
The need for a digital multimeter is experienced by specialists in power and low-current networks and masters, whose professional activity is connected with electronics. But not only they demand measuring device. In some cases, it will help you find the cause of the failure of the appliance. Motorists, using the device, will be able to find out the cause of the fault in the wiring of the machine. The device is based on a double-integrated analog-to-digital converter, in which the input signal is compared with the reference signal, the polarity and indication of the overload are determined automatically. Which multimeter to choose, so that it does not fail at the wrong moment, was easy to use, but not overpay for an unnecessary set of functions?




Multimeter which company choose

Most of the models on the market have high-quality stuffing. But the build quality is far from the strength of many measuring devices. A large number of gaps in the case, loose fitting parts affect the life of the device and the accuracy of its readings.

A device of decent quality, which will last more than one year, can be obtained only from a well-established manufacturer in the market.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of the most popular electronic multimeter brands in Russia, formed in order of decreasing interest in the brand:

1. Mastech

2. Fluke

3. CEM


5. Resanta

6. Elitech

Best low budget multimeters

Even budget digital multimeters have advantages over mechanical measuring devices - they do not need recalculation of readings, but immediately display the result of measurements on the display.

In addition, they have a greater sensitivity to minor changes in current, therefore, give more accurate readings. Budget measuring devices do not have a wide range of functions. They are designed to determine current parameters and help diagnose the integrity of connections.

Resanta DT 830B

Resanta DT 830B

Using the device, it is possible to measure direct and alternating voltage, current, resistance, test transistors and diodes. To change modes, the device is equipped with a 20-position switch. The multimeter is fully protected against overload. It can be used in field conditions, small workshops and in life. Powered by battery type "Krona" 9V.

Users with practical experience with the device, in the reviews were noted its merits:

  • Low price;
  • Good measurement accuracy;
  • Long service life (with lightly saturated loads and compliance with the terms of use);
  • The proposed set of functions and the quality of the multimeter are comparable to the price - the device justifies small costs.


  • No buzzer;
  • There is a high probability that the battery will discharge, since the device is deprived of the auto power off function;
  • The weak point is the thin wire in the test leads. Replace or enhance the styli recommend more than half of users.

Elitech MM 100

Elitech MM 100

The set of functions and characteristics of the device are similar to the first model. The rich red color of the instrument case makes it easy to find it in the tool box. The advantage of the multimeter Elitech MM 100 - the presence of a buzzer for dialing chains.

Users noted the advantages of the device:

  • Good value for money, quality and functionality;
  • Reliability;
  • Battery included.


  • Weak beep;
  • Poor quality wires.

Baseline best multimeters

The functionality of the devices is similar to low-budget models. The devices are distinguished by a higher build quality, the design includes additional elements for optimizing work: backlighting, the ability to save the latest readings.

Manufacturers have provided protection devices against accidental damage during operation and storage, providing them with a protective cover or double case. Taking readings using such a device is much more comfortable and safer.

CEM DT-912

CEM DT 912

The multimeter is ergonomic, it easily fits into the palm of the hand, and thanks to the rubberized case it is held securely in your hand. A small stand on the back of the case allows you to conveniently place the device on a horizontal surface. A large backlit display simplifies reading. Turning on and off the backlight is a fixed button. Using the Hold button, the device records the latest readings.

Users note the benefits of a multimeter in their reviews:

  • Reliability;
  • Compliance with the actual errors in the work with those specified in the technical documentation;
  • The rubberized case well protects the device from shock during a fall;
  • Convenient control knob.


  • Wires of probes of insufficient thickness.

Mastech MAS838

Mastech MAS838

The device takes 3 measurements per second. Has the Hold function for fixing of the last taken reading. Additionally included is a function for measuring temperature. The package includes a rubber case with a folding stand for easy placement of the device on the working surface.

Owners of the multimeter Mastech MAS838 in their reviews noted its advantages:

  • Convenient management;
  • Maximum functions for its class at an affordable price;
  • High measurement accuracy;
  • Display with large numbers;
  • Soft styli;
  • Long service life.


  • No backlight.

Advanced Advanced Multimeters

Mastech MS8260E

Mastech MS8260E

The device is equipped with a module that allows you to check biopolar transistors, is able to test diodes and check the electrical circuit for integrity. Manufacturers have expanded the functionality of the device - it is able to measure the inductance of coils and chokes.

Modes are switched by a 30-step switch. Display backlighting makes it easier to read in dim light. If necessary, you can fix the last readings by pressing the Hold key.

Users with practical experience with the Mastech MS8260E multimeter noted its advantages:

  • Multifunctional;
  • High limits for most measurements;
  • Conveniently placed fuse;
  • The device is protected from improper connection;
  • Includes soft rubber case with stand for easy location of the device on the surface;
  • Good quality probes;
  • Convenient access to the battery compartment - you can not remove the cover, just lift the stand.


  • After a battery drop and the corresponding symbol appears on the screen, the instrument readings do not correspond to reality.



A multifunction device that combines basic functions with the ability to assess environmental performance. Advanced features of the device: temperature, humidity, noise, light level measurement. The multimeter conducts contactless static voltage search (range: 50-1000 V).

In their reviews, users who have acquired a CEM DT-61 multimeter and have practical experience with the device, noted its merits:

  • Reliable double case;
  • Multifunctionality, which eliminates the need to acquire several devices that perform various functions;
  • The device has an auto power off function;
  • Good quality wires.


  • High price.

The best professional multimeters

Professional-grade measuring instruments have a high-quality shock-proof case that protects the device from damage.The screen is very informative, and the wires of high quality probes do not break and are easy to use.

The devices have a large measurement range and a high readout rate. The error of the testimony of professional devices at a low level (up to 0.025%). As a rule, multimeters of this group are included in the state register of measuring instruments.

Fluke 17B

Fluke 17B

The product of the American manufacturer is distinguished by high quality and reliability. The digital display has a bit depth of 4,000 and is updated 3 times per second. Has the ability to select the measurement range in manual or automatic mode. The device includes a "sleep mode". There is a hanging hole in the protective case.

Users in their reviews noted the advantages of the device:

  • Ease of perception of information displayed on a large display;
  • Smooth rotation of the operating mode controller. The end of the regime has a clear boundary;
  • Convenient soft styli with protective caps included;
  • Convenient in use thermocouple;
  • High-voltage indicator of a possible danger signal;
  • Probes are conveniently fixed on the back of the case;
  • Powered by finger batteries.


  • High price.


APPA 107N.jpg1

The device is from Taiwanese developers with a high level of operational performance. IP 64 protection class allows you to use the device in extreme conditions - it is not afraid of any dust, moisture or drops from a small height. The device brings to memory 1600 measurements taken last, and is able to interact with computers through the interface. Current readings are displayed on a 42-segment linear scale, and not just in the usual way with the help of numbers and symbols. The device is listed in the State Register of SI.

The advantages of the device, marked by users:

  • High degree of protection of the case;
  • Alarm incorrect connection of probes;
  • Convenient lights with auto power off;
  • Minor degree of measurement error.


  • Poor quality PC software;
  • Powered by battery type "Krona";
  • High price.

Which multimeter to buy

The main criteria for choosing a measuring device are the tasks to be performed with its help, and the price group.

1. For domestic use and one-time readings, you can purchase low-budget appliances from Resant or Elitech trademarks. The functionality of Resant DT 830B and Elitech MM 100 multimeters is enough to measure battery charge, remove mains voltage and determine wiring integrity.

2. Specialists who use a multimeter in their professional activities can purchase models with basic functions that are sufficient for taking the required readings: CEM DT-912 and Mastech MAS838. These same devices will be conveniently used by motorists for testing automotive wiring - the enclosures of devices have additional protection, and the quality of the wires allows their use in conditions of an unheated garage.

3. Devices with advanced features can be purchased by professionals who must have a wide range of data to perform their professional activities. If the additional features are not supposed to be used in practice, it makes no sense to overpay for the device.

4. Professional models are necessary when servicing electrical installations where high accuracy of readings is important. Specialists in repair shops and laboratories who diagnose electronic devices and service industrial equipment use professional-grade devices. They should pay attention to the Fluke 17B and APPA 107N models.

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