month along with accumulated garbage or fabric reusable (worse, they collect and retain dust).


  • the cheapest option.


  • low cleansing abilities;
  • power reduction as the bag is filled;
  • difficulty in operation (you have to constantly change the dust collector or clean).

Cyclone Dust Collector Vacuum Cleaners

pilesos s ciklonnim

In vacuum cleaners with a cyclone filter (dust collector), dust is collected in a special department, which uses an interesting cleaning system (particles rotate in a spiral, the smallest settle, large ones fall into the dust container). In such devices, the quality of dust collection and retention is higher, it is easier to remove the accumulated debris (just by shaking it out of the container), there is no need to wash the container.


  • durability;
  • ease of operation (thanks to this significant advantage the device has taken a leading position in the market);
  • stable operation (the developers have provided a special filter design so that the suction power is not reduced even when the tank is full);
  • also due to the design features it was possible to achieve low noise levels


  • such models are not compact;
  • do not cope with cleaning, if they fall fluff, hair or wool;
  • If solid debris gets in, there is a risk of case deformation (if a characteristic sound appears, it means the object scratches the case).

Vacuum cleaners with aqua filter

pilesos s akvafiltrom

A water filter (or aqua filter) holds all the dust and dirt in the vessel. Such devices are most effective, and during the whole cleaning: the power does not fall, as in others, as the tank is filled.


  • are most effective in cleaning (at the exit we get air cleared of dust and dirt);
  • work stably (power does not fall);
  • do not require a dust collector change;
  • Moisturize the air when working.


  • high price;
  • weight from 7 kg (the smallest models have a capacity of 1.2 liters);
  • small maneuverability (not quite comfortable to move);
  • after each cleaning it is necessary to pour out dirty water, wash and dry the compartment.

Choosing a vacuum cleaner for cleaning the premises, be guided by your material capabilities, set priorities (either on performance characteristics, or on the quality of air dust removal). Then you can easily make a choice between an instrument with an aqua-filter (maximum purity and maximum energy consumption), a bag (the lowest price and efficiency, but high maneuverability and compactness) or with a cyclone dust collector (ease of operation).

But if there are animals in the house (especially with long hair), a vacuum cleaner with a cyclone dust collector can be immediately excluded from its list of probable purchases (it cannot cope with down, hair and wool). Vacuum cleaner with aqua filter is indispensable if someone from the household suffers from allergies or there are small children in the house.

Filtration system

Also pay attention to the filtration system. In modern vacuum cleaners, traditional three-stage and advanced systems (2-8-step) are used.

Manufacturers can colorfully describe the technology used, but ultimately important is the indicator of the amount of dust particles (should be specified among the technical characteristics) or the rate of filtration (optimally 99.95%).

It is important that the engine compartment filter is present (the second stage is necessary to protect the engine) and preferably replaceable, since permanent ones that do not require replacement will need to be cleaned, which sooner or later will lead to wear of other system elements. The cost of repairs will exceed the cost of buying replacement filters.

It is desirable to have a fine filter (third stage), their presence allows you to clean the air from dust to the level of 95%. For example, S-class filters or the famous HEPA detain particles as small as 0.3 microns.

The more filtration steps, the cleaner the air and the higher the price. A unit with a large number of cleaning steps (more than 4) is required for families in which there are people with allergies and respiratory diseases.

There are models with additional filters:

  • bactericidal (they disinfect the air, kill pathogenic microbes, which is very important for families with small children);
  • coal (destroys sharp unpleasant odors).

Performance and cleaning area

Ease of use depends on the following factors:

  • on size and weight (affects maneuverability);
  • tank volume (should be sufficient to cover the entire cleaning area);
  • from the necessary care (washing models require thorough flushing of the tank, and simple ones with a bag - frequent cleaning or replacement);
  • and also from noise level (66-68 dB is considered a good indicator).

If you often clean your small apartment (one or two-room), the ideal option would be compact models with a small reservoir volume (2 liters). If it is rare and large area (four-room apartment or house) - washing cleaners with a large tank (3-5 liters for detergent and 5-20 - for dirty water) will help to achieve maximum cleanliness.

Electricity costs

The amount of electricity consumed speaks of engine power and device functionality, but does not guarantee its efficiency (some low-power units show a decent result). The average is 1300-2000 W (the minimum is 21 W, the maximum is 2900 W).

Additional features

Do not forget about some important little things:

  • pipe size and the possibility of regulating its length, the length of the wire (preferably from 6 m);
  • structural reliability (resistance to deformation, strong joints and spare parts) and service life, warranty availability (1-3 years);
  • additional functions (auto shut-off when overheating, blocking the switch in the absence of a dust collector, capacity filling indicator, smooth start, which is provided in models with high power and noise level);
  • equipment (additional attachments for cleaning different surfaces, but as practice shows, most people use only 2-3 - for carpets and smooth surfaces, less often for cleaning corners and hard-to-reach places).

Which vacuum cleaner to choose

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To determine the choice, you need to prioritize. In most cases, standard models are the ideal choice. But each family has its own characteristics and needs; it is necessary to focus on them when choosing.

We give specific recommendations for choosing a vacuum cleaner:

1. Silent models for homes with young children offer Panasonic and Electrolux (high cleaning properties), Samsung and LG. Choose vacuum cleaners with medium or low motor power, but with a high-quality filtration system.

2. For families where there is an allergy, where the general cleaning is carried out regularly - Zelmer with aquafilter or compact Karcher SC 1020 with steam cleaning function. Models with modern filtration systems can be found in the rulers of Thomas (purify the air from the smallest particles and microbes), Bosch and Dyson.

3. For the house where there are pets - standard vacuum cleaners with a turbo brush (the nozzle can be purchased separately if it is not included), powerful models or the latest developments - washing or with steam function. For example, Philips and Karcher household vacuum cleaners, affordable models from Scarlett, Hotpoint-Ariston and Bosch. You should not buy with a cyclone dust collector (do not cope with the task).

4. If you clean frequently and in a small area, large units are not for you. Remove from the list of professional models, washing and vacuum cleaners with aqua filter. Search among standard vertical models with a bag. For example, the most quiet and inexpensive Electrolux UltraSilencer USENERGY with a 3.5-liter bag and a high-quality filter that compensates for the main drawback of compact models is the low quality of cleaning (suction power is only 240 W). Suitable for models with a bag from Samsung - SC4180 (compact size, high quality), SC61B4 (large set of nozzles, high power 420 V), SC21F60YG - the most powerful among the low-cost models (520 W), SC5491 - the most affordable and popular. You can also search among models with a cyclone filter (not requiring cleaning and replacement), for example, the compact Bosch BSG 62085 (dust collector volume 1.2 l).

5. For frequent cleaning in a large area, you should look for a vacuum cleaner among the units with a cyclone filter (you only need to periodically empty the container). The volume of the dust collector is sufficient for an area of ​​40-80 square meters. m and above. For example, Panasonic MC-E8035 with low noise (68 dB), with a suction power of 340 W, with almost no flaws. Or more noisy Electrolux ZCX 6205 (82 dB), but with a larger capacity (4L), the suction power of 300 watts.

6. If it is not possible to clean frequently, it is important to choose an efficient, functional model. Zelmer 919.0ST with a normal weight (8.5 kg), created for dry and wet cleaning, it is possible to replace the dust bag with a bag. Thomas TWIN T1 from the same “weight category” has the option of vertical pipe positioning. Karcher DS 6.000 with a lower weight (7.5 kg) for dry cleaning consumes electricity moderately, has a vertical mount, but much more expensive.

7. For those who care about minimizing energy costs, the popular Bosch BGS6PRO1 model is quite powerful and affordable. Or Thomas Twin TT Aquafilter with adjustable power performs dry and wet cleaning.

8. Durability is more important - choose among Kirby and Rainbow (the latter is a multifunctional device, it can be used as a flavoring agent, ionizer and humidifier).

9. For professional cleaning choose models Philips and Karcher.

10. The portable model is useful for quick cleaning of small surfaces. Car vacuum cleaner, garden - in this category, the mass of species. They differ not only in purpose, but also in technical characteristics, cost.

11. If price is the main priority when choosing, the best option is LG VK8828HQ (standard features, reliable device). Available models can be found in the lines of Samsung and Hyundai (high-tech and multifunctional devices, but do not have a long service life).

Regardless of your priorities, always pay attention to the characteristics of the selected model. Now that you know the basic parameters of modern vacuum cleaners, it will be much easier to make a choice. It remains only to determine how much you are willing to spend.

How much is a vacuum cleaner

stoimost pilesosai

Depending on your goals, you can choose models that are quite affordable:

1. Car vacuum cleaner can be bought for 1-2 thousand rubles. For example, DAEWOO RCH-2101 - 1000 p., SAMSUNG VCH-136 - 2000 p.

2. Handheld vacuum cleaner - 1500-3500. For example, DAEWOO RCH-2100 (Kitchen) - 1500 p., BOSCH BKS3003 - 2500 p., PHILIPS FC6142 - 3450 p.

3. Robot vacuum cleaner - from 9000 p. The most attractive option in terms of price-quality-functionality - AGAiT EC-02. The main characteristics of the model: the charge lasts for a long time - 90 minutes of operation without interruption (battery capacity 2500 mA / h), noise level - 55 dB, five modes of operation, control panel and timer. Among the premium models - iRobot Roomba 650 for 16,900 p. or 980 for 46,500 p.

4. Standard models are sold at different prices - from 2000 p. For example, SCARLETT SC-VC80B06 (300 W suction power, with bag) - 2700 r .; SAMSUNG SC4140 (320 W, with bag) - 3380 r. or SC5610 (360 W); LG VK69662N (cyclone filter) - 4 000 r. and Scarlett SC-VC80C02 (without bag) - 2500-4900 r. The most powerful and functional - from 5000 p. For example, Philips FC 9174 (500 W, with a bag), with power adjustment, fine filter, additional nozzles - from 6000 p. Notable bagless models - PHILIPS FC 9713 (14,200 r.); BOSCH BGS 21833 (10 100-16 800 rubles); LG V-C73201UHAP (12 000 rub.). With aqua-filter - Karcher DS 5.800 (17 000 r.), Polti Lecoaspira Friendly.

5. Vertical vacuum cleaners are sold for 2400-4000 p. For example, KITFORT KT-510 for 2 400 p. or KITFORT KT-513-2 for 4 000 p. (with cyclone filter). SCARLETT SC-VC80H07 vacuum cleaner - 4,480 r. Among the premium models can be identified TEFAL TY 8871 RO Air Force for 18 000 p. (with cyclone filter, powerful motor, 55 minutes of uninterrupted operation, with additional functions).

6. An aggregate of a completely different level — an economic vacuum cleaner — can be bought at the same price as the standard models. The most affordable option is KARCHER WD 2 (MV 2) 1.629-760.0 (bag) - 3,990 p. But there are more expensive models. For example, Zelmer 919.0 ST Aquawelt, with a suction power of 240 W, an aqua filter with a volume of 1 l and a reservoir for a washing solution of 2.4 l, a power regulator, a fine filter costing from 5,000 rubles. Popular models are also Zelmer ZVC762SP (10 500 p.), Thomas TWIN Tiger (14 000 p.), Krausen ECO PLUS (44 000 p.). As a powerful assistant, you can consider the Polti Lecoaspira Friendly steam vacuum cleaner for 38,000 p.

The price range for modern vacuum cleaners is wide enough - 1 400 - 45 500 r.Among this variety, you can choose a decent model of any category that will last a long time and will delight the family with the high performance of their work. Among the best in the price range up to 5,000 rubles, Scarlett is also called, up to 7,000 - Hotpoint-Ariston, Bosch (the deficiencies noted are not significant), up to 10,000 - Miele.

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