
Aero grills and electric grills are created so that you can cook juicy, roasted meat, grilled vegetables, and fry fish. Such devices can be put on the kitchen or taken with you to rest or cottage to cook kebabs. Aero- and electric grills differ from each other in their capabilities and operating principles, and also have their own advantages and disadvantages. Let's compare the capabilities of the devices and decide which is better to choose - convection oven or electric grill.



convection oven and electric grill

Advantages and disadvantages of electro grill

Here I must immediately say that there are two types of such devices - contactless and contact ones.


Contactless models are devices with an open spiral and the advantage of these devices is that all dishes will be similar to those cooked on a fire. But the drawback is the allocation of smoke. You can use the device at home if you have a good hood that will cope with the smoke.

This option is good for use in the country. The only thing that needs to be remembered is that for cooking meat and fat dishes it is best to choose a model with a cast-iron and steel surface, but it is better to refuse devices with a non-stick coating - they are good for cooking vegetables.


Contact patterns — these devices look like a grill griddle, which can be one-sided or two-sided. Such devices will not allocate children, and the bilateral model can be used for making omelets, sandwiches and baking. All dishes will be devoid of the aroma of a campfire, but the cooking process is quite simple and easy. One-sided devices are good for cooking meat, chicken, vegetables.

+ What else will be useful electric grill?

  • Can defrost food
  • Warm up food
  • Cook porridge
  • Save time on cooking, since several dishes can be reheated in several containers at once.

- There is a device and disadvantages:

  • Electric grill can not cook vegetables
  • It will not replace all kitchen appliances.
  • Sensitive to the drops of electricity in the network

Advantages and disadvantages of aerogril

This device has an improved principle of operation - here the process of heat release occurs evenly, due to which the device increases its functionality. The convection oven simply works - the heating element “brings” the air to the required temperature, and the fan “accelerates” the hot air and ensures its all-round circulation. So it turns out the uniform preparation of each product. Convection oven will be able to please with several possibilities:

  • It is possible not to add fats and butter, so the device will be useful for adherents of healthy nutrition.
  • He can not only fry meat or vegetables - he knows how to defrost and reheat food, simmer food, bake pies, dry berries and mushrooms, sterilize jars
  • Allows you to use the dishes - you can cook two or three dishes at once, for example, heat the soup and cook potatoes
  • Able to cook smoked meats and any dishes that require high temperature. Most models have a wide temperature range - from 50-60 to 250 degrees
  • Does not emit chads and smells of dishes during the cooking process you will not feel

What can upset aerogril and what it can not cope with:

  • With high-quality steaming. The device is designed more for frying, if you want to get simple steamed vegetables, it is better to use an ordinary pan or a double boiler.
  • The outer bulb of the device can get very hot, so do not let the kids go to the grill
  • If you need to heat a small amount of food, it is better to use a stove or microwave - they will cope faster
  • Most models have high power (1000-1300 W) and if the device will work only two hours a day, your electric bill will increase

As you can see, the convection oven is more modern and multifunctional, you can use it at home and take it with you to rest. Electric grills are simpler in their capabilities, but cost less. When choosing a new appliance, consider its future purpose - if you need to cook kebabs once every two weeks, purchase an electric grill. If you do not want the device not only to stand and take up space, but to be useful every day - stop on the convection oven.

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