
In addition to the cleansing action, medical toothpastes act directly on the pathological process occurring in the oral cavity. In their composition, they contain medicinal components, the action of which is aimed at relieving inflammation of the gums, reducing their bleeding, treating caries or reducing tooth sensitivity. Such pastes should be prescribed by a dentist, since they do not differ in their properties from drugs for local treatment, and the use of an incorrectly chosen agent may not only be of no use, but also adversely affect the health of the oral cavity. In this article, you will learn what medical toothpastes are used to treat periodontitis, gingivitis, caries and tooth sensitivity.




Medical firm which toothpaste to choose

From the manufacturer of toothpaste depends on the efficiency, quality and safety of products.

We have prepared a rating of companies that have won recognition from professionals and consumers in many countries around the world:



3. Splat

4. Biorepair

5. PresiDENT

These manufacturers are the leaders in sales of medical and therapeutic toothpastes. Their products are manufactured in accordance with international GNP standards. The drugs are clinically tested and approved by leading dental communities around the world.

Best Medicated Toothpastes

SATO Acess from gingivitis and periodontal disease

SATO Acess

Means consists only of natural components. At the heart of highly concentrated extracts of myrrh, chamomile, ratania root. The active substances relieve inflammation, destroy bacteria, reduce gingival bleeding and have an astringent effect. The manufacturer recommends using the paste to prevent and eliminate periodontal disease, gingivitis, gum inflammation. The volume is 120 ml.


  • paste does not contain bleaching components;
  • It has a healing effect on inflamed gums;
  • reduces puffiness, purulent foci;
  • eliminates bleeding and pain in the gums.


  • high price;
  • practically does not occur in stores and pharmacies.

Dentavit Sensitive for sensitive teeth

Dentavit Sensitive.jpg1

The tool allows you to brush your teeth without scratching the enamel. Great for those with whom it is weak and thin. It contains potassium nitrate, which reduces the sensitivity of the nerve endings in the dentin, and also the paste promotes the flow of minerals into the tissues of the tooth, reduces sensitivity and protects against caries. Volume - 85 ml.


  • reduces the painful sensitivity of the teeth;
  • restores enamel microdamages, makes it smooth;
  • regular use leads to a decrease in sensitivity to hot, cold, sweet, etc .;
  • soothes the oral mucosa;
  • no sodium dodecyl sulfate;
  • affordable cost.


  • not recommended for persons with hypersensitivity to substances contained in the paste.

Oralcare Protezione Gengive from Biorepair manufacturer

Oralcare Protezione Gengive Biorepair

Paste refers to the professional therapeutic and prophylactic agents to protect the gums. Perfect for those who want to prevent or eliminate the following diseases: periodontal disease, gingivitis, periodontitis, or damage to the enamel.

The preparation contains a large amount of vitamins C, D, B, A. Hyaluronic acid has a moisturizing effect, thereby activating the cells and reducing inflammatory processes. Can be used by adults and children from 6 years. The volume is 75 ml.


  • powerful anti-inflammatory and healing effects;
  • prevents reproduction and growth of cariogenic bacteria;
  • makes the breath fresh and pleasant;
  • promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • improves the condition of the gums, due to the strengthening of the walls of blood vessels;
  • creates a barrier for caries;
  • restores shine and whiteness of teeth;
  • suitable for preventive purposes.


  • very difficult to find in pharmacies and shops;
  • high price.

Therapeutic and prophylactic professional toothpaste Biocalcium from the manufacturer Splat

Biokalcii Splat

The basis of the paste is bioactive calcic. The tool is suitable for those who wish to strengthen or restore tooth enamel, as well as reduce sensitivity. The paste is especially relevant when a painful reaction to cold, hot, sweet, etc. appears. The effect of the application is noticeable after several days of regular use. Volume - 100 ml.


  • affordable cost;
  • perfectly removes plaque on the teeth, prevents the appearance of tartar;
  • promotes the entry of calcium and minerals into the enamel;
  • improves gum health;
  • normalizes acidity in the oral cavity;
  • soft abrasives safely and gently whiten the enamel, returning to it the natural shine and whiteness.


  • long washed out;
  • specific taste that not everyone will like;
  • no foil is provided under the lid of the tube.

Dante Canti Advanced

Dant Kanti Advanced.jpg1

This paste has a complex effect. It is designed for the prevention and treatment of various diseases of the gums and teeth, to maintain oral hygiene. The composition is completely natural and contains 26 herbs. It provides long-term care and protection for teeth and gums.

The use of this paste will be useful for gingivitis, unpleasant smell, toothache or bleeding gums. The paste strengthens the hard tissues of the tooth, reduces the sensitivity of the gums, prevents the formation of tartar. The volume is 100 ml.


  • perfectly fights infections and eliminates bleeding;
  • natural antiseptics prevent caries, heal and strengthen gum tissue;
  • removes unpleasant smell;
  • does not contain synthetic components;
  • reduces the risk of inflammatory processes;
  • treats ulcers and boils in the mouth.


  • not recommended for intolerance to certain components of the paste.

Asepta Sensitiv

Acepta Sencitiv.jpg1

This paste is perfect for fluorosis (an excess of fluoride in the body), with increased sensitivity of the teeth, for the prevention of inflammation of the gums. The paste is wonderful foam and has a dense texture with a pleasant mint flavor. It helps to keep your breath fresh throughout the day and provides gentle oral care. Volume - 75 ml.


  • thermal mud promotes healing, calming and restoring gums;
  • calendula extract contributes to the destruction of harmful microbes in the inflamed soft tissues of the oral cavity;
  • papain prevents plaque formation;
  • paste reduces the sensitivity and soreness of the teeth;
  • strengthens enamel;
  • protects the natural whiteness of teeth;
  • economical consumption.


  • in the composition there is a dye.

Filling Toothpaste Apadenta

Plombiruyshaay apadent

This paste contains medical nano-hydroxyapatite, which provides strength and health of teeth, prevents the destruction of hard tissue. Multiple clinical trials confirm the effectiveness of the tool at the initial stage of caries development by restoring scarce minerals in enamel and dental tissues. In addition, the composition contains 3 more active ingredients that reduce inflammation, promote the healing of microcracks, reduce plaque and prevent the development of periodontal disease.It is recommended to use in case of increased sensitivity of the teeth, during pregnancy, for the prevention and treatment of caries wearing orthodontic structures. Volume - 120 ml.


  • pasta is allowed for all age categories;
  • effectively removes plaque on the teeth;
  • compensates for the deficiency of minerals in the dental tissue, making the surface layer of enamel shiny and smooth, which contributes to the destruction of caries at the initial stage of development;
  • reduces the painful sensitivity of the teeth;
  • provides high quality oral hygiene.


  • The cost exceeds $ 30.

Medical Toothpaste Active Clinical

Aktiv Clinical

This paste is suitable for treating gums prone to bleeding and soreness. It heals and strengthens the soft tissues of the mouth. Hawthorn has astringent properties, it strengthens the capillaries and reduces bleeding in the gums. Triclosan eliminates the cause of inflammation, has a powerful bactericidal effect. Sodium fluoride contributes to the remineralization of enamel and protection against caries. Does not contain fluoride. Volume - 75 ml.


  • affordable cost;
  • quickly eliminates inflammation and bleeding gums;
  • effectively cleans enamel from plaque;
  • prevents tartar;
  • suitable for people with a high content of fluoride in the body;
  • destroys infectious processes in the oral cavity, eliminates the cause of inflammation of the gums.


  • Triclosan is a synthetic antibiotic with a pronounced antibacterial effect, so it is not recommended to use the paste for more than 1 month;
  • with individual intolerance to the components of the paste, the use should be abandoned.

Toothpaste Lacalut Fluoride

Lakalut ftor

The paste strengthens and remineralizes tooth enamel. It is recommended to use in case of initial caries, to prevent tooth decay, to recover after teeth whitening, with dental plaque or stone. The paste contains a lot of fluoride, which protects and restores enamel. With constant use, pain sensitivity to cold, sour, hot, sweet foods is reduced. It also contains chlorhexidine, which prevents the growth of cariogenic bacteria. In the composition there are no bleaching components. It is recommended to use every month with an interval of several weeks. The volume is 50 and 75 ml.


  • well foaming, pleasant taste;
  • affordable cost;
  • slows down the darkening of the teeth while smoking;
  • gently removes plaque and polishes teeth;
  • reduces inflammation in the soft tissues of the oral cavity;
  • has a pronounced anticariogenic, antibacterial effect;
  • increases the resistance of tooth enamel to the acidic environment;
  • strengthens the structure of tooth hard tissues and prevents their destruction.


  • contraindication: intolerance to the components of the paste.

What medical toothpaste to buy

1. If you need a paste from gingivitis and periodontal disease with a natural composition, it is better to buy a paste from the company SATO Acess.

2. The tool that will reduce the sensitivity of the teeth - Dentavit Pro Sensitive.

3. Drugs that are great at the stage of pronounced inflammation, increased bleeding - Oralcare Protezione Gengive from the company Biorepair, Medical Toothpaste Active Clinical. The latter is especially effective when attaching infectious processes.

4. People with increased production of gastric juice suitable toothpaste Biocalcium from the company Splat. It normalizes the pH balance and prevents the destruction of enamel.

5. If a remedy with a combined effect on the gums and enamel is necessary, then it is better to purchase the therapeutic Ayurvedic paste Dant Kanti Advanced.

6. Fluoride-free paste is ideal for fluorosis - Asepta Sensitiv.

7. If you need a toothpaste that acts as a filling for damaged enamel and destroys the development of caries in the initial stages, it is better to choose a filling toothpaste Apadent.

8. Lakalut Fluoride is suitable for strengthening the hard tissues of the tooth and prevent their destruction.

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