
The DVR is a modern compact video monitoring recorder. Most often, DVRs are purchased for cars. If the first recorders were a luxury or a toy, then today this device is rather a necessity. Most drivers have already managed to appreciate the positive qualities of this element of the car. The presence of such a device in the car will always help avoid controversial situations that often arise on the road. The recorder will capture and save travel information. In the event of an accident, disputes with representatives of the traffic police, pedestrians with such a device, it will be easy to find the culprit and the true cause of the violation is identified and proved. As with the choice of any household appliances, the purchase of a DVR for a car should be approached in a comprehensive manner.




Best DVR manufacturers - which company to choose

Especially for those readers who do not want to master the topic entirely, but rather need to quickly purchase a DVR without taking into account the main characteristics, the best device manufacturers have been selected.

These manufacturers include:

1. Mio mivue

2. Streetstorm

3. Datakam

4. BlackVue

For a more detailed study of the best DVRs advertised brands, you can view rating of the best video recorders. Fans of domestic products are advised to pay attention to the reliable Russian brand Texet.

The principle of operation and the device DVR

videorigistrator princip raboti

The DVR is a device for the accumulation of information that carries out the video recording of what is happening in the established perspective during the operation.

The device itself is a construction of the following main components:

  • monitor;
  • processor;
  • battery;
  • cameras;
  • memory cards;
  • enclosures;
  • mounts.

Video recorders on buildings can be turned on either independently or by automating this process. Automotive versions start to work automatically when the ignition is turned on. Immediately begins to go shooting everything that falls in the field of view of the camera, is recorded throughout the trip and saved to the memory card.

Modern technology is designed in such a way that any record from it can be viewed at any convenient time. You can do this on the recorder itself or remove the USB flash drive and view the recordings on a computer, laptop or even a smartphone.

The principle of operation is based on the following stages:

  • the camera performs video shooting depending on the set time intervals;
  • the signal is transmitted via cable to the DVR;
  • the device processes the incoming signal, taking into account the duration of the video, the date and time of creation;
  • A special codec compresses the received data and transfers them to the built-in or external memory.

Types of DVRs differ in the ability to connect up to 8 analog or IP cameras, as well as a microphone.

Types of DVRs and their purpose

Conventionally, all DVRs can be divided into two large groups: mobile and stationary.

Stationary DVRs

videorigistrator stacionarnii

Stationary - these are the varieties whose work depends on third-party devices.

There are 3 groups of stationary video recorders:

1. Network

The principle of operation of such devices is based on capturing the signal from an IP camera, archiving data and storing them.

2. Hybrid devices

Compatible with both IP cameras and analog cameras.

3. Based on PK

Multitasking devices that use computer power in their work.

Advantages of the group:

  • the possibility of using any type of buildings in the video surveillance system: private houses, offices, public buildings and establishments for security purposes, in customer service locations;
  • processor power - and therefore high quality recording.

Group Cons:

  • high price;
  • hiring specialists for installation.

Mobile DVRs

videorigistrator mobilnii

A group of mobile DVRs are car models. They are often used to record, record and store traffic information from absolutely any vehicle, including boats, yachts.


  • ease of installation;
  • the big range, both in a functional, and in a price range;
  • affordable cost;
  • automation of the recording process.


  • attracting the attention of hackers;
  • the presence of interfering wires leading to the cigarette lighter;
  • the need to purchase cards with a large amount of memory.

Many used to see DVRs in cars. But they are used in other various branches.

DVR selection options

videorigistrator parametri vibora

It is reasonable to select the appropriate DVR based on several factors: technical characteristics, quality-price ratio, versatile feedback, brand popularity, etc.

When choosing a DVR for a car, it is necessary to pay attention to the following parameters:

Video Resolution

Indicator affecting the quality of the final image. The best extensions for recorders are HD (1280: 720 p) and Full HD (1920: 1080 p). Most of the budget models, the expansion of which is far from the maximum, have a built-in interpolation function. This function stretches the image to the desired size, but the image is divided into cubes. Therefore, when buying a device for your car, you need to make sure that you have the maximum resolution and no interpolation function.

Screen presence

Many modern models are not equipped with a screen, but still it is much more convenient to use the device with it - it is easier to adjust the viewing angle, and also if necessary to urgently view the recorded materials.

Viewing angle

This indicator is responsible for the coverage on video space in width. Optimal for purchase are recorders with a viewing angle of 90-120 °. They will allow to cover the neighboring lanes, all road signs and other details during the shooting. If the indicator is below 90 degrees, then only the car’s lane will fall into the frame; all events occurring to the left and right of the car will not be recorded. Otherwise, if the viewing angle is too large, the quality of the image will suffer greatly. This will leave the opportunity to consider all the small details, such as signs, numbers, inscriptions.

Number of cameras

Modern DVRs are presented with models with one or several cameras, which are able to record all events occurring around the car, that is, from the side, back, front, or even inside.

Internal memory

Almost all modern DVRs are equipped with an embedded memory card, to which all video files are saved. But videos can also be stored on the device’s internal memory. Its large volume will be appropriate in cases where the memory card will need to be removed and temporarily transferred to someone.

Battery capacity

As in the case of any other mobile or home appliance, battery capacity is important for the duration of its operation without connecting to the mains power supply. It is not necessary to select this parameter as the main one. Batteries operate autonomously from 1 to 8 hours. But you can always charge them from the cigarette lighter. The duration of their work will be important only in the event of an accident and a violation as a result of the power supply of the car, or simply in the case when the car stalled.

G-sensor or shock sensor

In case of damage to the car, the DVR will place this moment on the film in a separate file. These security measures are designed to ensure that the device does not accidentally overwrite the key moment of the video.

Shooting speed

Another indicator that affects the quality of the final video. The optimal value of this indicator of speed is at least 30 frames per second.

Dimensions and mounting method

Most drivers prefer to choose compact devices that do not clutter up the windshield and do not interfere with the free view. The method of attachment can also be different: the suction cups to the glass, on the adhesive tape, on the dashboard. Here, every driver can choose the option that suits his preferences.

Availability of HDMI, USB, TV-out connectors

They allow you to view records on any other devices.

Which DVR to choose

videorigistrator kak vibrat

Buying a DVR should be a deliberate action. At first glance, the device in the work may seem ideal, but before the first unpleasant incident, when significant defects of the device are discovered.

First you need to identify the main objectives of the acquisition of the gadget:

1. If you need to record the situation on the road and inside the cabin, then you need a recorder with two cameras. You can purchase a universal model with the ability to connect any number of cameras. To do this, look at the characteristics of the device, in particular, the number of its channels.

2. The main property of devices is fixing information. Therefore, the main parameter is image quality. Budget models will not be able to boast a good extension that can turn around in case of any incident not in favor of the owner of the gadget. It is important to purchase a recorder whose recording quality remains high even at night.

3. To save space, it became quite reasonable to purchase devices without screens. The device does not blind and does not distract the driver, can quickly and easily transmit information through a cable or Wi-Fi function. Ergonomics and compactness are very important parameters, so sometimes there is no sense in having a too small screen of the recorder. If you even buy a device with a screen, so with more. He will be able to perform the function of an electronic mirror, rear-view camera or play the role of lane assistant.

4. Who wants to get not just a video storage device, but a multifunctional device, one should pay attention to models with additional properties. The GPS module can perform the function of the navigator, which is very convenient to combine in one device. The Parking mode function will save device memory during downtimes. The radar detector function will also be very useful.

Each user has certain preferences and requirements for DVRs. But for each customer it will be useful to purchase a recorder with perfect picture clarity, because this is the whole point of the device. This most important parameter will not be able to overshadow even the most modern and useful functions.

How much is the DVR

videorigistrator stoimost

1. Modern DVRs no longer have transcendental prices as their first models. Today you can find varieties in absolutely any price range.

2. The cost is primarily affected by the presence of additional functions of the device. Important factors are the build quality, the manufacturer, the main characteristics. Most of the gadgets are in the price range from 1.5 to 10 thousand rubles. The cheapest of them come from China or Taiwan. They do not stand out as remarkable, except for the cost.

3. DVRs, which will be useful in the form of clearly detailed pictures, have an average cost of 3-6 thousand rubles. Customers who want to get the most out of the device, appreciate the additional functions and maximum video expansion, will need to prepare 6-10 thousand rubles.

Everyone has the right to decide for himself what amount to put on the necessary and useful device. Not necessarily the most expensive will be the highest quality. But saving on such an acquisition is also not worth it.

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