
In many private homes there is no connection to the central sewer. In order not to lose all the benefits of civilization, people create autonomous sewage systems. A septic tank is a reservoir where household and household water flows. Depending on the model, the design may act as a storage or drain filter. In any case, septic tanks protect the soil from pollution and preserve the ecological purity of the site. How to choose a septic tank you will learn in this article.




The best manufacturers of septic tanks for private homes - which company to choose

Production of septic tanks appeared not so long ago, but quite a lot of companies that specialize in this field have already appeared.

Many companies produce copies of the best brands, but the following manufacturers have created truly unique designs:

1. Triton-Plastic

2. Topol-Eco

3. Eco Grand

4. Flotenk

These companies have occupied a dominant position in the market of cleaning systems, due to the optimal ratio of quality and cost, as well as a large range of septic facilities. Also, the designs are easy to operate.

If you are interested to know which models of septic tanks are considered the best, read this article.

The principle of work and the device of a septic tank for the private house

septik princip ystroistvai

The construction is a container made of waterproof high-strength material.

There are simple and complex installation. The first serve as an airtight reservoir for the accumulation of wastewater. The second inside can have several cameras. The filtration system in them consists of several stages:

1. Sewage sedimentation

Inside the device there are several cameras, the first (settler) drains come directly from the sewer system. At this stage, the wastewater is settled from solid particles.

2. Filtration with anaerobic bacteria

At this stage, water enters the second section using a pump or through a natural structure. Biofermental agents clean the waste water from traces of life, forming a sludge, gas fraction, as a result of which the water is clarified.

3. Cleaning with a filter well

In the last section, water is subjected to final filtration using perforated walls and the drainage layer and is absorbed into the soil.

Septic tanks are used if it is not possible to connect a private house to a central sewer.

Unlike the cesspool, this design has significant advantages:

  • wastewaters are recycled using a natural biological method of cleaning, therefore they do not pollute the soil;
  • durability;
  • no unpleasant smell in the territory of a private house;
  • the ability to filter a large number of effluents and, as a result, no need for frequent maintenance by an assenizatorsky machine.

Types of septic tanks for private homes

Depending on the location and shape of the septic tank are horizontal and vertical. The first are a tank with several sections. Such devices are suitable for installation in areas with high groundwater levels, but require a large land area and a shallower pit. The second look like a barrel with a hatch. To install requires a smaller area and a deep enough pit.

According to the type of location of the chambers, there are surface and underground cleaning installations. To install the first requires a minimum of financial costs and time.Such septic tanks are excellent for HCV and a small amount of effluent. The latter come from one or several cameras and are built on the principle of a modular system. They are great for private homes with daily living.

According to the principle of operation of the device are as follows:


septik nakopitelnii

Such devices are a sealed tank in which wastewater accumulates. After the tank is completely filled, it is necessary to pump out the waste by an asparating machine for recycling. Storage facilities may have different capacity: from 1 to 40 cubic meters. Some models are equipped with special sensors that indicate the fullness of the septic tank, as well as stiffening ribs for added strength. Storage tanks are recommended to be installed in areas that are not intended for living all year round, for example, holiday private sector or in private houses with a small average daily volume of wastewater.


  • ease of use, installation;
  • septic tank prevents soil contamination, therefore, is an excellent alternative to a sump;
  • the minimum term of operation of a plastic septic tank is about 30 years;
  • durability of the structure.


  • as it is filled, it becomes necessary to clean it with an aspener machine;
  • the system does not clear drains;
  • Do not allow freezing of effluent inside the storage tank.

With soil filtration

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The principle of operation of devices consists not only in the accumulation of effluent, but also in their filtration and subsequent disposal of the purified liquid into the ground. Such installations also require the services of vacuum trucks (over time, dense solid sediment accumulates after filtration of wastewater), but much less often, as a rule, not earlier than 3 years of regular use. Cleaning efficiency is 65-85%. Installations are recommended for private houses with permanent residence and regular use of water supply.


  • non-volatility;
  • high-quality sewage treatment;
  • savings on waste collection services.


  • septic tanks are not suitable for installation on clay soil in areas with high groundwater;
  • difficult installation;
  • high price.

With deep bioremediation

septik s glubokoi filtraciei

Such models are great for those who care about the state of groundwater and soil. It is recommended to install devices with a large volume of average daily flows. Many owners of such devices as an economy, install additional tanks for the purified liquid and use it in the irrigation system.


  • cleaning efficiency up to 98%, so treated wastewater can be discharged into the reservoir or reused;
  • slow accumulation of sludge, therefore, it is necessary to apply for assistance to the nightmans after 6-8 years;
  • suitable for installation on soils of any type.


  • volatility;
  • high price.

Options for choosing a septic tank for a private house

parametri vibora septika dla chastnongo doma

When choosing a septic tank model, a complete analysis of the model, its technical and operational characteristics should be carried out:

1. Capacity

The choice of a cleaning system should be based primarily on the correct calculation of its volume. Installation of improper construction and incorrect calculation is fraught with failures in the sewer system or financial costs associated with the frequent maintenance of the waste disposal machine.

2. Type and number of compartments septic tank

According to the principle of operation, septic tanks can be accumulative, with soil filtration and with deep bio-cleaning, and septic tanks have one-, two-, three- and four-chamber capacities. The user must take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of each model and choose the best option for their private home.

3. Body material and wall thickness

These characteristics directly affect the cost of construction. Septic tanks are made of metal or plastic. Depending on the material, volume and diameter of the septic tank, the average wall thickness is 5-20 mm.

4. Capacity location

It happens vertical and horizontal.

Poorly treated wastewaters harm the environment, in order to avoid problems with the sanitary services, the following factors should be considered when choosing a septic tank for a private house:

  • from the bottom of the filtering structure to groundwater should be at least 1-2 m;
  • if the soil is poorly absorbable, it is better to use special biofilters.

What a septic tank for a private house to choose

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1. The volume is of paramount importance, so the choice should be made depending on what the average daily amount of waste the system will have to handle every day. When choosing a tank, it is necessary to take into account the number of people living in a private house, the availability of sanitary equipment, soil characteristics and water consumption by guests.

The following is the data for an approximate calculation of a two-, three-sectional septic tank:

  • 2-3 residents - up to 2 cubic meters;
  • 4-5 tenants - 4 cubic meters;
  • 6-7 tenants - 6 cubic meters.

2. If it is customary in the family to take a shower constantly, there is a washing machine, a water-heating tank, a dishwasher, etc., then the average daily volume of liquid consumed increases significantly.

3. To reduce the cost of the services of an aspenizatorsky machine, it is better to choose a septic tank with a large capacity. But it should be borne in mind that the cost of such installations is quite high, so they should be purchased with permanent residence on the territory of a private house.

4. To ensure that the installation of the cleaning system is not damaged, the design of the septic tank should be made of high-strength material. In addition, most of the time the septic tank will be empty, and it will be affected by serious ground pressure.

The most common are the following materials:

  • Plastic septic tank is resistant to moisture and chemicals, high strength, but at the same time it is a rather fragile material. There are polyethylene (not suitable for storing hot liquids, vulnerable to sharp objects, less durable, but more affordable), polypropylene (harder and more resistant to abrasion, but more expensive), fiberglass (considered the most durable, based on resins, for wall reinforcement is added fiberglass) structures. Plastic devices are quite popular and, despite the disadvantages, have more advantages than metal ones.
  • Metal containers are used less frequently. This is due to the corrosion of the metal, even with anti-corrosion coating. The lifetime of such products does not exceed 20 years, so it is not recommended to buy them.

5. With seasonal stays on the territory of a private house, a complete wastewater treatment system is not necessary at all. It is much easier to install a simple cumulative septic tank. In addition, the cost of such a design is an order of magnitude smaller than more complex models. For permanent residence is better to choose septic tanks with multiple sections.

6. As for the location and shape of the septic tank, it should be chosen based on the following factors:

  • if the groundwater level is elevated, then it is advisable to install a horizontal septic tank;
  • vertical models are suitable if there is a need for a compact placement of the cleaning system.

7. For those who constantly live in the territory of a private house, suitable septic tanks with soil filtration or deep biological treatment. Both devices filter drains, but their cleaning level is somewhat different, if this difference is not critical, then it is better to choose a design with soil filtration, it is somewhat cheaper and does not require electricity.

How much is a septic tank for a private house

septik kakoi vibrat

The cost of septic tanks depends on the model of a particular installation, material and volume.

The average cost of plastic septic tanks:

1. Cumulative 2000 liters - 24,000 p .; 3000 l - 40000 r .; 4000 l - 81000r.

2. With soil filtration 2000 l - 59000 r .; 3000 l - 70000 r. ; 4000 l - 90000 p.

3. With deep bio-cleaning of 1 cubic meter / day - 98000 r .; 3000 cubic meters / day - 160000 p.

4. The average price of a metal cumulative septic tank - 34000 p.

When buying a septic tank, you should take into account not only the cost of the device itself, but also the subsequent costs: the frequency of maintenance by the recovery truck, installation, the need for additional cleaning products.

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