
With the help of engineers, many different devices and devices have been created, which allow maintaining optimum air parameters in homes, offices and industrial premises. We, the simple man in the street, got the most difficult task: to understand all this diversity.



air cleaning and humidifier

Consumer air humidifiers, namely the advantages and disadvantages of individual varieties of these devices, are of particular interest to consumers. You can often hear the question of which product to prefer: air washing or a humidifier of the usual type. Our article will help you make the right choice.

Air wash: discovering secrets

Given that the air washing and the classic humidifier (steam or ultrasonic) are designed to solve the same problem, the effect of the operation of these devices, according to users, is significantly different.

In the room where the air washer is installed, it is noticeably easier to breathe, there is no sensation of dampness and the air does not seem to be stagnant, as is often the case when using a conventional humidifier. Such a high quality of air treatment was possible due to the fact that the creators of this device took care of three important aspects:

  • air purification associated with the humidification process;
  • full circulation, in which the entire volume of room air is blown through the wash cartridges twice within an hour;
  • Air saturation with moisture is performed in the same ways as in natural conditions, therefore the humidity remains at the optimum level without the use of sensors, sensors and automation.

Consider each item in more detail.

Moisturizing with cleaning

The name of the installation is not at all an allegory, it absolutely accurately describes its effect on the air in the room. A similar effect can be observed after the rain: the air is not only saturated with moisture, but also cleared of dust and other pollutants, becoming fresh and transparent, as if in the mountains.

Passing through the washing of air, the contamination of large fractions (household or book dust, animal hair) is deposited on its wet disks, after which it drains into the tank with water. Minor pollution (pollen of plants, spores of fungi), the most dangerous for allergy sufferers, does not linger on the disks: the wet mist through which they pass makes them heavy and causes them to sink to the floor. The hostess will only have to do a wet cleaning to get rid of them forever.

In steam and ultrasonic humidifiers, the air cleaning function is not implemented, so they are significantly inferior to air washing in efficiency.

Mixing air

Air washing is devoid of a serious drawback inherent in conventional humidifiers: the water vapor that it produces is distributed as evenly as possible in the room. For this, the installation is equipped with a fan, the performance of which is clearly consistent with the volume of the room.

When buying an air wash, you should select a model so that its performance allows you to pump air in the room through the cartridge twice in an hour. Due to the absence of such a mechanism, the air in a room with an ordinary humidifier can often seem refined and musty.

Natural evaporation process

The evaporator of air washing is designed in such a way that its work is completely identical to the processes occurring in nature. The principles implemented in the installation, based on a number of physical laws, completely exclude the possibility of supersaturated air with water vapor.

As a result, the level of humidity in the room always remains as comfortable as possible, ranging from 40% to 50%. At the same time there is no need to use test equipment and automation, as, for example, in ultrasonic humidifiers.

As can be seen from the above material, air washing is an improved type of humidifier and its advantages over conventional devices are quite obvious. This favorable picture spoils only two circumstances: the high cost of installation and consumables, as well as its relatively large size. In view of this, for rooms with a small volume, the purchase of a steam or ultrasonic humidifier is considered more justified.

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