
If you are seriously interested in aromatherapy and the healing properties of essential oils, first of all it is worth knowing - which manufacturers offer really high-quality and natural formulations. And our article will help you with this.



Essential Oil Manufacturers

Florame (France) - the richest choice of EM for aromatherapy


The company from Provence, which grows a huge amount of fito-raw materials for the cosmetic and perfumery industry, produces real essential oils, produced literally on the spot. The choice of local plants is huge, but the company also works with other suppliers: from Tibet, Indonesia, Africa (about 40 countries in total). Thanks to this, in its assortment you can find rare and valuable oils like Deuce, myrrh or mastic wood.


  • A huge range of EM - only monoaromat here almost 90 items
  • Therapeutic quality, that is, oils are suitable for aromatherapy;
  • In the assortment there are mixtures for flavoring rooms, compiled by professional doctors;
  • Manufactured and caring cosmetics based on EM, extracts and hydrolat;
  • All products have environmental certificates and are tested in chromatographic laboratories;
  • The most informative label, where you can learn all about oil, raw materials for it and about the method of obtaining a specific ether.


  • High cost, which in some cases reaches 10 thousand rubles per bottle.

Primavera Life (Germany) - a manufacturer that promotes ecology

Primavera life

This German brand owns 13 of its own plantations, and also receives etheronos from different parts of the world: Bhutan, Corsica, Cambodia, Peru, Italy and Turkey. Often these are small family farms where organic farming is practiced, and the collection and initial preparation of plants are done manually. The main production and laboratories of Primavera Life are located in the Bavarian Alps.


  • Oils undergo multilevel distillation and, if necessary, they can be used inside, although this purification reduces the therapeutic effect;
  • A wide range of very rare oils, such as capeut, EM Boswellia or helihrizum;
  • All products have EU bio-certificates confirming their organic origin and safety;
  • Eco-materials and recycled paper are used for packaging - the company generally tries its best to protect the environment;
  • The caps of the bottles are closed as with medicines, so that young children cannot open them on their own;
  • The labels indicate the shelf life after opening the bubble, which is often neglected by other manufacturers.


  • The cost of oils on average is higher than that of other popular firms.

Aura Cacia (USA) - safe cosmetic and edible oils

Aura cacia

The American company works on the same principle as the European company, purchasing plant raw materials on proven plantations of Madagascar, Vietnam, India and producing the purest essential oils from it. By the way, experts agree that under this brand best oil is sold, known for its beneficial effects on the growth and health of hair, the nervous system and respiratory organs.


  • There are practically no fake Aura Cacia on the market due to the specific distribution system of retail products;
  • On sale there are sets of EM for the manufacture of your own perfumes, approximate recipes are attached;
  • The company also manufactures, under the guidance of doctors, complex compositions for aromatherapy, and without base oils, but exclusively from ethers;
  • If especially valuable oils are diluted (as a rule, these are rose or neroli mixed with jojoba to reduce the cost), the manufacturer always honestly reports this on the packaging;
  • Country of origin of raw materials indicated on the label;
  • Large bottles of 15 and 30 ml, and sometimes 50 ml;
  • Covers with child protection;
  • Reasonable prices, however, to this still have to add shipping costs across the ocean.


  • You need to order oils on foreign websites - they practically do not occur in retail sales;
  • Not all bottles indicate the expiration date or at least the date of production, however, recently the company began to eliminate this oversight.

Zeitun (Russia, Jordan) - exotic oils with oriental flavor


Essential oils of this manufacturer are famous for their luxurious and versatile fragrance. As they should be, they shimmer, changing shades of smell, and this is the most important evidence in favor of their naturalness. Zeitun was originally focused on the culture and traditions of the east, and therefore the specific phyto-raw materials are used here - grown in India, Morocco and Jordan.


  • A huge selection of essential, basic and very exotic vegetable oils;
  • There are medicinal mixtures, for example, from joint pain, colds, varicose veins and even aphrodisiac aphrodisiac cocktails;
  • You can buy caring cosmetics based on EM, extracts and other natural ingredients (tonics, deodorants, shampoos, soap or shaving gel);
  • Bubbles with essential oils are beautifully decorated with fabric and towline under a wax seal, they look presentable and are quite suitable as a gift;


  • Oils are very demanding to storage conditions - if they are not followed, they can quickly deteriorate, grow turbid or change the smell;
  • Production date and shelf life are not indicated on the packaging - like any other information from the manufacturer.

Vivasan (Switzerland, Austria) - the network giant


Vivasan is not a manufacturer of essential oils, but only offers other Swiss companies (Swiss Caps, Dr. Duenner, Oswald, etc.) to manufacture products under their own name. With this approach, the megabrand is forced to carefully select suppliers and check products coming to the market. With us, Vivasan is distributed by networkers, but you can also subscribe yourself to buy the right EM at the dealer price.


  • All oils are thoroughly cleaned, safe and suitable for aromatherapy;
  • The possibility of taking EM inside (if such treatment was prescribed by a doctor);
  • There are both monoaromatics and special blends of oils, for example, for the treatment of skin diseases;
  • All products are certified, and the company additionally draws up hygienic certificates in each importing country;
  • In large cities, there are Vivasan representative offices, where you can get professional advice on the choice of oils and carry out aroma-diagnostics.


  • The prices of oils are high, but explicable for natural EM;
  • There are few pure esters in the assortment, and there are no exotic ones among them.

Botanika (Russia) - cheap massage oils


The range of Russian brand is really wide. There are aromatherapy esters and base oils here, but the best-of-all companies succeed in precisely massaging compositions. The company works not only with retail customers, but also with cosmetics, as well as pharmaceutical companies, producing unique products for them, enriched with natural EM and extracts.


  • All purchased raw materials undergo a thorough laboratory control before being put into production;
  • Convenient classification of oils, depending on the nature and persistence of aromas, as well as the time of year that is optimal for their use;
  • All products are widely represented in domestic stores and pharmacies;
  • On its website, the company offers recipes for the preparation of natural cosmetics and perfumes at home - the same can be found inside each box with a specific essential oil;
  • Affordable price.


  • Far from all oils are obtained by a complicated and expensive method of distillation, so that they are not suitable for ingestion and treatment, but they can be used safely for massage and room flavoring.

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