
The choice of the type of stove in apartment buildings is determined in advance when they are designed and the amount of energy consumed is coordinated. When building country houses or cottages, it is possible to choose what to use for heating and cooking: electricity or gas.

For the used energy pick up kitchen appliances. If we compare modern electric and gas stoves, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.



gas and electric stove

Gas stoves

They produce a variety of products: with one or four burners, with or without an oven, they can be connected to a gas network or to a cylinder with liquefied gas.

+ Benefits

  • Lower price (usually 10-20% lower) in comparison with electric stove;
  • Cooking takes less time, because the food is actually cooked on an open fire, the temperature of which is higher than the temperature of the surface of the electric cooker;
  • With the same power consumed, it takes less to pay for gas than to pay for electricity;
  • Indispensable appliances in homes where there is no electricity.

- disadvantages

  • Less security. The slightest gas leak can lead to tragedy;
  • The temperature of the oven is poorly regulated. It is difficult to establish a certain heating temperature of the oven; the heating level is established by practical consideration;
  • The formation of soot. When burned, additives in household gas form an oily soot that accumulates on the surface of the cookware and accumulates in the exhaust filter. More often it is necessary to change the filters in the hood.

The gas stove is suitable for those who are accustomed to value their time, love healthy food and are not keen on baking. It is especially convenient in country houses, where there is no electricity, a gas cylinder can be used as a source of gas.

Electric cookers

Household electric stoves are very diverse, they are equipped with timers, temperature sensors, additional devices for cooking on the grill.

+ Virtues

  • Comfortable oven with fine temperature control, additional grill functions;
  • Security. Once a professionally connected electric stove ensures complete safety of users;
  • Does not pollute the surrounding area.

- disadvantages

  • Higher cost compared to a gas stove;
  • There is no smooth adjustment of the heating temperature of the cooking surface in comparison with the gas stove;
  • Slowly heats up and slowly cools the surface of the burners, respectively, takes more time to cook;
  • Work depends on the availability of electricity. In rural areas, dacha partnerships, where there are frequent power outages, this is inconvenient;
  • Higher expenses for the payment of energy consumed;
  • Electricity is spent on heating the surrounding space.

The electric stove is convenient for those who have enough power of electricity for it, and a special electrical wiring in the house. It will suit hostesses who are fond of baking and love to cook in the oven.

Manufacturers of household kitchen devices, taking into account the shortcomings of electric and gas stoves, produce combined. They can have electric and gas burners (for example, one electric and two or three gas) and an electric oven. They are more convenient, but the security requirements for using them are tough.

Most of the shortcomings of electric cookers are completely devoid of the latest developments - electric glass-ceramic cooking surfaces that quickly heat up and quickly cool down and induction surfaces that heat the bottom of dishes made of ferromagnetic materials. They spend 95% of the electricity consumed on heating food.

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