
If you want to get maximum pleasure from music in a car, you will have to spend a lot of money. First, you need a relatively good car radio. Secondly, you need to stock up on acoustics, which would include not only the speakers, but also a subwoofer. And thirdly, and most importantly, with a large number of speakers you will need a car amplifier. As its name implies, it greatly enhances the signal, so that its power is enough to output at the highest volume. As they say, it is impossible to win car audio competitions without an amplifier. Moreover, it must be of high quality. About the best amplifiers in the car you read below.




Car amplifier which company choose

Virtually any device of this type consists of an audio chip, capacitors, a microcircuit and several connectors. It is easy to guess that the easiest way to produce amplifiers for a car is for companies familiar to us from various audio equipment. However, the largest market share is occupied by completely different companies - those that are associated with various auto electronics. Apparently, buyers trust them, as they already have a navigator, car TV or car radio under the same brand.

The most popular among Russian consumers are amplifiers under the following trademarks:

1. Kicx

2. Pioneer

3. Alpine

4. Mystery

5. Calcell

But this does not mean that quality products are made only by these companies. When choosing an amplifier for a car, you can pay attention to the devices from Sony, JPL and some other companies - most often they also do not cause any special complaints.

Best single channel amplifiers

Pioneer GM-D8601

Pioneer GM D8601

This device has a very small size. And this is very important, since the inner space of the car is not infinite. The amplifier belongs to class D and is single-channel. It is distinguished from many competitors by the scheme used. It has increased stability and low output resistance. As a result, the device provides about 300 watts power at 3 ohms. At 2 ohms, this parameter can already reach 500 watts. Of course, in this case we are talking about the rated power. At the peak, the sound power can be equal to 600 and 1000 W, respectively.

Some buyers may complain about a fairly high harmonic distortion, reaching 0.5%. But in practice, this is not felt at all - because in 100% of cases a subwoofer is connected to this model. And its task - to loudly peck, and not to give a clear sound.


  • Power suits most buyers;
  • Reproducible frequencies - from 10 to 240 Hz;
  • There is a quality low pass filter;
  • Minimum size;
  • Allows you to connect up to four subwoofers;
  • Large connectors for power;
  • Very low impedance (1 ohm).


  • No heat sinks;
  • There are no settings.

Pioneer GM-D9601

Pioneer GM D9601

This amplifier should be appreciated by everyone who wants to squeeze the maximum out of their subwoofers. The device is single-channel, but it does not interfere with connecting to it as many as four woofers! But most of all, this model impresses with its power characteristics. With a maximum resistance of 2 ohms, it is capable of delivering 1600 watts! If the resistance is twice as high, the parameter drops to 1000 watts. In this case, we are talking about peak power. If we talk about the minimum, it is equal to 800 and 500 W with a resistance of 2 and 4 Ohms, respectively.

As expected, the device has a low-pass filter operating in the range from 40 to 240 Hz. And there is also a remote bass control.The amplifier belongs to the class D, its harmonic distortion does not exceed 0.5%. Also, the device can boast protection against short circuit. In general, it is a very decent copy, designed for bass lovers.


  • There is protection against short circuit;
  • Power is increased to huge values;
  • Well working low pass filter;
  • It is possible to connect several subwoofers;
  • The device has compact dimensions;
  • There is a bass level adjustment;
  • It consumes a small amount of electricity.


  • The price may seem too high.

The best two-channel amplifiers

Mystery MR-2.75

Mystery MR 2.75

This model is not able to boast of any record power. The response in the hearts of buyers, she found thanks to her price tag. Mystery never overvalued its products at all. So the amplifier is relatively inexpensive - it is affordable for the absolute majority of car owners. The device is designed for two-channel acoustics, it can be used to achieve deep bass and well-distinguishable high frequencies.

The amplifier takes up very little space in the car. At the same time it belongs to the class AB, which indicates a sufficiently high energy consumption, if you turn on the acoustics at full volume. But this is the only serious drawback of the device. The rest of the buyers really like the low harmonic coefficient - the sound of the music is almost not distorted. Everything is in order here and with frequency filters (low and high), which operate in the range of 50 - 250 Hz. You can also note the presence of two systems of protection here - against short circuit and overload.


  • Competently implemented two-channel system;
  • In bridge switching, the power can reach 225 W;
  • Not forgotten bass level adjustment;
  • There are low and high pass filters;
  • The harmonic coefficient is only 0.03%;
  • There is protection against overload and short circuit;
  • Reproducible frequencies - from 20 to 22000 Hz;
  • Compact size;
  • Low cost.


  • Rated power at 2 ohms does not exceed 120 watts per channel;
  • Inconvenient terminals;
  • Not the lowest power consumption;
  • The minimum number of settings.

Pioneer GM-A5702

Pioneer GM A5702

This car amplifier is worth a lot of money. But it fully justifies its price tag. Even the rated power at 4 ohms is very high here - 150 watts are fed to each channel. But if we use bridging, then with the same 4 ohm power will be 1000 W! This should especially appeal to those who want to find out what a recently purchased subwoofer is capable of.

The device, if used in conjunction with high-quality acoustics, gives a deep bass and clear sound in the middle and high frequencies. Harmonic distortions are present, but their coefficient is only 0.05% - you will find a smaller parameter only in studio audio equipment. The bass level can be adjusted here. However, this allows the vast majority of modern car amplifiers. This model belongs to the class AB, so the load on the battery will be quite high.


  • There is a low-pass filter (40 - 500 Hz);
  • Maximum reproduction of sound with a frequency of 70000 Hz;
  • Peak power at 4 ohms can reach 300 watts per channel;
  • Perfectly acceptable power rating;
  • Greatly implemented two-channel system;
  • Bridge switching increases power up to 1000 W;
  • Minimal harmonic distortion;
  • It is possible to adjust the level of the bass;
  • The dimensions are not very big.


  • There is no high pass filter.

Top four channel amplifiers

Kicx RTS 4.100

Kicx RTS 4.100

This amplifier allows you to squeeze a lot of every available speaker and subwoofer. Of course, there are even more powerful models, but they cost a lot of money, which is why they are almost not in demand. Well, Kicx RTS 4.100 long on the shelves of stores is not delayed. He is actively dismantled, and buyers later write rave reviews.In particular, they note the possibility of bridging, in which the number of channels is reduced to two, but the power of each of them reaches 190 watts. As for the rated power at 4 ohms, it equals 100 watts per channel - this is also a very good parameter. At 2 ohms, power is exactly doubled.

The rest of the characteristics of this amplifier can be called standard. The device is capable of outputting sound with frequencies from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. If desired, the user can use the Bass Boost function, which greatly enhances the low frequencies. Also here is a built-in crossover. As in many other multichannel models, the low-pass filter here is complemented by a high-pass filter. Finally, the device is protected from overload, short circuit and overheating. As fuses, products under marking 35 A. are used.


  • High power for multi-channel amplifier;
  • The dimensions remained very small;
  • There are many remedies;
  • Bass boost function;
  • There is a built-in crossover;
  • Low harmonic distortion.


  • Some people may still not have enough power.

Sony XM-S400D

Sony XM S400D

Once the Japanese company Sony has made a name for itself on audio equipment. Therefore, there is no doubt that its car amplifier will be a quality product. The device is highly reliable and quite small in size. Not everyone will like only the appearance - the amplifier is a modest black bar with two connectors on its two side ends. However, a look at this device will fall extremely rarely.

The device provides accurate and deep sound. Thank you for this should be primarily filters low and high frequencies. The rated power here is 45 watts per channel (with a resistance of 4 ohms). If, however, use bridge switching, the power rises to a much more impressive 100 watts per channel. Interestingly, the number of channels is not reduced. You can also note a low harmonic coefficient, equal to 0.08%. And finally, the Sony XM-S400D consumes the minimum amount of electricity supplied to it from the battery - this is evidenced by the class D.


  • Relatively high power;
  • Deep and clear sound picture;
  • Reproduces a wide frequency range;
  • There are high and low pass filters;
  • Protection against everything, up to overvoltage;
  • Belongs to class D;
  • Harmonic distortions are not felt at all.


  • No bass level adjustment;
  • Some installation difficulties;
  • Inflated price tag.

What car amplifier to buy

You must understand that the choice of amplifier depends on what kind of acoustics you have mounted in the car. If you are just going to get it, then everything is much simpler - in the future you will be guided by the capabilities of your amplifier.

So which models you should pay attention to:

1. Pioneer GM-D8601 and Pioneer GM-D9601 are the simplest single-channel models. They serve to connect to them one or more subwoofers.

2. In the direction of the two-channel model Mystery MR-2.75 should be viewed in the case of an audio pair - two speakers. However, you can connect a subwoofer to this amplifier instead (bridging is used).

3. Pioneer GM-A5702 is also a two-channel, and therefore the tips for its acquisition are the same.

4. Buying a Kicx RTS 4.100 or Sony XM-S400D should be considered for audiophiles, which have a lot of speakers and subwoofers in the car. Although in reality they are universal models, because no one bothers to bring two channels to the column at once, singling out the same number of subwoofers.

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