
The so-called grandmothers, it would seem, always existed. In fact, these are ordinary mobiles, whose controls are significantly enlarged. As a result, it is convenient to use the device even if your fingers have already lost their dexterity. Also, such devices are distinguished by the simplest components, which makes their cost minimal. In this article we will introduce the top five mobile phones designed for use by older people and available in Russian retail.



phone for seniors

Babushkofon which company to buy


BB mobile

Devices under the brand BB-mobile are produced by the Russian company "Business Bureau". First of all, she focuses on the ease of use of their devices. Although in its range there are not only phones for the elderly. In some Russian stores you can find smartphones, portable speakers, tablets and even BB-mobile laptops! Surprisingly, most of the population of Russia does not even suspect the existence of such a brand.



In the first half of the 2000s, Philips button cell phones were very popular. But gradually, the era of touchscreen smartphones. Since its arrival, the Dutch have focused not so much on functionality as on long autonomous work. However, about push button machines the company tries not to forget. Now it produces both traditional mobile phones and telephones for the elderly. Most often, they are also able to please a long work from a single charge. And they also have a nice appearance, and therefore a rare person recognizes the so-called grandmother in such a device.



The Chinese company Qumo specializes in the production of cheap and not the highest quality products. Surprisingly, despite all the difficulties, she was able to start selling her goods in many European countries. Including purchase memory cards, selfie stick and other small electronic products can be on the territory of Russia. Perhaps grandmothers are the best that Qumo produces. These phones practically do not break, while they consistently provide the owner with voice communication. The most popular phones in the form of a clamshell, although there are in the range of Qumo and the usual monoblocks.



Another brand, the existence of which is known only to buyers of budget products. And only Russians, since the head office of the enterprise is located in St. Petersburg, and the management does not even think about foreign plans yet. The company began its history with the creation of home DECT-phones. With the fall of their popularity, she switched to mobile phones. Including on the shelves of shops you can find models that are ideal for an elderly person. They often differ from competitors by a lower price tag.



Abroad, many telecom operators have long been engaged in branding mobile phones, distributing them under their own brand. And for some time now, Russian operators have become involved in this business. For example, MegaFon quite successfully sells budget smartphones and tablets capable of transmitting data via LTE networks. Also in stores you can find push-button phones for the elderly. They have minimal sizes and rather large keys. And, of course, we must not forget about the very low cost. Moreover, in some cases, the operator makes a sale, throwing all the money paid to the client’s mobile account. It turns out that the device gets the buyer almost for free!

Rating of the best grandmothers

In this rating, which was created on the basis of customer reviews, are taken into account:

  • Form factor;
  • The convenience of use;
  • The quality of the built-in display;
  • Capacity of the existing battery;
  • The number of slots for SIM-cards;
  • Dimensions and weight;
  • Complaints of malfunction;
  • Price tag in a retail store;
  • Wireless support.

About how to choose a good phone can be found in our review.

Best Grandma's Folding Beds

Qumo Push 243

Qumo Push 243

Enough inexpensive phone for an elderly person who initially does not give out his essence. Only after opening the top cover do you see very large keys, realizing that it is the grandmother who is in front of you.


  • Attractive appearance;
  • The presence of the camera;
  • Support microSD memory card;
  • Weight - only 86 g;
  • Transfer files via Bluetooth;
  • Large and bright display;
  • The presence of keys M1-M3;
  • Ability to listen to FM radio.


  • There are certain questions to reliability;
  • Accidental pressing of the side buttons.

Qumo Push 243 reviews show that this is one of the most advanced phones for older people on our list. There are two screens at once, one of which has a good resolution of 240 x 320 pixels. Also, the creators did not forget about FM radio and the possibility of installing a memory card with music loaded on it (cards up to 8 GB are supported). Buyers only complain about the side buttons, which are very easy to press quite by accident. But the presence of keys M1-M3 is considered by all to be worth - you can hang up on them a call for certain contacts.

Vertex C302

Vertex C302

Another folding bed, but this time without the second display. Instead, an alarm button is placed on the top cover. Another device has a camera, but its resolution is only 0.3 MP.


  • Weight is only 88 g;
  • The possibility of using a microSD card;
  • Connecting a wireless headset via Bluetooth;
  • The presence of the camera;
  • Included is a stand for the phone;
  • Using two SIM cards;
  • Sane price tag;
  • Very good screen;
  • The presence of FM radio.


  • Absence of T9;
  • SOS button is subject to accidental pressing.

Reviews on the Vertex C302 indicate that this phone again suffers from the wrong location of the keys. And if in the previous case, the side buttons interfered, then here we are talking about the alarm key. Somewhere in a purse or pocket, it can easily be clicked randomly, after which an alarm will sound. You can disable it only by turning off the phone itself. Also, people complain of increased energy consumption - the device will have to be charged about once a day. Otherwise, the product only pleases - both due to the presence of a docking station, and due to the presence of the keys M1 and M2.

The best phone monoblocks for the elderly

Vertex C301

Vertex C301

A very small mobile phone that must fit in any pocket. To reduce the size of the creators had to abandon the additional keys. But after all, no one will interfere with hanging these or other contacts by long pressing ordinary buttons with numbers.


  • You can listen to FM radio;
  • Not the worst screen (65540 colors);
  • The presence of a flashlight;
  • Small size;
  • The presence of a slot for a memory card;
  • Convenient menu.


  • The lock button is not in the best place;
  • Vibration is almost not felt.

Reviews on the Vertex C301 show that this mobile phone is also not ideal. Here the problem lies in the lock button. It is located on the side, which does not exclude its accidental pressing at the moment when an elderly person picks up the device. Fortunately, only some users complain. The rest note that the apparatus has no serious flaws. Perhaps this is the best choice for a person who does not understand anything at all in technology!

Philips Xenium E311

Philips Xenium E311

One of the most stylish grandmothers. Outwardly, it is almost no different from the usual push-button cell phones. It stands out on their background, it is only larger digits and the presence of the SOS button.


  • Ability to install a pair of SIM-cards;
  • Use FM radio without headphones;
  • Support for microSD up to 32 GB;
  • Included is a docking station;
  • The presence of the SOS button;
  • Attractive design.


  • You need to use the maximum level of brightness of the backlight;
  • Problems with battery life;
  • It is difficult to type SMS;
  • Random keystrokes.

Reviews on the Philips Xenium E311 indicate that this is a very beautiful device, which is not deprived of a certain set of flaws. In particular, there is no normal keyboard lock, because of which absolutely any button can accidentally be pressed in a purse. It is possible that it is because of this that the battery charge very quickly sits down - after all, each keystroke accompanies the activation of the backlight.

teXet TM-B115

teXet TM B115

A very compact mobile phone that most resembles a calculator in its construction. Almost all the keys here are located on the front panel. This is a huge plus, even the keyboard lock button will not be accidentally pressed here.


  • The presence of the alarm button;
  • The minimum weight (77 g);
  • Ability to install two SIM-cards;
  • The presence of slots for microSD;
  • Very good price tag;
  • The user is available FM radio;
  • At the top there is a flashlight.


  • A very modest screen (160 x 120 pixels);
  • There is no T9, which complicates typing;
  • Silent conversational speaker.

Reviews on teXet TM-B115 show that this phone is taken not only by the elderly, but also by ordinary users who are already tired of smartphones. They noticed that the creators have equipped the device is not the loudest speaker. It also raises questions about the lack of a 3.5mm jack - it turns out that you can listen to music only through the built-in music speaker located on the back wall. Do I have to say that it is not always convenient? But the manufacturer has implemented a great keyboard lock, which is why occasional keystrokes, if any, are extremely rare.

Which mobile phone for an elderly person to buy

Leaving our grandparents without communication is impossible. But buying a smartphone for them is pointless - an elderly person cannot even figure out how to go to the phone book. The best choice for such people would be a grandmother's background - one of those represented in our today's selection.

1. For example, teXet TM-B115 will be pleased with the absence of random clicks and fairly large buttons. However, the low cost makes itself felt - this mobile phone cannot be used in tandem with headphones, and photos on its small screen do not look the best.

2. If you want to provide your parents or more distant relatives with a device that is outwardly indistinguishable from a regular mobile phone, then pay attention to the Philips Xenium E311. But there is a chance that the user of this device will face the rapid consumption of battery power.

3. If you do not want to allow this, it is better to look in the direction of Qumo Push 243. This is a great folding bed, endowed with an auxiliary display, on which time is displayed. The Vertex C302 has a similar form factor, but there is no second screen. In terms of other characteristics, it is almost identical to the product from the Chinese company Qumo.

4. Finally, the Vertex C301 can also be a good choice. This is the smallest phone in our collection today. In this regard, one should not expect advanced functionality from it - there are not even separate keys for calling the most important contacts.

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