
How nice to feel the freshness of the air after a thunderstorm! It is saturated with moisture and ozone, aromas of foliage and garden flowers flow in it.



air cleaning and air cleaner

If you do not often have the opportunity to breathe clean air in nature, then air cleaning or an air purifier will perfectly cope with the task of creating a comfortable microclimate in your home. You can choose the most suitable machine for you, having familiarized yourself with the main functions of each of them.

Air wash

Such devices clean the air by pumping it through water moistened discs or through a dispersed suspension of water. The fluid washes away all particles, dust accumulates down in the pan, and the washed air returns to its natural circulation. The sinks with the pre-ionization function have the greatest effect, they provide cleaning up to 80-95%.

The scope of air washing is much wider than an ordinary apartment or office space. This device quickly leads the microclimate to normal and in greenhouses, where plants need stable humidity, and in museum halls with valuable exhibits.

+ The advantages of washing:

  • reliable, practical, hygienic;
  • automatic mode;
  • no filter to clean;
  • low noise level.

- Disadvantages:

  • limited moisture above normal humidity (55–60%);
  • you have to add water and change it every three days.

Air purifiers

It often happens that during the winter heating season the air in the apartment is excessively dried. Small children are especially sensitive to this. Therefore, it is desirable to use air purifiers for children to humidify and simultaneously clean the air.

Manufacturers offer air purifiers of the following types:

  • Cleaners with HEPA filters. They drive air through the filter fiber, all the dust is trapped inside.
  • Air ozonizers. They produce ozone, which purifies the air and gives it a smell of freshness.
  • Ionizers. They produce negative ions, the so-called. "Air vitamins".
  • Ultraviolet disinfectants. Inactivate most microorganisms.
  • Electrostatic cleaners. Filter the air by settling dust particles on the electrodes.
  • There are devices that combine several functions of air purification.

When you come to the store, you need the seller to show you the certificate and help you calculate which cleaner you need for the area of ​​the room, the atmosphere of which you are going to clean.

+ Advantages of air cleaners:

Last modifications of household air purifiers are not for nothing called complete climate complexes. In order to increase the efficiency of care for your microclimate, they constructively implemented a new three-step system. Innovation consists of simultaneous purification of air, its humidification and pleasant aromatization.

- Disadvantages:

  • after a few months the filter has to be changed to a new one, but it costs a lot;
  • ozone concentration required for effective disinfection may exceed permissible limits;
  • Ionizer precipitates a lot of dust particles on the walls of the room;
  • ultraviolet rays do not remove dust and can damage eyesight.

First, decide what specific problems you need to solve, because today there are many different technologies for cleaning the room atmosphere. If you are worried about a large amount of dust entering the room, buy one of the models of the air cleaner. If your main household problems are the smallest dust and odors that cause allergies, then get an air wash. Enjoy the shopping!

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