
Contrary to all expectations, to the question of what is most important in arranging a modern bathroom, many experts will answer without hesitation: “high-quality ventilation system”. And they will be absolutely right, because it is from this aspect that the microclimate in the room depends on, the level of its functionality, and even how long the expensive repairs will last in the bathroom. Since the bathroom is always a zone characterized by: high temperatures, high humidity, often sudden changes in temperature, the use of sufficiently aggressive cleaning solutions. That is, neither high-quality lining of the floor and walls, nor the use of modern, very expensive and very popular materials during the renovation, will not provide an adequate level of comfort in the bathroom if there is no effective ventilation system.




Fan of the bathroom which company choose

Power, the level of noise generated, simplicity and reliability of installation - these three whales, for several decades serving as the main guide for consumers when choosing a bathroom fan, although not lost their relevance, are increasingly becoming only a desirable addition to such an important quality as the presence of "smart" features. Year by year, technology is becoming increasingly difficult.

And it is pleasant that recently domestic companies for the production of ventilation equipment have provided decent competition for many European manufacturers - recognized leaders in this market segment.

And today in the top included:

1. Spanish Soler & Palau

2. Italian Elicent

3. Spanish CATA Electrodomesticos S.L

4. Bulgarian Mmotors JSC

5. Russian LLC "Era"

Depending on the design, there are distinguishing fans for bathrooms: axial and centrifugal.

To determine the best of them, perhaps, it is worth starting with studying the proposals on the modern market of climate technology, as well as with an overview of online customer reviews. Analysis of this information allowed not only to identify several companies whose products appealed to the majority of domestic consumers, but also to find out what criteria for evaluating the quality and functionality of products buyers are guided by, choosing fans for the bathroom.

It turned out that it is:

1. Device security

2. Power.

3. The presence and level of the created sound effect (preferably not more than 38 dB).

4. Convenience and reliability of installation.

5. "Intelligence" - the presence and amount of additional functions.

6. Design.

The best axial fans: in search of silence, economy and comfort

That is, fans for bathrooms of relatively small area.

SILENT-100 CZ - the best "smart" fans


Multifunctional bathroom fans from Soler & Palau are fundamentally breaking our years of thinking about how a fan should be installed in a bathroom. The original SILENT models practically turned into a caring household service due to the fact that they have an adjustable timer and hydrostat, a light indicator. Fans of this series are able to decide themselves when to ventilate the room, and when to turn off.

Special rubber-metal bushings provide reliable attachment of the device's engine to the body, while creating conditions for its silent operation. Another pleasant moment is the complete set of a single-phase (230 V - 50 Hz) electric motor with ball bearings, which are designed for trouble-free service for more than 3 thousand hours.

Domestic users most of all appreciate in the model SILENT-100 CZ that it:

  • multifunctional;
  • not very noisy during work;
  • durable;
  • differs in considerable productivity, quickly eliminates excess of damp air and extraneous smells;
  • differs in high quality of assembly;
  • easy to install;
  • has a nice design.


  • high price;
  • without special experience, it is difficult to disassemble the fan for cleaning yourself (you have to resort to the services of a master).

Elicent -Style 100 PRO - Best Economical Fans

Elicent Style 100 PRO

Elicent -Style 100 PRO fans headed the rating of energy-saving devices - a product of Elicent.

Elicent -Style 100 PRO is a minimum of functions and discreet design. At first glance - like nothing ordinary. However, with the engineers of the Italian ELICENT, any, at first glance, the simplest solution, as a result, turns into the utmost reasonableness of the moves.

Actually, it also happened with the model E-Style 100 PRO. This compact axial fan was created precisely as a fan for the bathroom. Therefore, it is equipped with a special spray protection system and a removable front panel, which provides the utmost ease of care for the product. But the main advantage of the model remains the specificity of the design, which allows to ensure the maximum efficiency of the fan at relatively low energy costs. In addition, for the E-Style 100 PRO, a robust case of lightweight plastic that is not afraid of UV rays is provided.

The main advantages of the E-Style 100 PRO:

  • insignificant consumption of electric energy;
  • high performance;
  • removable panel allows you to quickly and effortlessly clean the fan from contamination.


  • with improper installation may make noise.

Standard 4ETF - the best powerful fans


We are talking about powerful axial fans designed for bathrooms, for example, those manufactured by Era.

A modern axial fan manufactured by Era for bathrooms may well be one of the reasons for pride in the successes of compatriots. A fairly powerful device that allows up to 100 cubic meters of air in an hour is equipped with a photo timer. The fan is turned on due to a circuit using a photosensitive element. It is possible to work in 2 modes: bath and toilet.

You can select the desired mode by resetting the jumper located on the timer board. In this case, the first of the modes assumes automatic switching on of the fan immediately after the light in the room has gone out, and the second - immediately after it has come on. Turns off the fan "on command" timer.

Advantages of Standard4ETF:

  • high productivity;
  • multifunctionality - the presence of a photosensitive element that provides timely automatic on-off device;
  • the presence of two speeds.


  • it is difficult to install independently without proper training (a master call is required).

Mmotors mm-100 - leader of the ranking of the best silent fans

Mmotors mm 100

Diligently and quietly the fans of the company Mmotors do their work.

Even an ideal fan in all respects is unlikely to take root in the house if the owners of the dwelling will be constantly annoyed by the noise they make. And even though those times have passed when the sound of the included exhaust fans in the bathroom resembled the roar of the engine of a combat vehicle, even less tangible decibels can cause understandable irritation.

It is for those who like silence that the ultra-thin (40 mm) and almost silent (25 dB) Mmotors mm-100 fan from a well-known Bulgarian manufacturer will be a real find. Another advantage of the Bulgarian fan is its ability to operate even at temperatures up to + 100 ° C. But the disadvantages include the relatively low efficiency of the device - just 60 cubic meters of air per hour.

The main advantages of Mmotors mm-100:

  • silent;
  • resistant to elevated temperatures, and therefore it can be installed in the bathroom and mini baths;
  • just mounted;
  • occupies minimum space;
  • has an attractive design.


  • low productivity (not very suitable for spacious bathrooms).

 Best Centrifugal Bathroom Fans

Channel type devices. Immediately it is worth noting that centrifugal fans are distinguished by high power. Therefore, as a rule, they are purchased for premises of more than 15 square meters. m

EBB-250 NS laid-on centrifugal fan Soler & Palau

EBB 250 NS

These devices from Soler & Palau gained popularity due to the high level of performance (270m3/ h) A good option for ventilation systems, which are characterized by the presence of increased resistance in the channel. The fan provides a powerful two-speed engine. Works from a network of 230 V.


  • perfectly cleans the air from high moisture content, dust and odors;
  • powerful;
  • good build quality.


  • sensitive to voltage drops;
  • high price;
  • for stable operation, a voltage of 230 v is required;
  • may fail when installed in homes with old wiring.

Channel Cata CB-100 Plus fan

Cata CB 100 Plus

A small but powerful fan has in its arsenal an engine with a system for protection against overheating and a special valve that provides protection against reverse air flow.

Due to the high level of pressure generated at the outlet, it is possible to connect ducts of considerable length to the device. There are two options for connecting to the network: through a regular light switch and through a separate switch. It is mounted in air ducts and ventilation shafts.


  • significant performance (130m3/ h with a relatively small size of the device (19x19 cm);
  • well removes odors from the room.


  • significant noise level (49 dB).

 Which fan for the bathroom to buy

1. For lovers of "smart" technology that is able to independently determine not only the required operating time, but also the most suitable on-off time, the SILENT-100 CZ fans will be excellent options.

2. Thoughtful owners who can appreciate the high performance of devices characterized by low electrical energy consumption will certainly appreciate the advantages of the Elicent -Style 100 PRO fans.

3. Owners of relatively small bathrooms, primarily paying attention to the level of performance of the purchased model, most likely will not pass by axial fans Standard4ETF and centrifugal Cata CB-100 Plus.

4. For those who need to provide a comfortable microclimate in the bathrooms, the area of ​​which exceeds 15 square meters. m, may be interested in a powerful EBB-250 NS from Soler & Palau.

5. And, finally, lovers of silence and successful design solutions can not help but become interested in the Mmotors mm-100 fan that works almost silently.

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