
Recently, drivers are less likely to use side mirrors. Usually, a glance at them falls at the moment when rebuilding from one row to another occurs. Also, a side mirror is needed at the moment when you only get under way - suddenly another car is driving nearby or a pedestrian is walking? But when parking, many people began to rely on a completely different element of the car. It is, of course, about the PDC. High-quality devices will warn if there is an unacceptably small distance to the obstacle or the nearest car. At the same time, such devices take up very little space, which is also good. Let's get acquainted with those models that deserve only praise.




Which car parktronic to choose

Now there are a large number of companies engaged in the production of various auto accessories. Basically, they are familiar to consumers from DVRs, radar detectors and some other similar devices.

Including many of them are engaged in the creation of PDCs. Or, as they are called, parking radar. Importantly, mass production led to a serious price reduction. In this regard, car parking sensors became available to almost every owner of the car.

When choosing a specific device, try to focus on the products of the following companies:

1. Blackview

2. Proline

3. Rolsen

4. Incar

5. ParkCity

Of course, this is not the whole list of manufacturers of such devices. You can look at the products of other companies, but be sure to check out the reviews of other owners of the selected PDC.

The best car parking sensors with three sensors

Rolsen RPS-320B

Rolsen RPS 320B

One of the most inexpensive parking sensors. The device differs in that it is made in the form of a license plate frame. This allows you to not worry about where to place your purchase. To install the Rolsen RPS-320B, you do not need to drill a bumper or perform any other actions of a malicious property.

Complete with the device three sensors are delivered. They try to detect any obstacle that is not visible from the cabin of the vehicle. When reversing, you will hear intermittent beeps. It is by the frequency of the signal that you can understand how close the obstacle is. It starts to sound from the moment the obstacle appeared in the visibility zone - two meters from the car. Minimally you can drive up to it at a 30-centimeter distance. The volume of the signal can be adjusted. It should be noted that the sensors are painted in silver - there are no other options.


  • Easy installation;
  • It works at almost any temperature;
  • Allows you to get close enough to the obstacle;
  • There is a self-diagnostic function;
  • Variable from 9 to 15 V operating voltage;
  • High sensitivity;
  • Low price;
  • There is a place to connect the fourth sensor.


  • Only one color sensor;
  • Three sensors will not be enough for someone;
  • Some instances still do not allow volume control.

The best automotive parking sensors with four sensors

Spark 8-M

Spark 8 M.jpg1

As soon as they do not call this parking radar ... And the Spark 8-M, and the SPARK 8M, and Spark 8-M ... Anyway, this is one of the best-selling devices. Motorists like that parking sensors made in the form of a rear-view mirror. This allows you to place it in the cabin completely without fear that the device will take away valuable free space.The creators are proud that their creation has a high reaction rate - it is 0.15 s. They can also be commended for introducing the function of temporarily turning off the sound indication. Everyone knows of cases when a person turned off the parking sensors because of a child sleeping in the back seat, after which he forgot to turn it on. With this model, this just will not happen.

The device has an initial training mode. This allows you to forget about false alarms. The maximum detection range of obstacles here is increased to 2.5 meters. The minimum distance is equal to only 10 cm, which can not but rejoice. Parktronic consistently reacts to the wall, and to the person, and to the car, and to some animal, and to the post. Not forgotten here and the function of self-diagnosis. But what is most surprising is the fact that it is possible to order Spark 8-M with sensors of the color you need! There are nine options to choose from.


  • Replaces the usual rear-view mirror;
  • Primary learning mode, scanning the ground;
  • Temporary shutdown of sound indication;
  • Maximum reaction rate;
  • The minimum indicated distance is only 10 cm;
  • The optimal number of sensors;
  • There is a self-diagnostic function;
  • The system takes into account protruding parts of the machine;
  • Special mode "parking in the garage";
  • Nine variants of color sensors.


  • The cost may be a little scary;
  • Someone may not have enough voice alerts.



A great option for those people who do not save space in the car. The device is supplied not only with four black ultrasonic sensors, but also with a small LCD display. Moreover, there is even a tiny camera here! The introduction of the screen unleashed the creators of the hand. As a result, they have implemented a special interface that clearly displays the state of affairs behind the car. In particular, the driver will see a picture from the camera and highlighted obstacles detected by the sensors. If one and a half meters remain before one of the obstacles, the sound signal is turned on. His tonality changes as he approaches the obstacle.

The device can operate at temperatures from -20 ° C to + 65 ° C. The PDC screen has a 3.6-inch diagonal. The picture is displayed with a 4: 3 aspect ratio. Display resolution is small - only 960 x 240 pixels. But this is more than enough to see what exactly is happening behind. The minimum distance recognized by the sensors is 30 cm - this is not a record, but not the worst indicator.


  • Optimal set of sensors;
  • Included is a camera;
  • Separate LCD display, which displays all the information;
  • Recognizes obstacles at a great distance;
  • Relatively low cost for such a kit.


  • To some it may seem superfluous;
  • In the cold there can be problems;
  • The color of the sensors is only black;
  • The near limit of detection is only 30 cm.

ParkMaster 4-DJ-92

ParkMaster 4 DJ 92

Another parking radar, supplemented by a sensitive camera. The picture here is displayed on the head unit, which should already be in the car. If the camera lens is covered with dirt, then it will be necessary to focus on the readings from four ultrasonic sensors. It is interesting that not only the picture is displayed on the screen, but also the distances to all recognized obstacles indicated in centimeters. And here there is a voice alert, which allows you not to look at the display at all. If the voice only bothers you, you can turn it off and use the usual beeper.

The package includes everything you need for installation. There are long wires, the mentioned camera, and adapters, and much more. Some buyers can only complain about the fact that the parking sensors are not able to recognize the obstacles that are closer than 30 cm. And, of course, confused by the lack of a monitor.


  • Rich equipment;
  • There is a small camera;
  • The optimal number of ultrasonic sensors;
  • High reliability;
  • Stable functioning beeper;
  • Any obstacles are detected at a great distance.


  • The price with the installation is quite high;
  • The minimum detection distance is only 30 cm;
  • There is no possibility to choose the color of the sensors;
  • Included no LCD display.

BlackView PS-4.1

BlackView PS 4.1

Many modern parking radar implemented on a single principle. They have three or four ultrasonic sensors, a set of wires, an electronic control unit and a display. If the parking sensor is supplemented by a camera, then the screen will be liquid crystal. If there is no radar, then the screen is either digital, or instead of it LEDs appear.

In the case of the BlackView PS-4.1, the driver is offered a visual scale on which it is very easy to determine the distance to the obstacle. If the red zone is displayed - it's time to press the brake pedal. In short, everything is simple and clear.

Importantly, the included sensors can recognize obstacles at very close distances - up to 10 cm. This is the perfect result. Interestingly, the manufacturer simultaneously issued several modifications of parking sensors. They differ only in display design.


  • Scale with accurate display of the distance to the obstacle;
  • The ideal number of sensors;
  • Sound alert can be customized;
  • Very wide obstacle detection area;
  • There are two types of sensors;
  • Low price tag.


  • The color of the sensors is only one;
  • No voice notifications;
  • Someone color scale may be distracting.

Best car parking sensors (5 sensors and more)

ParkCity Kiev 818 / 302L

ParkCity Kiev 818 302L

This parking system includes a small LCD-display, which can be mounted on any place on the dashboard, or stick to the windshield. The presence of the screen, it would seem, indicates the presence of the camera. But no, it is absent here - only all kind of auxiliary information coming from eight ultrasonic sensors is displayed.

With the help of this PDC you can find out not only the distance to the barrier, but also its exact location. All this is displayed as a graph. Moreover, this way you can find out even the approximate size of the obstacle. Unfortunately, like many other devices of this type, the minimum distance to a recognizable object is only 30 cm. But, on the other hand, the number of sensors allows them to be positioned not only from behind, but also from the front, which is very useful.


  • Eight sensors;
  • LCD display included;
  • Both the distance and the size of the object are displayed on the screen;
  • When enabled, self-diagnosis occurs;
  • Beeper volume can be adjusted;
  • It works even in severe frost;
  • Good price for this kit;
  • The color of the sensors can be selected from 16 options.


  • The minimum recognizable distance is 30 cm.

What car parking sensors to buy

If you feel insecure in any parking, then you urgently need help. Be sure to buy parking sensors - he will tell you in time that it’s time instead of gas to move your foot on the brake.

Which Parktronic stop on:

1. Rolsen RPS-320B is one of the cheapest models. It should be purchased by those who do not want to mess with the installation, since everything here is built into the frame of the license plate.

2. If you want to replace the rear-view camera with a PDA, then pay attention to the Spark 8-M.

3. A much more advanced model is the SHO-ME KDR-36. Included with it you get a camera, which greatly simplifies the process of parking.

4. If you already have a monitor or a TV in the car, then you can buy ParkMaster 4-DJ-92 - the camera is also included with this parking sensor, but the LCD display in the box will not be detected.

5. A very simple parking radar is the BlackView PS-4.1 - the distance to the obstacle here is displayed on a multi-colored school. Differs accurate readings - the sensors see even those objects that are just 10 cm from the bumper.

6. ParkCity Kiev 818 / 302L is an excellent choice for those looking for parking sensors with a colorful LCD display that shows the distance to an obstacle, its location and even size.

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