
Cleaning plumbing - not the most pleasant, but necessary activity. The bath, sink and toilet bowl sparkling with whiteness is not only a peculiar marker of housewife diligence, but also a guarantee of the health of the whole family. We will help you to understand the variety of toilet cleaners on the market and select the best products that will quickly and effectively eliminate contamination and disinfect the surface.



best toilet cleaner

Toilet cleaner which firm to buy

Every self-respecting brand that produces household chemicals has a tool for cleaning plumbing. We present you the most popular brands with consumers:



Unilever concern includes more than a hundred brands specializing in the production of cosmetics, household chemicals, household goods and food products. Under the Unilever brand Domestos, plumbing cleaners are manufactured, extremely popular with consumers due to their efficiency and the optimal combination of quality and cost. The Cif brand of household chemicals, also part of the Unilever group, is also known for its products that gently but effectively eliminate household pollution.

Procter & gamble


Another world-renowned concern that produces cosmetics and household chemicals. P & G's Comet plumbing powders and liquid cleaning products have long been known to the consumer and have proven themselves in the fight against dirt, rust and microbes.


cilit bang

The Cillit brand specializes exclusively in home cleaning products. The brand concept is products that act as efficiently as possible with a minimum of time and effort. The effectiveness of the brand means due to the high concentration of active components in them.

Jonson & Jonson

Jonson & Jonson

The Jonson & Jonson group of companies has been producing medicines, cosmetics and household chemicals for over a hundred years. Toilet bowl cleaners presented under the “Toilet duckling” trademark are well known to domestic consumers: manufacturers were among the first to propose a special product packaging design that allows them to clean hard-to-reach places under the toilet rim.

Top toilet cleaner rating: selection criteria

A good tool for cleaning the surface of the toilet bowl must meet several requirements at once:

  • deal well with household pollution;
  • quickly and effectively dissolve lime;
  • eliminate traces of rust;
  • ensure hygienic cleanliness and disinfect the surface.

Basically, all toilet bowl cleaners have similar components:

1. Surfactant (surfactant). Cationic and anionic surfactants are considered the safest, non-ionic surfactants tell the agent greater efficacy against organic pollutants. In good means should not be more than 15% of non-ionic surfactants.

2. Acids or alkalis. Acid-based products are more effective in combating lime and rust; however, special care is required when handling them: hydrochloric or sulfuric acid, which is part of such products, can cause a severe chemical burn if it comes into contact with the skin. Alkaline products dissolve fats well and help to cope with organic pollution.

3. Chlorine derivatives. Chlorine in the composition of the products helps to eliminate pathogens and disinfect the surface.

The best cleaners for toilet bowls

In our rating, we present the funds that are most popular with consumers due to their efficiency and optimal price-quality ratio.

Cillit Bang Toilet Cleaner


Cillit toilet cleaners have a gel consistency and packaging with a convenient dispensing spout for cleaning hard-to-reach places. Sillite gel contains hydrochloric acid in a sufficiently high concentration, so it copes well with insoluble limescale and rust stains, but they should be used with extreme caution and always wear rubber gloves. The manufacturer offers several options for solving specific problems: against limescale, for shine, bleaching or removing rust.

The advantages of the means consumers include:

  • high efficiency of means (perfectly copes with spots of a limy raid and a rust);
  • low consumption of funds;
  • convenient packaging with a thin dispenser.


  • relatively high cost
  • lack of protection of the cover from children.

In general, consumers note the high effectiveness of the remedy against contaminations of the most diverse origin.

Domestos Toilet Gel


Domestos concentrated toilet gel is designed to remove complex contaminants. This tool, like the previous one, is composed of hydrochloric acid, which provides it with high efficiency in the fight against rust stains. Consumers say that the limescale gel Domestos dissolves a little slower than the other leaders of the rating, but it does not require additional efforts to scrub the stains. The gel formula allows the agent to act even under water, and chlorine-containing components disinfect the surface, eliminating mold fungi and pathogenic bacteria.


  • thick gel consistency;
  • low consumption of funds;
  • effectiveness in the fight against rust and organic pollution;
  • the presence of protection caps from children.


  • strong odor.

In general, buyers speak positively about Domeestos gel, noting its high efficiency and democratic cost.

Comet 7 days clean


The manufacturer positions Comet gel as a means of prolonged action: after its use, plumbing keeps its purity and shine longer. Sulfuric acid in the composition provides an effectiveness against various types of contamination.

Buyers unanimously attribute the benefits of a 7-day purity gel to Komet:

  • effectiveness against any type of contamination;
  • thick consistency and low consumption;
  • relatively low cost;
  • prolonged surface protection against stains;
  • availability of protection from children.


  • a strong unpleasant smell of chlorine, which weakly conceals the perfume of the agent.

In general, consumers respond positively to the gel and often recommend it for purchase.

Active gel for cleaning the toilet "Toilet duck"

tualetnyi utenok

An effective remedy based on hydrochloric acid with a convenient S-shaped spout allows cleaning hard-to-reach places under the rim of the toilet bowl. The consistency of the product is slightly less dense than that of other products, but in terms of efficiency it is only slightly inferior to competitors.


  • efficiency;
  • low cost;
  • convenient packing with cap protection;
  • nice smell.


  • quick expense funds.

Most consumers note that with its high efficiency and the presence of chlorine derivatives in the composition, the product has a pleasant aroma, which makes its use more comfortable.

Sanoks Ultra

sanoks ultra

Budget means from domestic producers, not inferior in its effectiveness to generally recognized leaders.It copes well with both household dirt and rust stains and limescale, while it has a rather pleasant and unobtrusive aroma.


  • low cost;
  • effectiveness against pollution of different origin;
  • pleasant aroma.


  • liquid consistency and, consequently, rapid consumption of funds;
  • inconvenient packaging (no protection cap and S-shaped spout).

Most of the customer reviews about Sanox Ultra are positive: the product has firmly occupied its niche due to its democratic cost and high efficiency.

Sanita Anti-rust Gel


Another representative of the economy segment rating is Sanita sanitary gel against rust. Buyers unanimously note the effectiveness of the tool against rust stains, including old ones. However, against other types of pollution, the gel is not as effective as other products presented in the rating; to wipe off the raid, will have to make some effort.


  • low cost;
  • effectiveness against rust stains, including old ones.


  • liquid consistency;
  • fast consumption;
  • uncomfortable packaging;
  • no lock on the cap.

Sanfor 10 in 1 gel with chlorine


Means with chlorine of the budgetary price segment is intended for fight against a mold, cleaning and disinfection of surfaces and bathroom equipment. Sanfor gel perfectly disinfects the surface, destroying pathogenic bacteria and mold fungi.


  • low cost;
  • universality (can be used for cleaning tiles and other surfaces);
  • convenient packing with the lock of a cover.


  • strong smell of chlorine;
  • The remedy is ineffective against old stains.

What toilet cleaner to choose

1. If you want to save time and effort and are looking for a tool that doesn’t require you to scrub polluted surfaces for a long time without being constrained by the means, choose concentrated gels with acids, such as Cillit, Toilet Duckling or Domestos.

2. Looking for an inexpensive but effective remedy? Pay attention to the products of domestic manufacturers: Sanoks or Sanfor gels are not as widely advertised, but they are not much inferior to competitors in all respects.

3. To prolong the purity and brilliance of plumbing will help the gel with a prolonged effect Comet 7 days of purity.

4. To cope with the old rust stains will help gels Sanita, Sillit, Domestos.

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