
At the moment, there are many models of water metering devices on the market that differ in both the principle of operation and the quality of performance. This article will tell you how to choose a water meter to get a high-quality, reliable, inexpensive device. First of all, you should understand the types of devices.



apartment water meter


At the moment, manufacturers produce a large number of models. What are the counters for water, their choice and performance indicators in household use depend on the specific situation - water quality, diameter and condition of the pipeline. Depending on these parameters, it is necessary to choose the optimal type of device according to the principle of its operation.


ultrasonic water meter

ultrasonic water meter

The principle of operation is to measure the time of passage of ultrasound along the flow of water and against it. The source and the gauge are piezoelectric sensors, which alternately emit ultrasonic vibrations and take them. The information about the time of passage of the signal, which the sensors receive, processes the chip according to a certain algorithm. As a rule, most ultrasonic meters have non-volatile memory and when power is turned off, the current data and archive of information will not disappear.

Ultrasound emitted by the device is harmless to humans and to most pets, as it is distributed in a liquid medium.


electromagnetic water meter
electromagnetic water meter

The principle of action is based on the Faraday law. The device itself consists of a coil inducing a magnetic field. In the water flowing between the two poles of a magnet, an electromotive force arises. Its value is proportional to the speed of movement of water. Measuring the value of EMF, respectively, and the speed of movement of the stream, the device determines the flow of water. Data is stored in the energy-safe archive of the device.

Superstatic resonance

A resonant water metering device for an apartment has a flow meter section, which consists of three channels parallel to each other. A swirler is installed in the central channel, which alternately directs jets of water into auxiliary channels. The frequency of jet transfer can be judged on the speed of movement of the water flow. The number of transfer cycles registers a piezoelectric sensor and transmits information to an electronic computer that processes and stores the data in the archive.

Tachometer mechanical

tachometer water meter
tachometer water meter

Tachometers use the power of the water flow to rotate the impeller of the turbine. The impeller transmits mechanical movement to the counting device. Many models provide for the installation of a reed pulse transmitter, it allows you to automate the process of monitoring, receiving and saving data.

All presented types of water meters for an apartment are combined into two large groups: mechanical and electronic.

Advantages and disadvantages of mechanical meters

Mechanical water meters
Mechanical water meters

+ The main advantages include:

  • Low cost, compared with electronic models;
  • High reliability and maintainability of the design, the service life of most models is 10-12 years;
  • Instruments are fairly accurate and have a slight error in measurement;
  • Compact overall dimensions of the device are combined with a large information panel that allows you to easily remove the indicator of water consumption;
  • Easy installation and disassembly;
  • The device is non-volatile - does not require connection to a household network or periodic replacement of batteries.

- Of the significant shortcomings can be listed:

  • High sensitivity to electromagnetic fields;
  • Accuracy is affected by the quality and composition of water, the presence of solid contaminants, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of electronic meters

Electronic water meters
Electronic water meters

+ The advantages of modern electronic measuring instruments are significant:

  • Accurate fixation of indicators, regardless of water quality, pressure, or surrounding electromagnetic fields;
  • Ability to customize multi-tariff payment grid, subject to agreement with the water supplier;
  • Possibility of installation both horizontally and vertically;
  • Data transmission can be carried out automatically and remotely;
  • Convenient calibration of the device, the mechanical unit, embedded in the water supply system, remains in place, only the upper analytical module is sent for verification. The interval between calibrations is up to 10 years, depending on the model.

- Disadvantages:

  • High price. The price of an electronic device is 4-5 times higher than a domestic mechanical measuring device;
  • The need to connect to a power source.

It is better to buy which water meter, modern, having additional functions or a traditional meter, depends on whether these functions will be in demand and how often they will be used.

Depending on the temperature of the working environment, the counters are divided:

  • For cold water - up to 40 ° C;
  • For hot water - up to 130 ° C;
  • Combined - can be connected to any water supply lines.

IMPORTANT! Most household water meters are designed for pressures not exceeding 1-1.6 MPa.

Criteria for choosing a measuring device

Which water meter is better to install in an apartment depends primarily on the quality of the supplied water and its composition. For water with large quantities of solid impurities and a high level of mineralization, it is better to choose a device that does not have mechanical rubbing parts. Despite this, the choice of material for the working body, which is in direct contact with the working medium, is important.

water meter


The most common material is metal alloys:

Bronze and Brass - strong and reliable alloys with a high coefficient of impact strength, they are quite durable and resistant to aggressive components in water. Minor cavities or duct calcination are possible;

Stainless alloy steel - mechanical properties of the material, as well as its cost significantly exceeds the alloys. In addition, the complexity of processing the final product makes such material less popular among domestic producers.

Silumin - alloy of silicon with aluminum. Quite resistant to aggressive environments and very cheap, making it popular with Chinese manufacturers. However, it has very low strength, is brittle, and does not withstand even medium loads. Acquire such a device is strongly discouraged.

Polymers. This is mainly polybutylene and extruded polyethylene. Mainly used as components for cold water appliances. The maximum temperature that they can withstand 90 ° C (polybutylene). The scope of devices is limited.


The kit may be sgony, nozzles, seals and other fittings to connect the device to the water supply. It is also necessary to check them for defects and for compliance with the dimension of the thread.

It is obligatory to have a passport on the device with a stamp about factory calibration.

In addition, imported water meters, which can be selected in our stores, should have a certificate of conformity to standards, which confirms that they are adapted for use in domestic networks.


The main indicator is the verification interval. Which water meter is better? - Naturally the one who has such an interval more.For cold water, it averages 6 years for hot water - about 4. However, for many modern models, these figures may differ significantly. Specific data can be found in the passport of the device. In this case, the counting should be carried out not from the date of the inspection performed at the plant, but from the moment of registration and sealing of the device at the installation site by the appropriate representatives of the water utility.

Device location

Some obsolete models should be mounted only horizontally or vertically. It is better to choose a universal device. It can be checked by simply blowing into the inlet in horizontal and vertical position. The air must pass with the same pressure, and the numbers vary uniformly, without jerking and braking.


Conditions to protect the device all the time tightened. How to choose a water meter, so as not to change it in a year? It is advisable to purchase a device with the presence of a pulse output for remote monitoring or removal of indicators.

In addition, if the device is placed in an easily accessible place, it is advisable that it has a protective cover on the front panel.

Manufacturers - Reliability Rating

best water meters

Selecting a manufacturer company is key. The duration of the device operation depends on the water meter of which company you buy.

The greatest demand is for devices of foreign manufacturers:

  • Elster Metronica - manufactured under license in many CIS countries;
  • Sensus - Germany;
  • Zenner - Germany, Russia under license;
  • Viterra - Canada;
  • Actaris - France;
  • Valtec - Italy;
  • Metron - Poland.

When purchasing an imported device, it is necessary to remember not only its compatibility with domestic communication networks for transmitting information, but also the sensitivity of internal mechanisms to water quality. In addition, if a breakdown occurs, the repair of the device may be significantly delayed due to the lack of components. Before you buy an imported meter, you need to ask the seller whether there are certified warranty repair centers and where they are located.

From domestic manufacturers it is worth to highlight:

  • Staroruspribor;
  • Gas electronics;
  • Teplopriborkomplekt;

Devices of domestic manufacturers have much less functionality than imported ones. How much does a domestic water meter cost? On average, the price of equipment comparable in functionality produced in Russia is 1.5-2 times less. However, the cost of some Chinese devices with the stated capabilities may be significantly lower, which gives reason to think about their quality.

Video: how to choose a water meter

Save or pay more?

This logical question arises after receiving the first water bill according to the meter. It is possible that the amount of payment may increase. The fact is that the water meter itself does not guarantee a reduction in consumption, but only helps in saving.

The most common ways to reduce costs are:

  • Installation in the toilet cistern of the drain mechanism with two modes, allowing to limit the volume of water used to 1/3 of the cistern;
  • Installation on all taps additional multi-mode aerator or fixtures that automatically shut off the water supply if there is no plate or hands under the tap;
  • Use in washing machine and dishwasher economical modes of washing and washing;
  • The greatest effect is observed when refusing to take a bath in favor of the shower. This reduces costs from 150-200 liters to 35-50 liters.

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