
Even the best lenses can not meet the expectations, if not provide them with the right and at the same time gentle care. For cleaning and disinfection, as well as improving the comfort of wearing this capricious optics, you will have to purchase several different solutions. Which of them is better - you will learn from this article.



Lens Solutions


BAUSCH + LOMB Biotrue - disinfecting solution with maximum moisture


A universal solution for moisturizing and cleaning soft lenses not only removes the resulting protein-lipid film from their surface, but also replaces it, forming a thin moisture-retaining layer. The composition has a pH of 7.5 - the same as that of a human tear, does not cause irritation and does not inhibit the protective functions of the eye.


  • Effective disinfection aimed at the destruction of bacteria and fungi at the same time;
  • Deeply cleans the lens;
  • Can be used as moisturizing eye drops;
  • Suitable for people with hypersensitivity;
  • Prevents the sensation of dryness even in heat;
  • The flap attached to the bottle will not fall and will not be lost.


  • The time of cleaning the lenses in the solution is 15-30 minutes, but for complete disinfection you need at least 4 hours.

MAXIMA - effective cleaning soft lenses


This multifunctional solution has already changed twice in its history of existence. As a result, it has been enriched with moisturizing ingredients, has become more efficient and more versatile - now the Maxima composition can work with all types of soft lenses, cleaning them from any contamination. It has an antimicrobial effect and has an acidity level close to the pH of a tear (7.0-7.3).


  • Nightly storage of the lenses in this solution allows for less “general” cleaning — about once a month;
  • Removes surface and deep contamination;
  • Effectively works without mechanical impact;
  • Provides good moisturizing lenses even at night if you accidentally fall asleep in them;
  • The price is only 400 rubles for a large 360 ​​ml bottle with a container in the kit.


  • A rather aggressive compound - it copes perfectly with cleaning, but may not be suitable for sensitive eyes.

Universal (for all types of lenses)

SAUFLON Comfort Vue - the best composition for cleaning and storage

SAUFLON Comfort Vue

Relatively inexpensive solution designed for cleaning, disinfecting and moisturizing all types of soft and hard contact lenses. Especially well he copes with the removal of deposits on the surface of the optics - the use of this composition allows you to do even without mechanical cleaning. Still, the main scope of its application is the storage of lenses.


  • Suitable for patients with increased dryness or sensitivity of the eyes, can be used instead of drops;
  • Contains the lubricating component sterisoft, which provides easy sliding of the lens;
  • Destroys microorganisms and fungi;
  • Comes with a container for lenses, which also has antibacterial properties;
  • Low cost - about 450 rubles per bottle of 380 ml.


  • Infrequently found in the free market.

OPTIMED Pro Active - for comfortable use of lenses

OPTIMED Pro Active

The action of this solution is aimed not so much at cleansing contact lenses, as at wearing them comfortably and safely. The composition provides maximum wetting of the cups and forms a slippery film on the surface, improving their mobility. No less effectively, it fights against protein deposits and pathogens.


  • Suitable for patients with sensitive eyes;
  • Contains succinic acid, preventing hypoxia and corneal clouding, which is important for lenses with low permeability;
  • Moisturizing effect lasts up to 12 hours;
  • You can bury in the eyes;
  • Affordable price - 200 rubles for 250 ml.


  • No container included;
  • Limited versatility - the solution is not suitable for the care of rigid lenses.


ALCON Aosept Plus Hydraglyde - cleaning solution with a moisturizing effect

ALCON Aosept Plus Hydraglyde

Excellent tool for periodic cleaning of lenses from accumulated dirt has another useful feature. The solution moistens the surface of the cups, ensuring comfortable wearing of the lenses immediately after use.

Included with the bottle is a special catalytic container that makes the aggressive liquid softer and neutralizes residual peroxide after cleaning.


  • Suitable for all types of lenses - hard and soft, but initially the solution was developed for silicone hydrogel;
  • Slows the appearance of new deposits on the surface of the optics;
  • The composition does not include preservatives, which often cause allergic reactions;
  • The single-stage system after use does not require additional washing of the lenses.


  • To neutralize the aggressive components of the lens must be kept in the solution for at least 6 hours;
  • Not suitable for routine washing and especially for instillation into the eyes.

AVIZOR Ever Clean - two-stage peroxide system

AVIZOR Ever Clean

Unlike most modern single-stage systems, Ever Clean is faster. The kit comes with a bottle of solvent and enzyme tablets that break down the remnants of the lipid film, removing them from the surface of the lens. Also the cleaner is completed with a container with multi-colored holders for CL, but it does not possess any neutralizing properties.


  • Versatility - the solution can be used to clean hard and soft products;
  • Disinfection even in the deepest layers of the lens;
  • When using a two-stage system, mechanical cleaning is no longer required;
  • The solution does not contain preservatives and aggressive ingredients, so you do not need to rinse the lenses before use;
  • Neutralization of residual hydrogen peroxide takes only 2 hours, the liquid “signals” the color change when the process is complete.


  • High cost - the maximum set with a 225 ml bottle costs 850-900 rubles.


MEDSTAR Likontin-F - universal enzyme solution for cleaning

 Licontin F

For people who use day lenses or make a scheduled replacement at least once every 1-2 months, this solution will be useless. But for those who wear “long-lasting” optics (quarterly, semi-annual), he will help to extend the term of her impeccable service. The composition completely splits the turbid film, which can not cope with multifunctional daily cleaning solutions.


  • Returns to the lenses the original purity even after prolonged wear;
  • Economical consumption - it is enough to add 2-3 drops of enzyme per lens to a common storage solution;
  • Affordable price within 120-160 rubles per bottle.


  • The liquid is highly concentrated, aggressive and requires mandatory rinsing, it is also necessary to rinse the container in which the lenses are cleaned.

BAUSCH + LOMB Boston Advance Cleaner - hard lens abrasive

BAUSCHLOMB Boston Advance Cleaner

This solution is designed for enzymatic cleaning only night and hard contact lenses, because it has some abrasive effect. It is created by insoluble polymer particles in the composition of the suspension. After its application, the result is obtained in the same way as with complex enzyme and mechanical processing of optics - only it will take much less time and effort.


  • It slows down the reappearance of protein-fat accumulations on the surface of the lenses;
  • It has a pronounced bactericidal effect;
  • It takes a minimum of time to process hard cups - just rub each of them for half a minute and wash off the solution;
  • It is economically spent, although it all depends on the user;
  • Due to the white pigment in the composition of the suspension, it is easy to visually determine whether the cleaner was flushed from the surface of the optics.


  • Not cheap - for a 30-gram bubble will have to pay at least 500 rubles.

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