
There is a huge variety of models of steam boilers. But they are all divided into 2 types. Choosing a double boiler, you need to decide which one suits you best - electric or gas.



gas and electric steamer

The difference between them is as follows:

  • gas double boiler resembles a saucepan, which is placed on a gas stove;
  • Electric double boiler resembles an electric kettle, which is included in the outlet.

Looking ahead, we can say that one cannot say that one of them is definitely good, and the other is definitely bad. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. Chances of both "contestants" a lot. Who will be the winner of this contest will depend only on you. But we will try to make it so easy for you to make a decision.

Gas double boiler - the pros and cons

The gas double boiler has a much simpler design. If there is a special heating element in the electric (that heats the water inside the double boiler), which is connected to the electrical network, it is absent in the gas double boiler.

In the gas double boiler, its role is played by the stove on which you place the double boiler. Electronics is also missing. It is this simplicity in the device that is the cause of all its advantages and disadvantages.

+ Pros:

Low cost

The gas double boiler is much cheaper than the electric one. This is due to its simplicity. It does not have expensive electronics.


In a gas double boiler there is nothing to break, except for its body.

A cheaper source of energy

As a rule, gas is a cheaper source of energy than electricity. But you will not save much on this. If we consider that a double boiler is usually used only a few times a week, the savings will be insignificant.

Independence from electricity

If your home is often cut off electricity, then you better choose a gas double boiler. It does not need her.

Compact and lightweight

A simpler mechanism takes up less space in the kitchen and weighs less.

- Minuses:

Snapping to the plate

The gas double boiler is not an autonomous kitchen appliance. It works only in tandem with the stove. It will not work without a plate.

Quick cooking

In the gas double boiler food is cooked faster. Smoother thermal (heat) food processing is considered more useful.

Electric double boiler - the pros and cons

+ Pros:


Electric double boiler - autonomous kitchen appliance. All that is needed for her work: water and a source of electricity. Neither the gas nor the electric stove is needed. She herself plate.


The operation of the electric steamer is electronically controlled:

  • You can set the timer. After the required period of time, the double boiler will shut off automatically.
  • Availability of various cooking modes. For example, you can set the "gentle" mode, when the temperature of the steam is only 70 degrees Celsius.

No gas stove connection

Many in the house do not have a gas stove. They are perfect electric steamer.

Convenient adjustment

It is much easier to set the desired temperature or mode in an electric double boiler than to regulate the gas supply in the cooker.

- Minuses:

High cost price

  • It is much more expensive than gas.
  • The price also depends on the model and its functionality.

Complex device

It is easier to breakage. More difficult and more expensive to fix it.

More expensive source of energy

Electricity is more expensive than gas.

Larger size

It is more dimensional than gas.

Summing up

The gas double boiler will suit you if:

  • you have a gas stove;
  • You want a simple and reliable device.

Electric double boiler will suit you if:

  • you do not have a gas stove;
  • you want to cook with convenience and are willing to pay for it.

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